A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

NaNoWriMo: Day 2

by Kellyn Roth |
November 2, 2015

Hello All! 🙂
Though the prologue turned out somewhat well (remember, I said somewhat), I’m having a lot of difficulty with chapter one. I wrote it twice already and deleted it. It just won’t come out right! So, I’m going to skim lightly over the first chapter (which no longer looks anything like my outline) and move on.
That’s something all us NaNoers (and all authors, actually) have to learn. It can’t be perfect in the first draft. In fact, if the first draft resembles a book then you’re not just a normal author. You’re super author.
Great. That’s the last thing I need. Another idea for a book.

“In a world of average writers, one author rose above the rubble. She was capable of completing perfect first drafts that needed no editing whatsoever ….”

Just kidding! 😉
Yesterday I wrote 2,620 words in total (not counting a few dozen words I did on paper in the evening). I’ve only written 204 words today so I’ve plenty of work to do before I can quit so I’d better go.
May God bless you and your writing! 🙂
~Kellyn Roth

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