A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

New Year’s Resolutions

by Kellyn Roth |
December 31, 2015

Well, it’s New Year’s Eve! Here is a list of a few things I want to accomplish in 2016, God willing. 🙂

Happy New Year!!!

My New Year’s Resolutions/Plans:

~ Read through the Bible in a year ~


~ Practice clarinet and saxophone (reliably) ~


~ Publish The Dressmaker’s Secret ~


~ Rewrite and edit Ivy Inquisitive ~


~ Finish writing Caught in a Spell (another one of my pet projects) ~


~ Begin writing At Her Fingertips ~

At Her Fingertips (Ivory)

~ Read some new books (I’ve got to stop reading the same ones over) ~


~ Try not to start writing a new book every five seconds ~


~ Be the person God meant me to be ~


~Kellyn Roth

What do you think of my thoughts?

11 Responses

  1. I Love your Commitment Kellyn! (I love the part where you say you will try not to write a new book every 5 seconds… I guess we are all the same!)
    Happy New Year! and I hope you will get done what God wants you to get done.

  2. I agree with some of those, some I’ve never had a problem with, and the rest I do too much!!
    If you ever need help with any of those, I’ll be happy to help! (except maybe not the “stop writing” one)

  3. LOVE the new look, Kell!!!
    And the pics you included in your post!!!
    You’re becoming a better blogger!!! 🙂
    Not that you weren’t already an awesome blogger to begin with. 😉
    I made my New Year’s Resolutions a few days ago aaaaaaaand, they’re not like yours. At all.
    I’ll show ’em to you some time at the END of 2016 and we can laugh at how I didn’t accomplish anything! Yes, I am entering year 2016 with a very positive attitude, aren’t I? I really will accomplish these things if its the last thing I do!
    I love how almost all your resolutions have to do with books and writing! 😉 Heh heh heh! What a writer!

  4. Ha. Very funny.
    Actually that was pretty funny! 😉
    (p.s. what’s volition?)
    (not that I don’t know, I just want to see if you know)

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