A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

A Necessary Deception by Laurie Alice Eakes

by Kellyn Roth |
September 13, 2016

Title: A Necessary Deception
Author: Laurie Alice Eakes
Series: The Daughters of Bainbridge House #1
Genre: Historical Adventure/Romance
Age-Range: 14+ (young adult/adult)
Era: 1810s (Regency)
Setting: London, England
Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Company
Source: library
Rating: 4/5 stars
Content: 3/5. Younger teens cautioned for some pretty detailed kissing and a little violence. No language.
Cover: 4/5. Ooh, beautiful font on the title! Love the image, too. However, not a fan of the box around the author name. I don’t know why, but it just bugs me!

A Necessary Deception by Laurie Alice Eakes


When young widow Lady Lydia Gale helps a French prisoner obtain parole, she never dreamed he would turn up in her parlor. But just as the London Season is getting under way, there he is, along with a few other questionable personages. While she should be focused on helping her headstrong younger sister prepare for her entrance at her debutante ball.
Readers will enjoy being drawn into this world of elegance and intrigue, balls and masquerades. Author Laurie Alice Eakes whisks readers through the drawing rooms of London amid the sound of rustling gowns on this exciting quest to let the past stay in the past and let love guide the future.

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This was actually a pretty good book, and I was impressed by it because I saw so many bad reviews on Goodreads just before I got it.
The characters were well-developed, and I found myself emotionally attached to most of them, especially Lydia. I sooo felt for her! Her whole life got so overwhelming so fast. Shifting loyalties, disobedient little sisters, mysterious strangers, spies and debutantes and near-deaths … oh, my word! I probably would have reacted the same way she did.

I also adored Christien! He’s just so awesome and cool! One of the best heroes I’ve read in a while! 🙂
The plot was a little fast-paced at times (which was my only problem – a little too much summarizing of events), but it seemed pretty even to me most of the way through. I enjoyed the author’s writing style. I didn’t find it confusing ,and I thought it made perfect sense. I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I honestly don’t know what everyone is talking about.
Overall, a great read for anyone who doesn’t mind a slightly faster pacing.
~Kellyn Roth

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