A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Befriending the Beast by Amanda Tero

by Kellyn Roth |
October 2, 2016


Title: Befriending the Beast
Author: Amanda Tero
Genre: Non-magical Fantasy (fairytale retelling)/Christian fiction
Age-Range: 10+ (middle grade/young adult)
Era: Medieval-ish
Setting: fantasy world – realistic
Publisher: Amanda Tero
Source: author (in exchange for honest review)
Rating: 5/5 stars
Content: 1/5. Some thematic elements (falling off a horse and sickness, no details). No violence, language, or sexual content.

Befriending the Beast by Amanda Tero


elle has returned unannounced to the castle to restore her relationship with the king, her father. Her hopes are dashed with the devastating message: “The king refuses to see you.” Convinced that God has led her home, she is unwilling to return to Lord and Lady Kiralyn. But will the king offer her any other choice?
Time is running out and she has a life-changing decision to make. When tragedy strikes, will she and her father be pulled further apart or knit together? Could she stay at the castle even if she will never see her father again?

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This was a simple amazing novella! I really enjoyed it. It was one of the most fantastic takes on the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ story that I’ve ever read! It was also refreshing … we all know what’s gonna happen in romances … but this … this is special. 🙂

The characters were all pretty original and refreshing. I especially enjoyed Belle’s friend – a maid at the castle – Isabel. She seemed like a nice person to me.

The plot was evenly paced and had a couple turns I didn’t expect. It wrapped up just nicely without adding unneeded stress … you know, “WHY CAN’T THEY JUST RESOLVE THEIR DIFFERENCES AAAAAAH!?!?!?!”

I loved the descriptions of the garden and of the horses.

The Christian content was amazing, once-again. I really respect and adore strong, straight-forward, don’t-hide-the-truth Christian novels. 🙂

Now, I beta-read this book, so I might be called a little prejudiced, but trust me, I’m not; this is really a great story! 🙂

There will be a interview with Amanda Tero following this post in thirty minutes … remember to look for it! 🙂

~Kellyn Roth

About the Author


Amanda Tero is a homeschool graduate who desires to provide God-honoring, family-friendly reading material. She has enjoyed writing since before ten years old, but it has only been since 2013 that she began seriously pursuing writing again – starting with some short stories that she wrote for her sisters as a gift. Her mom encouraged her to try selling the stories she published, and since then, she has begun actively writing short stories, novellas, and novels.

If something she has written draws an individual into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, it is worth it!

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

Find out more about Amanda on her website, https://amandatero.com/

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