A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 2

by Kellyn Roth |
April 23, 2018


YAY FOR THE BLOG TOUR! *can’t believe it’s starting* *is dying of excitement* Are you ready to have tons of fun?

Wow, this month went fast! This tour may seem like I put it together carefully, but honestly, I’ve been rushed! Still, nothing bad has happened … yet. 😉

Today is historical day. This means we’ll be talking about history (duh). It also means other things, though, so y’all who don’t love history too much, stick around!


Today’s Posts

Author Interview by Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner

Me writing this interview: *starts with a monkey for a head* *realizes I don’t want everyone to think I’m a total goof-off* *clears throat and is very serious for at least most of the questions*

Especially since Julia’s blog is sooo professional and pretty and just perfect. <3 I mean, seriously.

Check it out, y’all!Julia also helped me out with the cover reveal a while back.

Review by Abigail @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors

First review of the tour! *fingers crossed*

Seriously, though, Abigail wrote a review that was extremely flattering. “Turns out it’s a really sweet, twist-filled romance that gave me vibes of [the adaptation of] Jane Austen’s Emma.”

Also, nope, Peter’s not forty, though who would know by talking to him? 😛

Author & Book Spotlight by Rebekah Devall @ Hunting for Truth

It was so much fun to have Rebekah join the tour! I know her primarily from Facebook – and Rooglewood Fairytale contest – as well as a couple other places. Definitely fun to have her join the tour and post this spotlight for me!

Quote: “Every once in a while, I come across a book that stands out from amongst the thousands that I’ve read. A little anecdote here, the author’s voice there, a character that will stick in my head for the rest of my life. At Her Fingertips was one of these.”

*jaw drops* *blinks* Whoa …

Guest Post from a Character by Kiki @ K.E. Stanton

This guest post was written by our very own Cassie O’Connell. The subject is presentation at court, one of the many Victorian rituals the upper class – particularly the titled class in this case – took part in.

It was a lot of fun to write, and I hope you enjoy it! (Also, it’s just perfect that Kiki wanted to have this post on history day, completely by accident!)

Book Spotlight by Gentle @ Gentle Words

Gentle joined the tour a bit late in the race, but I’m sure glad to have her! She helped me balance out the posts-per-day when she volunteered, which is just great for a semi-perfectionist like meself. 😉

Thanks so much for joining us, Gentle!

The Schedule

April 23rd

Author Interview by Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner
Review by Abigail @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Author & Book Spotlight by Rebekah Devall @ Hunting for Truth
Guest Post from a Character by Kiki @ K.E. Stanton
Book Spotlight by Gentle @ Gentle Words

April 24th

Review/Character Interview by Heather @ Frozen Book Blog
Character Interview by Sel Young @ Hearth
Author Interview by Gabriellyn @ PageTurners
Author Interview/Review by Caitlyn @ Salt and Light
Book & Author Spotlight by Brian W.

April 25th

Character Interview/Series Review by Libby May @ GeoTurtle
Author Interview by Medomfo @ Writings from a God Girl
Series Review and Author Interview by Charis Rae
Author Interview by Sarah Addison Fox

April 26th

Book and Author Spotlight by Grace Matlyn Buckner @ Literatura
Book Spotlight by Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind Of Writes
Character and Author Interview by Amie @ Crazy A
Author Interview by Jessica Grayson
Author Interview by Rachel @ Rachel Rossano’s Words
Character/Book Spotlight by Erika Mathews @ Resting Life
Series Review & Character Interview by Victoria Lynn @ Ruffles and Grace

April 27th

Author Interview by Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing
Series Review/Author Interview by Lisa @ Inkwell
Guest Post from Character by Kelsey Bryant @ Kelsey’s Notebook
Book Spotlight by Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger


The Giveaway

3rd Prize Graphic
3rd Prize: the complete (published) series in ebook and a $10 Amazon gift card.
2nd Prize Graphic
2nd Prize: a copy of At Her Fingertips, a set of watercolors and brushes.1st Prize Graphic
Grand Prize: the complete (published) series in paperback, a journal and pen set, and special features!

How do you enter this giveaway? Well, follow the link, of course!

Click Here!


Facebook Parties

Every day I’ll be spending a little time on our Facebook event page. You can expect a live author chat or two, characters available to answer questions, giveaways, games, and other fun activities!

Today I’ll be live at 2 PM PST (3 PM MST, 4 PM CST, 5 PM EST) on Facebook. I’m always around to ask any questions as well as talking a bit about the London Season, Victoria customs, and other such important issues.

I’m sorry to say yesterday’s live Facebook chat and giveaways had to be cancelled due to internet connectivity problems … however, thankfully, we’re back for a bit here!

The Rest of the Week’s Facebook Schedule

Tuesday: Games and giveaways at 2 PM Pacific! There will be an Amazon gift card as well as ebook copies of my novels running around looking for a new home.

Wednesday: The characters are taking over my event page, too! Join us to talk with Alice Knight, Peter Strauss, Gibson Ashfield, and Kirk Manning.

Thursday: Talking about my writing process! From 2:00 to approximately 2:15 I’ll be having a live writing session to give you an idea of how fast I write … as well as a sneak peak at one of my latest novels, Once a Stratton. This session will be repeated again at 7:15.

Friday: Live chat at 2 PM including SPOILERS and plans for the future. (Don’t worry; I’ll warn you when we’re in a spoilery part of the chat!)

Saturday: 12 PM wrap up & announcement of winners.


Theme Days

  • Day 1 (22nd): Introductions

    • What the blog tour will entail.
  • Day 2 (23rd): Historical Day (you are here!)

    • Talking about the history behind the novel.
  • Day 3 (24th): Theme Day

    • Talking about the meaning behind the novel.
  • Day 4 (25th): Character Takeover Day

    • Oh, no! The characters have taken over the blog!
  • Day 5 (26th): Process Day

    • What my writing process looks like.
  • Day 6 (27th): Future Day

    • Talking about what novels I’ll be working on in the future.
  • Day 7 (28th): Wrapup

    • Giveaway winners announced, etc.


History Day!

Image result for marriage mart
Don’t worry – I’m not going to inundate you with dry facts. I don’t think I could – it’s just not my style!

Today I’m going to talk a little about the research I did in preparation for writing At Her Fingertips (as well as while writing it and while revising and while editing … research takes time!).

As you may know, At Her Fingertips is set in the Victorian era, specifically late 1879 through 1880. This is an exciting era to write about!

Image result for 1880 gown

Some people, – specifically in America, but in other countries as well – refer to this approximate time period as the Gilded Age. It was an age of extremes – the super rich* and the pitifully poor.

There were all sorts of technological advancements. Railroads have made transportation easier. Production was being sped up – factories were in full swing.

And the rich … just kept on getting richer!

*I suppose I should use more elegant phrasing, but oh well.
Image result for victorian london
Alice is pretty rich, or at least a great deal richer than most. She comes from old money, so a little different from the standard ‘rich’ people of this era in America, but it still applies to her.

Every year the upper crust of England would go to London – if they were able – and enjoy the “Season.” In Alice’s words:

Officially, the Season is the time of year when Parliament convenes—from after Christmas to almost summer. At least it is now. Who knows what changes may take place before you read these words?

Unofficially, the Season is when every family of quality comes to London and has ball after party after social event until they’re all exhausted and run to the seaside or the Lake District for summer. Finally, when they tire of that, they return home to their estates to start all over again the following year. And this time, my dearest, is when every eligible young lady seeks a husband.

This event is the primary catalyst of my novel – so of course it was rather important that I get all the facts straight.

Other than details about the Season and other customs, I also put a lot of work into researching fashions. Honestly, I really like the fashions for this era.
Image result for 1880 fashion women
Very streamlined, elegant shapes. Dreadfully uncomfortable, I’m sure, but still pretty.

Not sure what I think about the hair, though.
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But it wasn’t all bad.
Image result for 1880 fashion women hairRelated imageImage result for 1880 fashion women hair
Victorian woman wore corsets, bustles, a variety of different undergarments, and of course their hair and jewelry and such must be just so. It was complicated … and restricting!

The clothing was hot and heavy and, due to the corset, it was of course rather difficult to breathe, let alone breathe deeply. The dress only allowed mincing steps, bustles tended to run into things, and heavy hair caused headaches.

Honestly, what some people will do for fashion …

disclaimer: images borrowed from Google! Credit to their original owners.


And … we’ve gotten through day 1! Well, we haven’t quite gotten through it, but at least the post came out without any hitches! *applause*


~Kellyn Roth~

Goodreads · Facebook · Twitter


Do you enjoy history? Would you like to live in London during the Victorian era? What is your favorite era? If you could travel there, what would you do, who would you meet, and what would you talk about? Is dancing all it’s cracked up to be? Let me know in the comments!


What do you think of my thoughts?

38 Responses

  1. My post is live! 😉 Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog. The history stuff sounds cool. And I wish that I could attend the FB stuff, but I don’t have an account. 😔 Have fun, anyway! 😃

  2. That’s was a lot of fun to read!
    I didn’t know that was the era, it’s fun to get to know Alice’s world a little more. Great job Kellyn!
    I know how planning online stuff can be stressful. I’ll glean from you when the times comes for my Blog Tour. XD.

    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! LOL, I must have done a poor job at setting then. 😉 😛
      Yep, definitely! Seems it gets more stressful every day. *is dying*

    1. Yay, I’m so glad! Ah, well, perhaps you’ll win nonetheless. The options for this giveaway thing are pretty limited … unless I pay for an expensive program, of course. 😛

  3. I love history. In fact, I’ve never attempted to write anything other than history/historical fiction. Well, there is one project, but that’s top-secret. Anyhow. Great post! 😉

  4. I love history and this time period in particular. The fashions, the music (classical music is almost the only music I regularly listen to), the social goings-on and advances…it’s all so fascinating. I’d like to visit London in the Victorian era just to see what it was like, after which I’d come back home to my era and write a book about it. 🙂
    What a great post! You’ve put on a spectacular blog tour!

    1. That would definitely be amazing! I’d like to see London today – but it would be so much better in the Victorian era! I can only imagine! Definitely one of my favorite eras.
      Thank you … it feels a little helter-skelter, but I’m glad you think it’s going well. 😛

  5. Oh goodness, I am definitely NOT knowledgeable when it comes to history, but THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I had absolutely no clue about the whole “Season” thing, but I absolutely loved how Alice described it. You have such a beautiful writing style! It definitely reminds me of Jane Austen. (And Jane Austen is like one of my favorite authors ever, so OBVIOUSLY I need to read this series. XD) I kind of died laughing at the hairstyles, though… Those are…definitely something. XD I think I figured out what my next venture in the world of hairstyles will be! XD
    (also I am having way too much fun reading through this blog tour a month late… XD)

    1. Haha, right? I was trying to think how Alice would describe the Season, and then it just came to me. Like, “Yes, this is perfectly Alice.”
      Awwww, thank you so much! That’s a huuuuge compliment to me, as Austen is like my favorite ever!! 😀 😀

What do you think of my thoughts?

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