A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Finale!

by Kellyn Roth |
April 28, 2018


And today’s the day when it all ends! *can’t believe it* *is again a little teary* Time for wrapping up all the posts, for announcing the giveaway winners … and for taking a break!

At Her Fingertips is officially out in the world. It’s been published on quite a few sales channels – including Barnes & Nobles, Apple, and Kobo – which you can view here.

Honestly, I’m almost at a loss as to what I’ll do now that it’s all over! I’ve been so stressed and yet excited about this for months and months … and now it’s over. And yet it’s such a relief, too!


The Complete Schedule

April 23rd

Author Interview by Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner
Review by Abigail @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Author & Book Spotlight by Rebekah Devall @ Hunting for Truth
Guest Post from a Character by Kiki @ K.E. Stanton
Book Spotlight by Gentle @ Gentle Words

April 24th

Review/Character Interview by Heather @ Frozen Book Blog
Character Interview by Sel Young @ Hearth
Author Interview by Gabriellyn @ PageTurners
Author Interview/Review by Caitlyn @ Salt and Light
Book & Author Spotlight by Brian W.

April 25th

Character Interview/Series Review by Libby May @ GeoTurtle
Author Interview by Medomfo @ Writings from a God Girl
Series Review and Author Interview by Charis Rae
Author Interview by Sarah Addison Fox

April 26th

Book and Author Spotlight by Grace Matlyn Buckner @ Literatura
Book Spotlight by Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind Of Writes
Character and Author Interview by Amie @ Crazy A
Author Interview by Jessica Grayson
Author Interview by Rachel @ Rachel Rossano’s Words
Character/Book Spotlight by Erika Mathews @ Resting Life
Series Review & Character Interview by Victoria Lynn @ Ruffles and Grace

April 27th

Author Interview by Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing
Series Review/Author Interview by Lisa @ Inkwell
Guest Post from Character by Kelsey Bryant @ Kelsey’s Notebook
Book Spotlight by Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger

The Giveaway: Announcements Here!

3rd Prize Graphic
3rd Prize: the complete (published) series in ebook and a $10 Amazon gift card.
2nd Prize Graphic
2nd Prize: a copy of At Her Fingertips, a set of watercolors and brushes.1st Prize Graphic
Grand Prize: the complete (published) series in paperback, a journal and pen set, and special features!


Third Prize

Megan G.

Second Prize

Liz Franklin

Grand Prize

Camie Fisher

I’ll be emailing y’all within the next couple hours. <3


Facebook Event Over

Here’s the link to our Facebook event page. You can read over old posts and such now. If you’re on Facebook, be sure to follow my characters’ pages! There will be more from them someday. 😉

There will also be a live chat/wrapup for the tour on my Facebook page at 12 PM today! Be sure to watch it now or later! 😉

Theme Days Wrapup

  • Day 1 (22nd): Introductions

    • What the blog tour will entail.
  • Day 2 (23rd): Historical Day

    • Talking about the history behind the novel.
  • Day 3 (24th): Theme Day

    • Talking about the meaning behind the novel.
  • Day 4 (25th): Character Takeover Day

    • Oh, no! The characters have taken over the blog!
  • Day 5 (26th): Process Day

    • What my writing process looks like.
  • Day 6 (27th): Future Day

    • Talking about what novels I’ll be working on in the future.
  • Day 7 (28th): Wrapup (you are here!)

    • Giveaway winners announced, etc.

And … that’s it! The blog tour is over. Thank you all so much for hanging out with me throughout the tour, your aid with promoting my novel, and the good times we had together.

One final note:

If you would like to read At Her Fingertips free of charge, fill out this form. All you have to do is write a brief review on Amazon, Goodreads, or your blog, and you’ll receive an ebook copy in your preferred format. 🙂

Now, I’ll let you go. But I just want you to know that you have made this time so lovely for me, and I’m super glad that I got to share this tour with you. <3


~Kellyn Roth~

Goodreads · Facebook · Twitter


Did you enjoy the blog tour? What was your favorite post/day? Did you get a chance to check out the Facebook event/character pages? Are you interested in reading At Her Fingertips/or have you?


What do you think of my thoughts?

38 Responses

  1. Congrats to the winners! 😀 And yes, I am certainly interested in reading AFOP (again) but I think I shall buy the ebook from you instead because then I can support you more. Have you had some sales on it already?
    Good job again on publishing AFOP! You’re such a cool indie author now, haha. 😀 Hopefully someday I can become like you! 😉

    1. Awww, that would be sweet of you! <3 I don't think I've had any sales, though I haven't checked recently so maybe. 😛
      Thank you! 😀 Or maybe you'll shoot for the stars and be traditionally published, haha. 😉 You never know!

      1. *reminds self to do this*
        I would love to be traditionally published at least at first…but I think once I get a good reputation through traditionally publishing it would be so fun to self-publish and be able to control everything, haha.

        1. Exactly! And if you’re able to get people buying your book, you can actually make more self-publishing – that is, if you discount the advance publishers give you (but even that you have to earn out). And you don’t need an agent for your self-publishing endeavors … although you don’t NEED one for traditional publishing, I guess.

  2. Congratulations all around! Kellyn, I really did have a lot of fun during this tour. You did a great job. 🙂 My favorite day, though, would have to be the character takeover–that was hilarious!

  3. The character takeover day was SO fun! I loved seeing all of their personalities in “real” life! XD And I looked a little bit on the Facebook pages, but I didn’t participate much on them because I had other things to do, but it was still fuN! 🙂

  4. Ahhhh! Kellyn! That’s so exciting!! 😀
    Thank you so much for allowing me to beta-read for you! 🙂 It was super fun, and I should really get a paperback cover….. 🙂
    Congratulations! 😀

  5. ASDFGHJKL!!! This blog tour was so much fun!!! I’m kind of sad it’s over…. (even though I got to it late, so technically it’s been over for a while, but WHATEVER I AM STILL SAD. XD) And to answer that final question — I AM DEFINITELU INTERESTED IN READING AT HER FINGERTIPS!!! But I need to read the FIRST two books in the series first… *adds to TBR pile*

    1. THANK YOU! 😀 I’m so glad you liked it! It was a bit stressful, but still super fun!
      Well, reading the first two in exchange for review would be an option, too … 😉

What do you think of my thoughts?

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