A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 5

by Kellyn Roth |
October 24, 2018

Hello. If you must, welcome to the fourth day of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour. I’m Violet Angel. I don’t want to be here.

I’m trying to get this over as quickly as possible, but it’s not coming to me. However, I don’t much care if it’s a terrible post. So there.

Let’s just get on with it. I’m not in the mood for long introductions.

Unofficial Blurb

I’m not going to edit it. It stays as it is. *arches eyebrows and dares you to make me do more*

A clean and pure Christian historical romance with:

-friendship to romance (which is actually based on love)

-mental disabilities rep




-cows (and being afraid of cows)


-small adorable children

-more Scotland

-awesome families

-siblings and best friends and both at once

Read More About the Book

Only available in Kindle still, but paperback shall follow!

Today’s Posts

Guest Post // Germaine Han @ The Writing Mafia

Updated to add this guest post. *sighs* It’s about writing romances that glorify God, but who cares about all that nonsense? Only writers. And I’m not a writer.

Review // Jana T. @ Reviews from the Stacks

I actually enjoyed the latter part of this post, despite being forced to read it upon threat of being rewritten as a clown. A quote:

The one minor aspect I did have trouble with is that it can seem that Ivy finds her “calling” in a romance, which concerns me.

That concerns me, too. What is this obsession with romance? I love it in stories, but it’s no earthly good in the real world – in fact, it only seems to lead to heartbreak.

Furthermore, if you find your worth in another person – well, goodness. I’ve been told not to do that more time than I can count. God comes before people, always. (Look, I can say it even if I don’t live it.)

Further quote:

My concern is that some readers, especially younger girls, might read this and think that in order to find a reason for their life they need to find a husband, which is not true.

Just because other people might want to read that not because I care about little girls. *shrugs*

Anyway, I think Miss Roth would have more to say about this … BUT IT ISN’T HER BLOG POST, SO SHE CAN’T, NOW, CAN SHE? Haha! For once I have the last laugh …

The Schedule

Saturday, October 20th

Intro Post // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Author Interview // Molly @ A Sparkle of Light

Review // Lisa @ Inkwell

Review & Character Interview (Jordy) // Amie @ Crazy A

Character Interview (Ivy) // Jo @ The Lens and the Hard Drive

Book Spotlight // Annie @ Letters from Annie Douglass Lima

Sunday, October 21st

Theme Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Guest Post by Character (Ivy) & Review // Grace M. Morris

Book Spotlight // Erika Messer @ Maiden of the Pages

Author Interview // Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger

Monday, October 22nd

Ivy Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Character Interview (Ivy) // Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing

Review // Andrea Cox @ Writing to Inspire

Character Interview (Jordy) // Liz @ Home with the Hummingbirds

Author & Character Interview (Violet) // Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner

Tuesday, October 23rd

Jordy Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Author Interview // Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations

Review & Guest Post // Cara @ Jessie Bingham

Guest Post // Lindsi @ One Beginner To Another

Character Spotlight (Ena) // Shannon McDermott @ Shannon’s Blog

Wednesday, October 24th

Violet Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Guest Post // Germaine Han @ The Writing Mafia

Review // Jana T. @ Reviews from the Stacks

Thursday, October 25th

Real Life Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Book Spotlight // Gabriellyn Gidman @ PageTurners

Author Interview // Sara Willoughby @ Th!nk Magazine

Review // Michaela Bush @ Tangled Up In Writing

Guest Post by Character (Violet) // Peggy M. McAloon @ Peggy’s Hope 4U

Friday, October 26th

Future Day // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

A Review // Abigail McKenna @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors

Another Review // Gracelyn Buckner @ Literatura

A Third Review // Katherine Brown Books

A Fourth Review // Bella Putt

Saturday, October 27th

Wrapup Post // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Character Interview & Spotlight (Jordy) // Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind of Writes

Book Spotlight // Abigail Harder @ Books, Life, and Christ

Be sure to check out the Facebook party every day this week for updates.

The Giveaway

Enter the giveaway to win a paperback copy o’ Beyond Her Calling! (USA & International!)

Enter Now!

Be sure to share it. Or I’ll be sure book 6 contains something dramatic and heartbreaking.

Violet Angel Day!

Let’s just start with some about me things. I’ll just say what Miss Roth said as that is easier.


Violet Angel is a young lady from London, but she’s been cared for at McCale House, a boarding school for “simpletons” in Scotland, since she was three years old. Violet loves being sarcastic, music, reading, subtly teasing Ivy, pondering deep philosophical topics, and pouting in her bedroom. She’s a minor character in Ivy Introspective and Beyond Her Calling.

Fun Info About Violet:

Full Name: Violet Millicent Angel

Birthdate: February 13th, 1860 (age 20 during Beyond Her Calling)

Personality Type: INTP

Personality Info:

It can be difficult to say exactly what is Violet and what is her problems, but it is safe to say that she’s sarcastic, slightly pessimistic, and generally rational unless she’s having one of her nightmares or episodes when she becomes overly emotional and paranoid. Violet loves thinking about theoretical problems and delving into theology of all types.


Violet has long dark hair, almost translucent pale skin, and big blue eyes.


Violet was born in London. When she was three years old, her nightmares and anxiety issues led her parents to place her at McCale House. Being abandoned by her parents only made her worse, of course. #goodjobAngels

Violet struggles with suicidal thoughts, and Ivy has led her away from a literal cliff as well as several mental ones in the past. For this reason, and because Ivy is so innocent and friendly, they have been fast friends since they were twelve and fourteen respectably.


Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Angel, Dorothea “Dorry” (younger sister by two years), and presumably some other little siblings

Random Facts:

  • Violet has bipolar syndrome (mild), nightmares inspired by her past, and is just generally scarred by her parents abandoning her as a three-year-old.
  • The author believes Violet would do a lot better in the modern-day world, and would probably be deemed a normal (though still quite sarcastic) person, but unfortunately that is not to be.
  • EXCLUSIVE INFO: Violet is actually an heiress to quite a large sum of money. Can’t wait to see that unfold in book 6. 😉

Facebook Page:


So there you go. *squints at this fun facts* Hmm.

You’re not getting any more fun facts.

“Tragic Endings”

I think when a lot of people read my story, they think, “That’s tragic.” And, unlike Ivy, especially in Beyond Her Calling, you don’t see a “happy ending.”

And what on earth is wrong with that?

First of all, I don’t think my happiness is to be found in others, as I’ve said before, so I’m glad I didn’t “find someone.”

I’m not looking to find someone. Not right now.

I was for a bit towards the beginning of the story, you might have noticed, but by now … no. I just don’t think I’m made for marriage – and truly, I don’t know that I want it! It would have to be a very special man.

Second, the end of a novel doesn’t end my story.

So don’t you think you’ve seen the last of me. And don’t you think that I will necessarily have a tragic ending. And if I do, don’t you think that’s the true end. (If nothing else, there’s Heaven.)

My Family

This is a difficult topic for me to talk about, but I’ll do my best. (This topic will have some spoilers for Beyond Her Calling, so mind where you read.)

In one of the character interviews Kellyn forced down my throat, someone asked me about my family.

My default response was, “I haven’t any.” I followed that answer up with some details about the Angels – Mother, Father, Dory, and there are a few girls who are in their teens. I know nothing about them, though.

Recently, though, I was speaking with Ivy about some of the students of McCale House who don’t have parents who welcome them home. I said it was miserable that there were so many of them – me included – who didn’t have families.

Ivy said, “Yes, but they have the McCales.”

That got me thinking.

Family isn’t always a blood relation.

I’m not an orphan, and further, I’m twenty-two. It’s not like I’m getting adopted by a kind-hearted family.

But I have Ivy, Jordy, the McCales … even the McAllens have been kind to me. (And I know I’m not an easy person to be kind to.)

Now this is the spoiler-esque realm I was talking about:

I actually do get to be an aunt through Ivy and Jordy, and I’m not sure how I feel about that, but it is interesting.

End of spoilers.

Called to Singlehood

Can we just stop acting like this is a curse?

Some women get married. Some women don’t get married. Same goes for men. There’s no shame in it.

I think a lot of people end up married because, well, we weren’t really designed to be alone.

But … you can only be happily married if you were content single.

Why is this? I imagine because a big strong man isn’t going to come in and solve all your problems.

I’m not talking about the vote or any such thing. I couldn’t care less about that. They wouldn’t let me vote anyway.

I’m talking about assuming that your salvation, your happiness, etc. lies in another person – regardless of whether they are man or woman – or anything else for that matter.

Only God can make someone happy. God is the only Being that is enough for Violet Angel, Ivy Knight, or anyone.

Anyway, I’m glad we got to talk about this a bit – I’d always intended to, and Jana (the reviewer) gave me the incentive.

So in summary –

Your calling could be to be married. Or it could be to singleness. But either way, your happiness cannot and should not be reliant on another person.

Also, don’t worry too much about getting married or not getting married. To quote Jane Austen (with an addition by me):

The right man will come at last … or maybe he won’t, but that’s okay, too, because you can still be useful. (Unless you’re Violet Angel.) (Violet Angel was never quite useful.) (Though maybe she will be someday.)

*sigh* I can’t believe I have to do more advertising.

The Reluctant Disciple and Blood Moon Redemption are going on tour. Sign up. Blahblahblah.

~Violet Angel~


Ask me a question. *sigh*


What do you think of my thoughts?

8 Responses

  1. I’m glad to see you again, Violet; and I agree that we don’t need men to make us happy. Love is what makes us happy, whether that be loving your family, a friend friend, God, or a husband.

  2. Oh Violet. And they call me sarcastic.
    It was really lovely to have you, you know! I think you’d fit right in. 😉
    Also, WAT?? You get to be an aunt- that’s exciting! 😀
    Also also, YES SINGLENESS IS NOT A CURSE! Yes! You go girl! I hate how everyone hopes I’ll be happy and married with kids, when in fact I’m already happy. God is all I need. Thank you Violet! (And who on earth said you’re not useful?? I’ll pommel them down til they take it back!)
    Also also also, I’m glad we haven’t seen the last of you. Cause I just met you, and you’re officially on my list of people to get to know better. So there!

    1. Yes, rather. It’s interesting, at least … aunthood. Hmm.

      I definitely agree with you. There’s nothing wrong with being unmarried, no matter what people say.

      Hmm. Well, I’m glad, I suppose.


  3. Good to see you on here, Violet! I have to say- I’m quite similar to you in personality, though I’m not quite so pessimistic. Each to her own though. ^-^ Thank you for sharing!


  4. I love this post so much (and not just because my review is quoted)! Thank you, Violet, for addressing my concerns. I appreciate what you’ve said about singleness and the importance of prioritizing God over human relationships. This can be such a complicated topic (it shouldn’t be, but people make it so), and your straightforward response is much appreciated.
    And, on a side note, both your words and YOU are useful…I look forward to reading more of your story as Ivy and Alice’s stories continue.

    1. Thank you, Jana. I thought your review was quite sensible, so I enjoyed it. People make it complicated, but it’s not, really.

      Well, thank you. I’m not sure if that’s true, but that’s rather something to figure out myself.


What do you think of my thoughts?

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