A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Reveries on Fantasies and SciFies

by Kellyn Roth |
January 21, 2019

First of all, I’m sorry for this post being so late to get out! You see, the internet went off Sunday at about 4:00 and didn’t come back on until … now. Wow. Nice job, Kell’s internet service providers.

So obviously, though I had a post partly-written (in a document, lol), I didn’t get to schedule. And that’s fine … we got a Monday post out regardless, now, didn’t we?

Second, I apologize for the title. 😅 But what did you expect, truly? Also, this was your second most requested post (after the one I posted Saturday) in my poll last Wednesday. So. Here you go! Talking about my fantasies and scifies. 😜

Okay, okay! Fantasies and scifies is kinda silly. But hey, I’ll probably never be a serious speculative fiction author, so there goes.

Actually, in truth, I intend for my fantasies and scifies to be different brands all together. But more on that later. Let’s start with the basics.

Why do I, a historical author, suddenly want to write fantasies and scifies?

It’s simple … I have ideas! Ideas are the foundation of my author career, honestly. And I have been contemplating writing fantasies and scifies* for quite some time, but I’ve just never gotten the courage.

Then my friend/fellow fiend Angela R. Watts and I both decided to write fantasy novels this April for Camp NaNoWriMo 1**. And … that means I actually have to work on a fantasy novel.

*yes, I will keep calling them that.

**honestly, couldn’t they call them different things? Like, Camp NaNoWriMo [Month] is too bulky to say, and any other form leads to confusion as to what month of camp you’re talking about! DO BETTER, NANO.

So what novel am I working on first?

My first will be a fantasy novel called Caught in a Spell. (Don’t worry; that’s just a working title!)

Now, I have no idea if I’ll get anywhere close to finishing it in April … so far I’ve just done some outlining. But I would low key like to finish it this year, so we’ll see!

I have actually been working on this novel for … about 5 years now? In one form or another? It actually started as an earlier work called “The Misty Lake” which was … much different … and then it turned to Caught in a Spell.

And this new version I’m outlining is 1,000x different than any other version I’ve done together. I’ve eliminated the romantic interest altogether (I know, so unusual for me!), developed the villain, tossed out several cliches (and picked up some new ones on the way, lol), and here I am!

And what was all that branding nonsense I was talking about earlier?

Okay, so, I can explain that.

Essentially, my current plan is to end up with three separate author websites, three separate “brands,” though of course only one blog and one Kell. That’s right, never changing Reveries. 😜

Essentially, I’ll have Kellyn Roth, my historical brand/writerings. Then I’ll have my fantasies … and my current plan for a pen name is “Kell Garrett.” Which is, if y’all don’t know, my real life name (minus the “y” … my name is Kelly Lyn Garrett).

And if I were to write scifies, then I’d go with Kelly McCall.

My plans for scifi are all along the same lines, and in fact I don’t know if I have more than one series in me, so that’s somewhat tentative. It would be more practical to just make one pen name for speculative fiction, but eh.

I had fun with the logos. The internet has been off for way too long, so there goes.

Am I crazy???

I am not. I AM NOT CRAZY. Stop looking at me like that. STOP!

I think that deciding to take on some new genres will be a growing experience for me.


And that’s all I have for today! Again, apologies for the lateness!

I have a vlog coming out tomorrow morning on my YouTube channel, so that’s gonna be epicccc, too! It talks about my new fish, KG.


~Kellyn Roth~


What genres do you write and do you ever hop genres? What’s the weirdest genre or type of book you’ve ever found yourself writing? [weird for you, I mean!] What do you think of all my complicated plans? Do you have 5 billion different story ideas pulling you as many different ways?

Also … the true test of friendship … do you love my puppies??? HOW ABOUT MY FISH!?!?!?!

What do you think of my thoughts?

24 Responses

  1. EEEEP Fantasy has forever been my favorite genre! <3I can't wait to see what awesomeness Kell Garett shall produce (Kelly McCall too, of course 😉 ). Now I wonder what kind of fantasy you'll be writing… 😀

  2. Good for you for branching out Kellyn! ☺️ Or…Kelly?? (Totally didn’t think that was your real name at ALL until now, heh heh. 😳😂)
    I’ve only ever written contemporary, and this year for April Camp Nano I’m going to be writing fantasy too, which is SO intimidating, but I’m excited because all the ideas I had clicked into place so fast these past few months so I’m excited to finally have time to work on outlining and worldbuilding! It’s going to also be a retelling of a historical event/myth/legend and I’m going to try to challenge myself to actually revise it a million times when I finish it and have beta readers eventually and actually pursue publishing instead of giving up after the first draft like I always do. I really do want to make writing my career and I really need to just stop sitting around wishing that things in my life would just happen cuz that’s getting me nowhere. 😂

    1. Awww, good luck with the fantasy! YOU CAN DO IT! It sounds really interesting. What is it that you’re retelling?

      And wow, sounds like you’re crazy busy! But don’t stress yourself … you can’t do everything at once! <3 😀

  3. Hopping genres is my thing! So far I’ve dabbled in:

    – Kingdom Adventure
    – Biblical Commentary
    – Christian Living non-fiction
    – Poetry
    – Devotional
    – Fable retelling
    – Middle grade children’s contemporary
    – Historical fiction
    – Women’s lit
    – Romance (short story; also one in the outlining process)
    – Contemporary (unfinished)
    – Scripts
    – Biblical fiction (unfinished)
    – Apologetics (unfinished)
    – Autobiography
    – Academic/technical non-fic

    That list was longer than I expected. And all under one name. 🙂

  4. Woahh way to genre-hop Kell! I’m looking forward to some of ur future fantasy and sci-fi books. And YES YES absolutely yes I am one of those people that always has a bajillion different story ideas (in all sorts of different genres). But alas, I cannot write them all. (uh idk i haven’t seen ur puppies or ur fish yet)

  5. Ooh, fantasy! That cover looks so intriguing… 😀
    I usually write historical fiction, but I’ve branched out a bit recently and started my first fantasy series… and I love it! There’s just so many more things you can do in fantasy than in the real world. (Epic battles between good and evil just don’t work as well in Regency England…)

  6. So, I write fantasy and thriller. But I have found myself writing romance, contemporary fiction, and one fantasy short story. *really hates fantasy* Your plans are cool! And yes, a thousand story ideas are pulling at me.

    I love your puppies. But I don’t know what kind of fish you have…

    1. You write fantasy but you hate it? Then I’d stop writing it! 😛

      I have a betta fish! I need to get pictures and all of him up. And pictures of the puppies … but it’s been mad. But soon!

  7. Ooh, I’m excited to see where this book takes you Kell! I write Fantasy and SciFi. And uh, yeah, you do not want to see my story idea document, its packed, lol.

  8. Genre hopping is fun and good for challenging ourselves! Glad you’re giving it a shot. 🙂 *eagerly awaits the fantasy and sci-fi*

    I mainly do fantasy and fairytale retellings as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now 😉 but have written one cutesy contemporary kid’s story that may or may not be that good, one short historical story that I honestly like and wouldn’t mind trying to get published for pay if I only knew where to send it, and I have the first chapter and idea for an eventual sci-fi novel that I would like to write…someday. So many ideas, so little time. :p

What do you think of my thoughts?

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