A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Souls Astray: Cover Reveal!

by Kellyn Roth |
February 9, 2019

Are you read to see Souls Astray‘s cover? Because today I’m going to give it to you … along with a preorder link and announcements about blog tours and whatnot!

For that reason, today’s post will be short, but you know what? I’m still exhausted, so it had to be that way.

And yeah, I know … I skipped Wednesday! I just don’t have a heart for much right now, so missing blog posts is occasionally gonna be okay.

I’m not a big believer in patience, so let’s start right out with …

The Cover!

Souls Astray

Adele has been lost for a long time now …

Adele Collier has sought a carefree lifestyle ever since her tragic childhood. Determined to never allow anyone or anything to control her life or emotions again, she consistently seeks distraction in gaiety. But shaking her ghosts isn’t as easy as she’d like.

Troy Kee has been alone in the world since the Great War took his parents and left him in care of his younger sister. When she marries, he’s left to seek after his goal of a healthy, complete family. But how can he focus on his dream when trouble plagues his family vineyard?

When Adele and Troy meet, a whirlwind romance begins—but can two lost souls have a healthy relationship?

“A tragic, well-crafted story of romance, family dynamics, and pain in the years between WW1 and WW2.” ~Jana Tenbrook

“Souls Astray is a heartrending novel, full of poignant themes and topics that are important even today. It is a captivating read and will leave you wanting more.” ~Michaela Bush

Preorder on Amazon ~ Add on Goodreads

All credit for the cover goes to my amazing design, Savannah Jezowski at Dragonpen Press!

The Release

Stay tuned for more information, but the book will be releasing May 4th of this year and a blog tour will follow!

The blog tour will probably be about a week long – with giveaways, Facebook parties, etc. I’m still trying to think of a way to celebrate the release that’s a bit more fresh, so we’ll see about that.

As you know, this will be the first in a series of releases this summer. (Technically Baby Mine will be releasing a month before, in April, but that’s not a part of the series, so yep.) Souls Astray, then The Lady of the Vineyard, then Flowers in Her Heart, then From Now ‘Til Forever!

Baby Mine

Speaking of which, Baby Mine is available to preorder now, too!

Amaliya Preobrazhensky lives with her mother in a tiny apartment. They don’t have much except each other … but that’s all right. Every day, God provides.

When Amaliya’s father, who hasn’t been around since before she was born, returns and a custody battle begins, it’s hard for her to understand. Can a man she’s never met really take her away from her beloved mother? Why would God let such a thing happen?

This short story/novelette is a perfect afternoon read for both tears and smiles!

Amazon ~ Goodreads

A Brief Life Update

Yeahhh … as I mentioned briefly, I’m not feeling super well. Always exhausted, lots of stomach pain, headaches, sour throat, etc. It’s not bad (don’t go worrying!), but it’s annoying.

It’s very cold here, though – and we’re expecting a HUGE winter storm this weekend! Like, inches and inches of snow! So I’m excited about that. I love the snow! It’s like 17 now, which is just cool.

I also have two types of birthday parties today – one for work (that I’m assisting with) and one I’m going to for a friend!

ANYWAYS, if you do pray, pray I don’t collapse. 😏😉 And that I could have another snow day.

A Brand-New Real-Life Fairytale

Like I said, not feeling fantastic, so when it started snowing a bit Monday morning (but not sticking), I was like, “Gosh, God. A snow day would be nice.”

I was joking, of course. We have had such a ridiculously mild winter this year that I assumed no such thing was possible!

However, it kept snowing … and it started sticking … and I got Tuesday off!

So don’t y’all tell me God doesn’t answer prayers or that He doesn’t care about the little things in our lives, because He does!


~Kellyn Roth~

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Do you love the cover for Souls Astray as much as I do? Do you have a favorite cover of the ones listed so far for this series? Are you excited for the release or is Souls Astray just not your cup o’ tea? How do you feel about FIRE!?

What do you think of my thoughts?

24 Responses

  1. OMW the cover is so pretty!!! I can’t wait for all of these releases 😁 I think the Flowers in Her Heart cover is my favorite <3 Praying for you Kell, get well soon! FIRE? Uh I think fire is pretty cool 😛

  2. Snoooooow day 😀 😀 SNOW SNOW SNOW
    And I can’t stop looking at those wuvely covers. *dies* They’re beautiful! How on earth are you publishing all these in the same year? *dies* (ooh, quick question, how old were you when you published your first book?)

    1. YES! Snow days are epic! We have like a foot now, haha. 😛

      Thanks! They are AMAZING! And I don’t know, insanity? 😛 (Ummm …. let me think. 14? 15? In that area, anyways!)

  3. Aw, “Baby Mine” sounds so precious <3
    I'm sorry you've been feeling bad, I'll be praying for you.

    PS. Our God IS SO AWESOME! Is He not? It's sad how some people actually think that God doesn't care about the "little things" in their lives. I mean, He is our Heavenly FATHER – and Fathers care about things that their children care about – even if those things are ultimately unimportant things. <3 <3 <3

  4. The cover is amazing!!! I absolutely love it!!!
    Also, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well!!! I hope you get better super soon!!! ❤❤❤
    Also, sorry I haven’t visited your blog in a while!! I’ve missed it very much!!! I’ve loved your blog for a long time now!! I’m always looking forward to your posts!!! ❤❤❤

  5. Ooooooh, I really like all these new covers for the series! I think my favorites are The Lady of the Vineyard and From Now til Forever. 🙂
    And fire’s nice…I guess…why do you ask? O.O XD
    Btw how did you make that little writing progress chart for your sidebar? I should probably do something like that for my blog to keep myself accountable and make myself actually DO SOMETHING with my writing. XD
    Awe, I hope you feel better soon!

  6. Wow! Those covers are all so pretty! I think my favorite is “Flowers in Her Heart”; the little girl is adorable! And this definitely sounds like a series I want to read.
    As for fire… It’s extremely cool when it’s contained in a firepit. But I like to keep it at a comfortable, marshmallow-roasting distance. XD

What do you think of my thoughts?

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