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What Do Christian Politicians Say About Abortion? {Guest Post by Tori Easter}

by Kellyn Roth |
April 10, 2019

Hello loyal readers! Wow, Wednesday already, and we have a guest post by Tori Easter! It’s about an exciting subject which I hope you’ll enjoy.

And remember, I’m still open for guest post submissions, so you can click here to find out more! I would love to feature you on Reveries.

Next time I hope to talk more about old TV shows. But that just didn’t work out for today, with my schedule being CRAZY. So instead you get this lovely post!

What Do Christian Politicians Say About Abortion?

by Tori Easter

Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.

~Proverbs 31:8~

The 14th Amendment states that the state wouldn’t “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that not allowing a woman to obtain an abortion was a violation of that right. Sadly, the unborn children have been deprived of their humanity, deprived of the fact that they have life.

I’ve always seen the excuse of abortion as a “women’s rights water basin.” The pro-choice coalition trying to wash the blood from their hands like Pilate before the execution of Jesus, except in their case, it doesn’t wash off. The basin is very large, and I’m sad to say that there are “Christians” (both so-called and true) standing by it and trying to clean themselves off.

The Bad and the Ugly

A few examples out of too many would be Hillary Clinton, Senator Cory Booker, Senator Kamala Harris, and Georgia’s gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Clinton, who I highly doubt is a Christian, tried to show her faith after losing the 2016 election by sharing Galatians 6:9. Yet Clinton is a staunch advocate of abortion said in an interview with Chuck Todd “the unborn person doesn’t have Constitutional rights.”

Booker and Harris are Baptists according to Wikipedia (yes, I referenced it). Baptists, along with other protestant denominations like Presbyterians, have been famously pro-life. But as of recently, the senators have shown just how opposite from Christian their values are when it came time to vote on Ben Sasse’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require doctors to treat babies who were born after failed abortions. Both senators voted “no” on the bill.

Lastly, we have Stacey Abrams of Georgia. She is well-known for losing the election for governor in 2018 to Republican Brian Kemp after numerous celebrities campaigned for her. Talk about embarrassing! Currently, Georgia is under fire for introducing a bill that would ban abortions at 6 weeks. Abrams, who in her campaign videos touted herself as a “woman of faith,” called the bill “evil” and “abominable.”

Hypocrites …

In my view, all of the above people are guilty of hypocrisy. All support feminism, which is riddled with double standards. To be clear, if you use it in its original term, as with the suffragettes, then that is all right. But today’s “third-wave” feminism flaunts about screaming of how women’s rights are always being oppressed when they’re not. But what they don’t realize is that they are killing little girls. What about her rights? Clinton’s comment seems to be a little “sexist” towards her own gender doesn’t it?

There is hope.

As terrifying as it is that people who paint themselves as pillars of virtue are in fact the complete opposite, we have quite a few people in power trying to put an end to some, if not all, abortions. And most of these people have the most power in the government.

At the top are the President, who was raised Presbyterian, and the Vice President, who is Evangelical. Earlier this year, Trump blocked funding to Planned Parenthood and shifted the money to pro life organizations. Also this year, Mike Pence spoke at the annual March For Life, saying that the current administration is the most pro life. I am proud of this fact, as should every conservative be.

It’s not just our very unpopular president!

Moving down the chain a little, we have several senators. Earlier, I mentioned Ben Sasse, who also is a Presbyterian. A recent anti-abortion bill is currently being debated, as of April 2019. This is the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which is being introduced by Lindsey Graham, the first Baptist in this post to be pro life. His bill restricts abortion at the fifth month. During a hearing on April 9th, 2019, he called out a double standard. His statement was:

 We know that the unborn child at the 20th week of pregnancy can feel pain. In fact, anesthesia is administered directly to the unborn child in second trimester fetal surgery. I’m going to repeat that again. It’s standard medical practice to apply anesthesia to a child at the 20 week period because we know they feel pain. So we’re providing anesthesia to save the baby’s life through an operation. We don’t want to do it in a painful way. That’s why we provide anesthesia. That says a lot, I think, about the development of the unborn child.

Other senators who are staunch pro lifers are Baptists Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, and Chuck Grassley, Evangelicals Tim Scott and Rick Scott, and Methodist John Kennedy of Louisiana.

Good news …

Currently, the Born Alive Act is pending via a discharge petition, which bypasses the Speaker of the House and allows a floor vote. Because of the Democrat-controlled House, Speaker Pelosi has not allowed the bill to come to the floor. The bill is the same as Sasse’s and is being presented by Catholics Steve Scalise and Ann Wagner. My current Representative, the Methodist Buddy Carter is one of the bill’s biggest supporters, along with Christians Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan.

You can help and support these senators and representatives by sending them an email, writing them a letter, or by visiting their offices. You can also show some support through social media, where “trolls” prowl on their posts. Although they may not have time to read all the comments, the barrage on their morality can certainly be disheartening. Typing a simple “thank you for standing for the unborn” or “praying for you” may be a help.

Sadly, most of the people in our government who are standing for human life at its beginning are nearing the end of theirs. About ten of the pro life people that were mentioned are over 60 years old. The only other thing we can do is run for office, if that’s what you are into, and support the pro life millennials who are running for office.

About the Author

  Tori Easter is the author of The Max Lightning Series and The Time Titan. Both the single book and series are available on Amazon. Currently, she is finishing the needed courses for her Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice from Coastal Pines Technical College. 

Well, I thought that was a great post! I was so excited to see someone sharing about this subject. I can’t wait to share even more posts as the months go on! We have some great ones coming.

Having a rather tough week, but we’ll get through it a bit at a time. I’m busy, too, which is good and bad. I like being busy but hate not having as much time for everything else.

I also have a tough weekend coming up. Would appreciate prayers for that, actually! If you think of it, I mean.


~Kellyn Roth~


What are your thoughts on this issue? How can YOU support your politicians? What sorts of abortion bills are in play in your state?

What do you think of my thoughts?

12 Responses

  1. W.O.W. Thank you girls for standing up for the unborn and for our president. 👏 Plus I’m a Texan, so I’ve been proud of Ted Cruz for a long, long time!! Pro-life issues are very near to my heart. I loved that you called out the feminists for killing baby girls. Say it louder for the ones in the back! If this is any hint of what is to come, I cannot wait for more guest posts!!

    1. I’m glad you liked it! Also, Ted Cruz is awesome. Thank God he defeated Beto O’Rourke!

  2. This was a very informative post! I liked how it talked about politicians on both sides of the debate. This is something we definitely need to be aware of, especially with another election year coming up!
    I’ll definitely be praying for you! I hope your weekend goes well!

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