A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour Signups

by Kellyn Roth |
June 10, 2019

Hello, ladies and gents! Today I have an announcement which I already announced a while back but which I’m just now getting back on with edits and a bunch of other crap behind me …

Signups are now open for the Kees & Colliers blog tour! Which means you can now click here, sign up, and help me more than you know.

But I have more info than that, including a bunch of fun facts about the relaunch, so hang tight, ’cause I’m back (sorta) and bigger than ever (eh)!

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour

The Kees & Colliers blog tour is running from July 1st through August 8th – and you can pick literally any week in that month and then some, post any time that week, and I’ll wrap it up at the end of the week! Yay for flexibility!

It will of course feature a giveaway, and all the blog tour hosts will be receiving ebook copies of each story in the series! It’s going to be a load of fun, and I hope you can join!

Sign up here!

But if you need more deets …

Click here to find out the basics about each of the books:

The Lady of the Vineyard (book 1) (majorly rewritten)

Flowers in Her Heart (book 2) (majorly rewritten)

From Now ‘Til Forever (book 3) (first release)

It’s going to be an awesome series, and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do!

And even more Kees & Colliers deets …

Unlike Souls Astray, these three books are quite clean/good for all ages, so no worries there. Some heavier subject matter, such as divorce and war, but I tried my best to handle them in a God-honoring light.

This series features:

  • Judy Kee, the cutest little kid you ever saw. 😘 Judy is a sweet lil’ thing who would do anything to please her mother – or just to be loved by anyone, for that matter. She’s six years old at the start of TLOTV.
  • Adele Kee, who is infuriating. 😬 But we must hope for redemption …
  • Troy Kee, perfection. Yes, right down to his mustache, though Adele would tell you otherwise.
  • Holt, Troy’s dog. We all love Holt. 😍
  • Millie, Adele’s best friend who is aMaZiNg … she’s getting her own standalone romance some time soon!
  • Mrs. Collier, who is also infuriating but a different kind of infuriating so. She’s Adele’s mum.
  • Lola, Troy’s sister, who is doing her best. And honestly is probably a great auntie given the circumstances. And isn’t afraid to yet Troy out of his funk.
  • Dave, her husband, who is also doing his best.
  • Harrington, who is not trying at all. Not even slightly. (Yet we still love the man.)
  • Vineyards. In France. Need I say more?
  • Heartbreak. 😰
  • Anxiety over wars. Which not enough books cover, to be honest?
  • Children having value. Again – which not enough books cover??? (Because there could never be enough books!)
  • Flowers! Just ’cause.
  • Actually, a significant amount of fighting that always makes me shiver? (That’s not really a good point.) (But I still grin at the line, “Our whole marriage was a closure.” Like, you go, dude. Don’t let her have all the good lines.)
  • Divorce being bad instead of freeing. Because y’know. (With the condition that it wasn’t an abusive or unfaithful marriage.)
  • Honestly, I’m still grinning at the dialogue. So yeahhh, I’m proud of my dialogue. Shoot me!

Other Stuff:


Pinterest Board for TLOTV

Pinterest Board for FIHH

But what da heck is this?

I know, I know. I already launched The Lady of the Vineyard (and a little short called Flowers which sounds very familiar).

Well, the thing is, I’m ready to move forward as an author, so I’m updating my backlist.

But what’s the difference?

TLOTV hopped from 15k to 40k. Flowers (now FIHH) hopped from 10k to 35k. So yeah, a bit of a difference!

I majorly expanded the story, the characters, the setting, worked on inserting historical context … basically, I tried to improve on everything negative and accentuate the positives (*almost bursts into a ’40s song* *coughs*).

And I’m loving it! I feel like this is a series I can always be proud of. And I’m glad because I want to keep promoting my backlist forever! 😝

So those are the deets!


~Kellyn Roth~

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What do you think? Are you excited for the relaunch? Would you like to join the blog tour? What questions do YOU have about this “new” series?

What do you think of my thoughts?

12 Responses

  1. Ahhhhh, the excitement!!!

    I’m very ashamed of myself…but what books exactly did I decide to review??? I know I’m reading TLOTV, but I believe that is separate from the blog tour. I think I have the date (Mon 29th), so I should be good on that.

    Thanks a billion!!

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

    1. Sorry for the late response – I was out of town, and I didn’t get a chance to check my notifications! Whoops!

      I have you signed up for Flowers in Her Heart and From Now ‘Til Forever.

      1. That’s okay, Kell! ^^

        Okay, thank you!! Also – I saw you had me signed up for the blog tour on the 8th? Well, I think I actually signed myself up for Monday the 29th, but if it is possible, could you reschedule that for Friday the 19th?? Oh, and I believe my review for TLotV was due to go up on the 8th, which is when you had my tour signed up for. Unless I’m just completely wrong. If so, I’m sorry for the hassle! Thanks for putting up with me! xD

        ~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

          1. *dies of absolute embarrassment*

            My apologies, Kell!! I’ve never actually done a blog tour before, but from now on I promise I will email with any and all crazy particulars!!

            Thank you for putting up with my…ridiculousness! 🙂

            ~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

            1. No worries – I’ve been off my computer until now so I wasn’t able to check my notifications for WordPress more than once a week or so, and it just wasn’t ideal.

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