A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Why I’m Super Excited about the Relaunch of The Dressmaker’s Secret

by Kellyn Roth |
January 6, 2020

Hey readers! I’m back, and this time I want to talk about something I’m legitimately excited – nay, even thrilled – about … I am super pumped for the launch of The Dressmaker’s Secret!

And here are my reasons:

Reason #1

It’s a rewritten version, and it’s probably my favorite version I’ve ever rewritten! It’s exactly as I’ve always imagined but been unable to write, been too frightened to publish.

The story touched me in a way I hadn’t known a book I was writing could! Souls Astray was my messy book that helped me process a lot of different emotions, sure, but The Dressmaker’s Secret – the whole Alice and Ivy series, in fact – has always been neater, cleaner.

I was surprised I could do what I did with it. But now that I have, I am so excited!

Reason #2

I think I now have the skills and energy to focus in on the marketing that it takes to introduce a book to a lot of readers! It probably won’t be a #1 bestseller, or even a bestseller, though we don’t know what will happen yet.

Still, I believe I have the ability to reach more readers than ever before, and I’m thrilled that it’s possible more people might read this book which I believe has the potential to both entertain and touch people!

Reason #3

This is my heart series. This is the one I love. This is the one with Alice, Jordy, Ivy, Peter, Nettie … and down the road we have Patrick, Ruby, Colin, Gretchen, Truitt … just beautiful people who I’ve invested so much in!

I feel like I’m finally able to give this series the launch, the beginning, that it deserves. And then I can keep writing, keep pushing, keep growing, and some day, some day, you’ll remember the name. *coughs* Don’t mind my Ed Sheeran obsession that has come far too late in my life.

And I want to take these books with me. Even if they’re obscure earlier works that some people occasionally discover and go, “Wow, she really did the Marvel thing with this series no one remembers,” I still want them to be there – and I feel like I’m bringing them from “they didn’t exist” obscurity into “they kinda existed” obscurity. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Reason #4

The cover is so pretty.

OKAY, I’m an author so I can judge books by their covers, all right? It’s a special privilege. (I mean, it’s true of all y’all if you’ll just admit it, but you know.)

Donโ€™t lie to me and say that that cover doesnโ€™t make you want to swoon. Just donโ€™t. It’s so pretty! My designer, Carpe Librum Book Design, has already done two series for me (this one and the McAllen Brothers), and I’m so excited to work with her again!

It’s literally the most fun, most exciting, most inspiring process ever!

~ ~ ~

The book will be out this Friday, and I’d love to see you join the #TDSBookstagram blog tour for a chance to win some awesome prizes!

Click on the image to find out more, but most of the information is in the graphic itself! You can join the challenge any time with your Instagram account, and you’ll be entered to win the week’s giveaway.

This week’s giveaway:

Writer-themed! (The week after this will be reader-themed!)

There will also be a giveaway for a blog tour hosted by Victoria Lynn – I’ll be talking about that more this Saturday. Excited to share about it with you! ๐Ÿ™‚

This Wednesday, I’m also hoping to share a post with my 2020 goals! I’m super excited to get them set as I’d like to go far in 2020 within reasonable boundaries and with the knowledge that I have some severe limitations on me for the time being.

Note that “monthly dares” and some other fun things I used to do are coming back, but it may take a while before I’m able to implement it all!




Do any of y’all writers have a passion project that suddenly feels genuinely good for the first time, and you’re just thrilled? What kinds of things get you excited to read a book? What kinds of posts do you miss on this blog? And do you think you’ll be able to join in on the launch excitement at all?

Want to keep getting amazing posts in your inbox? Follow my blog on the sidebar!

What do you think of my thoughts?

15 Responses

  1. Aww, this is so exciting, Kellyn! Congrats!!! And that cover is TO DIE for!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    As for me, this whole holiday season I’ve felt inspired to revisit one of my favorite projects grin a couple years ago. Diving into old stuff is always so fun!

    Good luck on the rerelease!!! โค

    1. Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€ I adore the cover, too! (Obviously!)

      Ooh, that’s exciting! What project is that? It’s always amazing to go back to an old beloved story!

      ALSO, LONG TIME NO SEE! So glad to talk to you! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m really excited about this book – it’s kinda my heart project + my polished project combined, which is an awesome combination! I’m really thrilled. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Here’s why I’M superexcited for the TDS relaunch:

    – the original version was so sweet and now it’s being made better!
    – I’m now fully into the (ARC) book and Kell, you’re an amazing writer
    – Kell is a lovely friend
    – iNDIE LOVE
    – I’m totally throwing myself into this series now too!

    1. Dawwww, thank you, Merie! This made my day! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m so glad you’re enjoying the book – and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the series, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m so excited to see people who have read the old draft read the new one!

  3. First off, that cover *swoon*

    But, yes, I know exactly what you mean. My passion books isn’t published yet, and it needs a ton of work, but it’s so right and in line with my dreams and I hope and pray lives will be touched by it!

    1. Thank you! The cover is fantastic, isn’t it?!

      Ahh, yeah! It’s one of those things that takes a while. Especially when it can be difficult to really fine-tune a passion project into something you can actually share with other people! ๐Ÿ˜‰ But it can be done!

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