Hey folks!
This will be a short & sweet blog post …
Will you join the blog tour AND/OR the launch team for Springtime in Surrey? You can click those links there, or you can read the descriptions below and decide what you want to join!
Join the Blog Tour
If you haven’t participated in a blog tour, it is essentially an online event hosted through blogs that often includes a giveaway and posts about the book on various subjects.
In this case, during the set dates, you can share a review of the collection or of just one book in the collection (they’re all novellas, so they’re short!), you can interview an author, you can just “spotlight” the book with some basic information, you can have me write a guest post for your blog …
Find out more about it in the form:
Join the Launch Team
There are a lot of options for supporting us in tasks not related to a specific timeline (in general). These involve all sorts of things, from simply praying for us to reviewing the collection or an individual novella on your own timeline to sharing about the collection wherever or whenever you want.
Let’s do it:
Why You Should Join
Remember, by joining either of these teams, you’re supporting Wild Blue Wonder Press, a new small indie business that focuses on helping indie authors achieve their goals.
As you may know if you’ve been around the author community for any amount of time, we rely on launch teams, blog tours, and other similar promotion events to survive. For writers of Christian fiction, a struggling genre, it is even more vital.
A personal plea: I have staked a lot on Wild Blue Wonder Press and Springtime in Surrey. So if you can help in any way, I deeply appreciate it.

Well … gonna join?
Are you interested in getting to know me & my books better?
I want to invite you to my super secret club. I mean, it’s not really a secret, because I’m telling you about it now, but here goes.
Join Mrs. Roth’s Society Column, my street team! We’d love to have you along for the ride!