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Interview with Rachel Leitch | A Year of Springtime in Surrey

by Kellyn Roth |
July 17, 2024

Hey folks! Today I’m sharing something new for the A Year of Springtime in Surrey Celebration … an interview with Rachel Leitch, one of our authors!

I won’t keep you waiting … let’s introduce you to Rachel!

Introduce yourself and your Springtime in Surrey story!

Hi! I’m Rachel Leitch, the author of The Odd Duck Society. I write young adult historical fiction with a dash of adventure. I love authentic stories of self-discovery, free of hurtful stereotypes and harsh content. I live in northern Indiana with my momma, three sisters, two brothers, and a dog who thinks he’s the hero of everyone’s story.

In my story The Odd Duck Society, Jessamy Aubertine is too much for her university classmates, too little for her overstressed mum, and nothing in between. In an attempt to make herself useful, she takes on a spring holiday at her childhood home in Box Hill to sell the family’s fading tea shop and somehow tell her mum that she intends to switch study plans.

When mysterious letters signed by famous authors show up, can Jessamy and a pair of unlikely comrades find the writer behind the missives–and perhaps discover themselves as well? Or will their friendship fade with The Muses at the end of spring holiday?

What was your favorite thing about being a part of Springtime in Surrey?

It sounds so cheesy to say, but definitely the team. Everyone was so supportive of each other. We had some on our team that had done launches like these a dozen times before, and some, like me, were doing it for the first time. Some had more time than others and would step up to pick up the slack when others couldn’t for one reason or another. We were understanding of each other as we went through hard things and just the everyday stress. And in turn, I was able to give that support back to them when they needed some help or encouragement. It was a great balance of giving and taking. They were so patient with me and I never felt like I was asking a dumb question. I certainly didn’t do it all perfectly, but with their support, I have learned so much that I am taking with me to the next step in my writing career.

In what ways are you like your leading lady? Or if you’re not like her at all, how are you different? 

Jessamy often feels like she is either too much or too little. And I think that’s something that I can relate a lot to, as well as something people reading my story can relate to. We’ve all had times or had people that make us feel like we’re too much–like there’s something about us that just is over the top. And we’ve all had times or had people that make us feel too little–like we’re not doing enough or being enough. They’re two very unique feelings and yet two very universal feelings.

And that definitely was an aspect that I pulled from my own experiences and things I was feeling at the time. My family was going through a rough time and it was hard to know what they needed me to do and what I was supposed to be. This story helped bring me through that, and I hope it does for others, too.

If you could visit Surrey, would you? 

Absolutely! It has history enough for many many more stories, and I’d love to go learn everything I could. It also seems like it could be a very lovely, very relaxing place to spend some time.

What was the most challenging part of writing/publishing/marketing your Springtime in Surrey story–and how did you overcome it? 

This was my largest project I’d ever written on an official deadline, and there were definitely times that it wasn’t clicking and I was worried that it wouldn’t fall into place. But overall, the drafting and editing was one of my smoothest experiences yet, and I’m very grateful that God gave me that. Marketing has been a little tricky to keep up on, and I’m so glad I had this practice run and the support of the WBWP team to get through it. Marketing is a lot going on all the time, and it has helped me realize the things that I’m good at, the things I need to work at, and the things that aren’t as big a deal as I thought. Nothing compares to getting that hands on experience.

What advice would you give to authors who are interested in joining an anthology? 

If you find one that has a good team, absolutely go for it. It is wonderful experience and a great way to make connections within your writing world. Do make sure that you find one that’s going to help support you through the journey, and do make sure you find one with a good team of authors. I was really fortunate to get both of those things in this anthology.

Even if it doesn’t seem like a genre you would write, don’t be afraid to give it a try. I am primarily a young adult author, but trying my hand at women’s fiction for this anthology has proven to be a great learning experience. Speaking of, if women’s fiction interests you, I would highly recommend submitting to one of Wild Blue Wonder Press’ upcoming anthologies–they have a great team and are very supportive through the whole project.

What are you working on now?

Currently, I have a French Revolution Beauty and the Beast retelling in consideration at a publishing house. While I’m in the waiting game for that, I’m editing an 80s road trip story with touches of Terri Blackstock’s If I Run and Caroline George’s The Summer We Forgot, with the intent to pitch it this summer.

How can people keep updated on you and your writing? 

The best way to keep up with what I’m up to is to sign up for my newsletter at By signing up for the newsletter, you’ll not only get my blog posts in your inbox each month, but also receive a free short story and exclusive writing updates. The second best way is to follow me on Instagram @racheljleitchauthor where I post about authentic fiction.

Remember, Springtime in Surrey is currently available on Amazon. You can also purchase a copy directly from us here.

But as I mentioned, we’re having a CELEBRATION here … and that includes a giveaway!

How to enter? Simple – participate in A Year of Springtime in Surrey, our ongoing (casual) blog/social media/email list tour!


  1. Make a post between July 15th-July 26th that features Springtime in Surrey in some way.*
  2. Enter the giveaway! The instructions are here:


  1. Post to any social media, website/blog, or share about Springtime in Surrey or one of our authors (mentioning Springtime in Surrey) July 15th-July 26th, 2024.
  2. This can be anything (a review of the book*, interview, guest post, spotlight) as long as it in some way features Springtime in Surrey.
  3. When your post is live, fill out this form to claim your points. If you have posted more than once or to more than one website, please fill out the form an additional time for each post.  The form will remain live until July 30th.

*If you are interested in providing an honest review, I can provide a free ebook copy. Please email to claim your ebook copy of Springtime in Surrey in exchange for an honest review!

However, it is very important that you do not claim any points for posting the review to Amazon, Goodreads, or any other review website or bookseller, and further, the content of this review must be your honest thoughts and include the proper disclaimers. Any attempt to claim points for posting a review to Amazon, Goodreads, or any other review website or bookseller will be immediately removed from the giveaway entries.


They can be guest posts from the authors, interview, or simply a book spotlight/review. If you’re interested in a review copy, please send an email to (see above).

The date of the post is unimportant as long as it’s between July 15th-July 26th, and you can post on any social media channel, blog, or even send this information to your email list to count. You do not have to give us prior notice before making this post. Simply fill out the form once your post is live. The form will remain live until July 30th.

Need a media kit? Please check out this one!


  • A paperback copy of Springtime in Surrey
  • A mug with the heroines’ names on it
  • Special tea (of your choice)
  • A $20 (USD) gift card from the online store of your choice
  • A journal and pen
  • Far too many rubber ducks

Open to international and US entries.

Please fill out the form to claim your prizes!

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!



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