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At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 5

Only two more days of blog touring! I can’t believe it’s going so fast! All the amazing bloggers as well as the readers who keep me going with their comments have made this time really fly. Today’s process day! That means we’ll be talking about how At Her Fingertips came to be thought of, brainstormed, outlined, […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 10

Welcome to Day 10! We’ve got a couple great posts today, a couple summaries for future books,* and I’m fooling around with different formatting stuff.** I’ve been playing with the fonts on my blog a lot lately, but it’s just not working for me. :/ And I thought I could do the whole font-changing-thing button,*** […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 7

Good morning, ladies and gents! We’ve only got a little less than a week of blog tour to go … and though that is sad (I want people to keep on talking about me – I mean, my books – forever), it’s also good that soon I’ll be back to my normal posting schedule. A […]

January 2017 Spotlight: Yet Another Peek into the Workings of At Her Fingertips

Another spotlight is upon us, and today I’m going to veer into uncharted waters with a discussion about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3: At Her Fingertips. What? you say. You’ve posted thousands of excerpts and quotes and made us read through post upon post about every stage of your outlining and writing process! […]

December 2016 Spotlight: I Don’t Usually Write in this Genre …

I know it’s been several months (September, to be precise) since the last spotlight, but you remember what a spotlight is, right? Well, just to refresh your memory (or to inform you if you just started following me), it’s me shining a ‘spotlight’ on something I’m working on at the moment. Kinda like an author […]