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Guest Post: Five Great Summer Reads

That’s right … today we have a guest post! It’s been a while since we’ve had one of those, hasn’t it? Today, Elisabeth of Mostly Styled will be recommending a few books to you (that could be read in the summer … or practically any time … but I’m gonna call them ‘summer reads’ anyway). […]

25 Spoiler-Free Facts About The Dressmaker’s Secret

This post was inspired by Victoria Lynn, my fellow author and friend. Also, I think Abigayle Claire, author of Martin Hospitality (a book I keep meaning to buy a copy of and read), did something like this? I can’t remember. Anyway, lots of people inspired me to do this (although Victoria was the main one), and […]

5 Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Published

Now, I’m not usually one to look back at past mistakes and actually care that I made those mistakes. In fact, I’m more of a, “Too bad, move on,” person. My selfishness, my maliciousness, and my utter lack of concern over the bad things I’d done is absolutely hideous. However, today I’m talking about what […]

What’s up with TDS?

The short answer to the title question is, “Important stuff.” However, I was never one for simplicity. (Actually, I am, but that’s beside the point.) The point is (wait, aren’t statements in parenthesis technically barred from the main text?) that I need a subject for a spotlight, and you need to know what’s going on […]

Flowers, Part 5

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part 5 of our serial story, Flowers. There’s just one more part to go after this! Can you believe it? I’m planning on editing it, maybe looking into a cover designer, and publishing it on Kindle. As far as me supposedly being on a once-a-week schedule … I […]

Tips for Reading

Hi guys! I decided it’d be fun to write a random post today. I know most of you love reading, so this will be right up your alley. Tips about eating! No, wait … reading. Sorry. I’m sick, so I haven’t eaten much today, and eating makes me sick, but I keep thinking there must […]

February 2017 Spotlight: Goals and Titles (Again)

Sorry about the post being so late, guys. I’ve been distracted … by How to Train Your Dragon. What? I need to spend more time with my brothers, so … okay, you’ve got me; I like HTTYD. Then I’ve been in this kinda mood these last couple days: And my family is like this: And […]

When You Feel Like Giving Up

Hullo old chaps! Long time, no see! What’s cookin’ with you? Speaking of cooking, I made cookies yesterday, and they were yummy but slimy. Don’t ask. I think I put too much … oh, who am I kidding? I have no idea what when into those things! #imakethesamecookiesoverandoveragainandfaileverytime This is my pitiful attempt at a professional, […]

Flowers, Part 3

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part three of my fantastical short story, Flowers. Are you excited? No? Well … I am. *pouts* I can’t believe you don’t like my book … Oh, you were just teasing? *wipes brow* Whew. I was worried for a minute that you all secretly hating me and were […]

Focus … and Re-Focus …

Well, guys, I’ve made a tough decision. I’m going to focus on editing/revising Ivy Introspective and The Dressmaker’s Secret for these next couple months to the exclusion of all other projects. What does that mean? No more Flowers?! Well, I’ve almost finished the story, and I think I need a second opinion to keep going. […]

A (Brief) Tour of My Room and Random Poems

I decided y’all need a tour of a published author’s room so when y’all are published authors, you’ll have some ideas for décor. Okay, who am I kidding? I just want to show off my organizational skills … which are really awful, by the way. To fend off the boredom, I’ve got a bunch of random […]

A Quick Blogging Tip

I admit I came to the computer today with no post to give you. I sat down and logged into WordPress and created a new post and categorized it under “Noveling Advice” … and I waited. Another glance at the schedule (because maybe my eyes deceived me the first time?) confirmed the fact that today is indeed […]