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Comparing Patrick and Cassie from Like a Ship on the Sea

Today I have a kind of unusual post—I’ll be comparing Patrick Hilton and Cassie O’Connell from my novel, Like a Ship on the Sea. There’s a dichotomy between them, surely, but also so many similarities that I didn’t even realize existed until the revision stage. At which point, I was, of course, delighted. As we […]

September 2017 Spotlight: My Obsession with Personality Types

Like many before me (and many who shall come after), I love classifying myself and others by the MBTI personality types. The basic idea is that every human being on earth can be classified loosely into one of the sixteen types. These types are defined by a combination of three letters. My type, for instance, […]

Character Studies | August 2017

Hello ladies and gents! Guess what? Character Studies is back! I am so excited! Morgan’s blog, Studies in Character, is the best ever, and doing her character interviews always helps me figure out something about a character. Basically, Morgan’s been super busy and gone since the New Year (and hasn’t done Character Studies since October […]

July Character Studies ~ Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals

Well, it’s time for another Character Studies! This time we have “Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals” for the subject. It’s a fun one. I’ve noticed that most people are doing unfeeling pessimists. Or perhaps that’s just me. At any rate, I’m doing a character I don’t know much about, so … maybe she’s an unfeeling pessimist. […]