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At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 1

ANNNNDDDDDD … IT’S HERE! *insert excited wild crazy screaming* At Her Fingertips is now live on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback format! Whoa … *takes a deep breath* I’m actually getting a little emotional here! This is my favorite book that I’ve written so far, and I can’t believe it’s out there. I can’t wait […]

Finalizing Tour Details and Proofreading

Only fifteen days until At Her Fingertips releases. Am I nervous? No, not at all! Why would you ask such a silly question? Okay, I’ll admit I’m a little scared. Partially because of the fact that people will be able to purchase my baby … and partially because I have a lot to do in […]

Introducing “That Plot Bunny”

Apologies for this post being so late! I’ve been having a busy last couple days, what with school and work and writing and editing, and I haven’t found a lot of time to blog! Plus I spent most of my blogging time working on AAWC instead of my regular book posts. 😛 Now, a couple […]

Update #3 + We Need You Questions! (again)

Happy Wednesday, people reading this post (even if you’re not reading it on Wednesday)! Yes, this is another post that’s getting out a wee bit late. Well, if you’re not in Pacific time (which most people I know online aren’t for whatever reason). Here, it’s not that late. (Or at least I don’t think so; […]