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NaNoWriMo: Day 20

by Kellyn Roth |
November 21, 2015


Hello All!
Well, I’m 1/3 of  the way through the month. I haven’t finished my writing for tonight, but so far I’m at 27,274 words which is a little ahead but I want to get two or three days ahead because I won’t be at home for the last couple days of November.
The story if progressing pretty well, but I think I’m going to have to rewrite most of it. I’ve decided that I want to start it a different way and there are a few other things about the plotline that I’d like to change.
What some people don’t seem to realize that NaNoWriMo is not about writing an excellent story … it’s about writing a story! Your book doesn’t have to be excellent … or even good, really. You just need to write it! It’s about making your word count goal … not creating the perfect novel.
So ignore your terrible grammar, spelling, punctuation, characters, plot, technique, etc. Just write. You can make your scribbles (or typos) into a first class novel when you begin revising! 🙂
What about you? Do you foresee any huge (or small) changes when you begin editing or rewriting?
~Kellyn Roth

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