A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

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by Kellyn Roth |
December 5, 2015

Merry Christmas Season! 🙂
Well, our house is decorated inside and out in preparation for Jesus’ birthday. On another note, my dog had a puppy. I know. Just one. And in her first and second litter there was eight and nine … go figure.
It’s a girl and, because we only have one to name, she has been called many things. My niece has suggested “Sparkle,” my mom prefers “Gem,” and I’m pretty attached to Natalie (Natty!) because it means “birthday of the Lord.” Which is a cool meaning for a puppy born at this time of the year.
I haven’t even glanced at Ivy Inquisitive since I finished the first draft. I want to rewriting it (this one can not be just edited) in January. I liked parts of it, however, so it won’t be like writing an entire new first draft. It will be like writing half of a new first draft. 🙂

As far as The Dressmaker’s Secret, it’s looking pretty good. I’m editing the twelfth draft with my mom giving me second opinions and pointing out the obvious things that I missed in all the other drafts … somehow. A lot of the mistake (like not realizing the different between “loose” and “lose”) are really embarrassing.
Also, I know I should probably take a break … but I really want to write At Her Fingertips (The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3) right now! I have been kind of thinking about the basic structure of the book and I think it’s going to be a lot of fun (and pretty easy because I’ve dreamed it out pretty thoroughly) to write. So I may work on it a little during my extra time … you know, assuming I’m able to find extra time. This is going to be a busy Christmas for me.
Au revoir!
~Kellyn Roth

What do you think of my thoughts?

9 Responses

    1. January 2016, but otherwise, no. I hesitate to set an exact date. I’ve been editing it furiously for over a year now … and I made tons of changes. It doesn’t even end the same way now as it used to!

  1. Will you be posting any excerpts of Ivy Inquisitive, Kellyn?
    Congrats to your dog!
    Although, I’ve never heard of a litter of one pup, lol!

    1. I’m not sure. Ivy Inquisitive looks pretty bad right now … but maybe when it’s a little better edited I will.
      I know; it’s so weird, right? It’s not really a litter, I suppose … a litter is more than one puppy! 😀 This puppy is going to be a very spoiled only child! 😉

  2. Congratulations to your new puppy! I LOVE all of the names that has been suggested to you and your family!
    The Birthday of Jesus is such an exciting time! I hope you all have a great Christmas and New Year!

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