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Interview with David B. Hunter

by Kellyn Roth |
January 27, 2016

Today I’ll be interviewing my fellow-author, David B. Hunter. In pink. My favorite color. David gets to ‘speak” in blue, which is his favorite color.
Glad to have you here today, David. And now begins the Inquisition questions.
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

Kind of a tough one. Well, when I was four years old I dictated a book that my mom wrote down. Does that count? But when I recently started to want to be a writer? I would say May of 2014. I found a Pinterest page of a writer and read a bunch of different articles. I had wanted to be an author before that, but it wasn’t until after this, that I actually started pursuing writing.

Was Reveille the first book you wrote, or planned to write, after you began pursuing a career as a writer?
No. I had an idea for a historical fiction book based in Medieval Scotland, that didn’t get passed the idea stage. I also started a fantasy novel, which I was a little more successful, as I started the rough draft, though I only completed two chapters maximum, before I started Reveille.
Where and when did you get your inspiration for Reveille?
I was on a family vacation at a resort in central Minnesota in September 2014. This was the time when I decided on the historical backdrop for my NaNoWriMo work which became Reveille.
Is the main character of Reveille, Ben Anderson, a lot like you? Did you base him on someone you know? Or is he completely his own person?
 Hmm, I would say that Ben is a picture of what I want to be. So, I’d say he’s a combination of me and his own character.
Does anyone else is Reveille resemble anyone you know in real life?
 Not really. But some of my characters were real life people, though I took liberty with their personalities to fit the book.
Are you willing to tell us something about Reveille’s sequel?
Sure. Retreat continues the adventures of Ben, when he goes and rescues somebody. But I can’t say who. 😉 Meanwhile, Fred recuperates in a hospital, but eventually he achieves his goal of rejoining the army.
The two boys’ paths meet at the bloodiest battle up to that time on American soil, the Battle of Pittsburgh Landing or Shiloh.
Have you ever considered giving Ben a love interest?
I have but that hasn’t happened yet. On the other hand, Fred does have a love interest that is introduced in Retreat.
Can’t wait to read that!
When are you planning to published Retreat?
I want to edit Retreat thoroughly, and I have more people that are going to take part in the editing process. But after saying all that, I hope that it’s no later than the fall of 2016.
Well, if you ever need an extra set of eyes, I’d be happy to help. 🙂

And now, to sum up our interview, a few useless questions! 😉

I heard you have a dog. What is his/her name?
His is Chippewa or Chipp for short.
 Ah, after the Indians?
What kind of dog is Chipp?
A golden retriever.
Chocolate or vanilla?
Tea or coffee?
Neither hot. Tea when its bottled and cold
Favorite sport?
What advice would you give to a new self-publishing author?
If you’re not completely satisfied with your first book, instead of giving up, just keep writing. You’ll only get better!
Thank you, Kellyn!
David Author Picture

David B. Hunter is a homeschooled teenager from rural northern Iowa.  His dream is to be a professional author that impacts lives for Christ through his books. You can find his blog here or you can buy Reveille here.


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