A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Updates on The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy

by Kellyn Roth |
March 13, 2016

From the Mixed-Up Files of Kellyn Roth

You walked slowly down the darkened hall, slinking in the shadows, keeping close to the wall. You come to the door at the end of the corridor. It opens with a slow, annoying creak as you turn the handle. You step in and walk through the file cabinets. You sort through the papers … A, B, C, D … here it is, K! K for Kellyn Roth, that sinister authoress who has, it is rumored, murdered at least one character and put thousands more into terrible situations! You pull out the folder and open it …

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. 😉

Today I’ll be giving you an update on my progress with the historical fiction series I’m currently working on, The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy. 🙂

The Dressmaker’s Secret

The Dressmaker’s Secret is, as you may know, going through one last draft. It wasn’t, um, exactly perfect when I originally published it. Though I was under the impression that it was ….
I’m on page 160 of 221 in typing up the edits on the computer. I also want to add a couple scenes in, including one about a minor character, Nettie. I won’t say about what, but hopefully it will all work out. 🙂
I hope to have the new version re-published in a week or so … but I refuse to set any definite dates this time. Not until I’m absolutely sure I can get it done (and done to the best of my ability).
When I’m rich and famous (hahaha…), the originally published manuscript will be a collector’s item (as I told my friend who bought a copy). 😉 😀
Meanwhile, if you’ve read The Dressmaker’s Secret, I’d love to hear your feedback on it! What did you think? Anything you’d like to see changed?

Note: The Dressmaker’s Secret is currently not available in paperback, and if you’re wise, you won’t waste money on the Kindle version, either. XD

Ivy Inquisitive

2 - Ivy Inquisitive
Ivy Inquisitive has ever been quite right. I have difficulty organizing the plot in my head. That’s probably because there are so many little things left over from The Dressmaker’s Secret which I was trying to tie up.
Now I’ve decided to let all those ends be “tied up” by the time Ivy Inquisitive starts, leaving me to focus on the actual plot.
What is the plot? I know that’s been foggy at times … but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it organized now. Then, I’ve said that before (and will likely say it again)! XD
At any rate, this draft has got to be better than the first one!
So, when I’m not working on The Dressmaker’s Secret, I’m working Ivy Inquisitive. Or I should be … I keep getting distracted by other things.
My goal is to have Ivy Inquisitive rewritten and ready for minor revisions and edits by the end of this summer. So, this will be my summer project. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do that. I don’t know about a publishing date, exactly. I think it’s ambitious to try for anything before 2017, though, unless I suddenly become a speed editor. 😉

At Her Fingertips

At Her Fingertips
I want to write At Her Fingertips this summer, probably in July. Originally, I was going for April (possibly for Camp NaNo), but I’ve decided that I want to concentrate all my The-Chronicles-of-Alice-and-Ivy-thoughts on Ivy Inquisitive for now. 😉
However, I’m really looking forward to writing about a grown up (well, mostly) Alice and can’t wait to get going on it! Alice is awesome. I don’t know what I’ll do when I can’t write about her any more. XD
At Her Fingertips is constantly on my mind, and thousands of ideas are spinning around my head for it. I’m not sure which ones I’m going to use, but I’ll probably be organizing my thoughts on the subject later on.
Hopefully the first draft won’t be as messy as Ivy Inquisitive’s, but far be it from me to learn from my mistakes. 😉

There’s also another book in this series (and I’m contemplating a fifth), but there’s not much to say about Beyond the Wall besides the fact that I’m still trying to figure out all the plot details, but I have a pretty good idea about the beginning and end, which is a start at least. 🙂
Well, have a nice rest-of-Sunday, everyone!
Au revoir!
~Kellyn Roth

What do you think of my thoughts?

7 Responses

  1. Gah, this looks so cool! I’m really wishing I had the time and energy to focus on writing something during any month aside from November…
    Anyway, I can’t wait to read your books just as soon as my library buys them.

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