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You’ll Be Like Faye by J.C. Buchanan

by Kellyn Roth |
August 8, 2016

Title: You’ll Be Like Faye

Author: J.C. Buchanan (

Series: n/a

Genre: mystery

Age-Range: middle grade

Publisher: J.C. Buchanan

Source: author

Rating: 4.5/5 stars. I REALLY loved it, but there were a few things that bugged me.

Content: 2/5 I’d say it’s perfectly ok for any kid over … oh, eight? There are some descriptions of pregnancy (no details … which sounds weird considering the fact that I just called it ‘descriptions’ …) and some drama. Mentions of a car crash in which two people died.

You’ll Be Like Faye by J.C. Buchanan


In her second novel, J.C. Buchanan leaves the fairy kingdom behind and introduces her readers to Faye Corcoran, a regular 12-year-old girl in a typical suburban family. But is it a typical suburban family? And when Faye’s best friend convinces her there’s something suspicious about the new housekeeper, how far will Faye go for answers?

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Oh. My. Word.

This was an amazing book! I am soooo impressed! I mean, the author’s just about my age, and she writes this! This story is so beautiful and heartbreaking and sweet and sad and happy that I just … I mean, guys, this is tear-worthy! And you know how often I cry! (judging by the way I’ve been saying quite a few books are tear-worthy, recently, maybe I’m not as tough as I think I am …)

Anyway, there are a few cons. Of course there are. There’s no such things as the perfect novel. I mean, unless the author is Jane Austen. Or … Charlotte Bronte, though I admit Jane Eyre is a little melodramatic.

So … cons. I didn’t get into it first. I felt like maybe the inciting incident either wasn’t as clearly defined as it could have been, or that maybe it didn’t come soon enough? But, anyway, it started to pick up a bit in and kept on picking up and picking up until I was whirling!

The plot was very good. However, I felt like it ended too abruptly. I didn’t get a good feeling of finalization. If this book was part of a series, I’d understand that, but as I’ve been told it isn’t, I was a little disappointed. I mean, we don’t really get a good idea of what happens to the characters after the story ends!

Faye was pretty cool. She was sweet and sensible and intelligent … and I totally sympathized with her and understood why she responded to each situation she faced the way she did.

I really disliked Faye’s parents! I can’t explain why without giving away massive spoilers, but … I just hated them. I don’t think they were at all justified in what they did, and … ugh! THOSE EVIL PARENTS! I’m just so frustrated with them right now! 😉

Of course, I loved Ellie. I mean, at first she bugged me, but then she started reminding me of my best friend, and then I ABSOLUTELY adored her.

Well, I’m not going to go into every single character, but they were all pretty well-developed and individual.

Spoilers (highlight to read):

The idea of being switched and/or growing up not knowing that your parents aren’t really your parents has always fascinated me. I’m not sure why. Perhaps because I’ve occasionally wished I wasn’t related to my little brothers? 😉 Nah. Anyway, that was one of the reasons I really loved this book!

Overall, this was an exciting, twist-filled, beautiful story that I’d recommend to anyone aged 8 to 20!

~Kellyn Roth

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