A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

The Lady of the Vineyard Blog Tour, Day 2

by Kellyn Roth |
September 9, 2016

Welcome to Day 2 of The Lady of the Vineyard‘s wonderous book-release blog tour! Today we’ll be talking about things never before discussed (at least not with you, that is) … a potential serial-story/short-story sequel to TLOTV on Reveries?


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Remember to spread this around the web! It’d be a huge favor to me. <3

The Posts for Today Are:

A review and book spotlight by Jesseca Wheaton @Whimsical Writings (People are being so sweet in their reviews! Although she’s so right about the historical thing … history tends to disappear in my novels! Maybe they’re so awesome time stops! #wishfulthinking)
A character interview, author interview, and book spotlight by April McLauren @April Dreams {part 1part 2} (Is it weird that my favorite question she asked Troy is ‘What is your favorite color?’ XD )
and a review by Alyssa @Writing Anyone (Thanks for doing this although it isn’t your favorite genre, Alyssa! It’s a great favor! 🙂 )
And tomorrow is release day! *dances* *stops* *clears throat awkwardly* *casual stance* Not that I’m excited or anything …

The Schedule:

Thursday (the 8th):
Lana (The Music of Words) ~ author and character interview
Faith Potts (Stories by Firefly) ~ review, book spotlight
Aardvark Magazine (Aardvark) ~ author interview, book spotlight
Friday (the 9th):
Jesseca Wheaton (Whimsical Writings) ~ review, book spotlight
April McLauren (April Dreams) ~  author and character interview, book spotlight
Alyssa (Writing Anyone) ~ review
Saturday (the 10th):
Lily (Living By Chapters) ~ review, author and character interview
Grace (The Girl Upstairs) ~ author interview, book spotlight
Selene Silver (Hearth) ~ review, character interview, book spotlight
Katrina (Katrina Creative) ~ author and character interview
Kate (Wandering in Bookland) ~ review, author interview
Sunday (the 11th):
Angela R. Watts (The Peculiar Messenger) ~ review, author interview
J.C. Buchanan (Beyond the Amethyst) ~ review
Daisy Ferrell (Happy Days with Anonymous A) ~ character interview
Monday (the 12th):
Morgan Dusky (Studies in Character) ~ author/character interview
Willowy Whisper (http://willowywhisper.com/) ~ book spotlight
Kate Willis (Once Upon an Ordinary) ~ author interview

The Vlog Post:

So … you get to hear about my current plot bunny which I’ve nicknamed ‘Flowers.’ *reaches for pen* *tries to scribble something of Ivy Introspective* *strangling sounds* *dies*
This is a pretty short video, er, vlog. 🙂
What do you think? Good idea, bad idea, terrible idea? If you say terrible idea, be prepared, because the next words out of my lips will be, “TIE ME TO A CHAIR SO I DON’T WRITE IT – TLOTV IS SUPPOSED TO BE A STAND-ALONE BUT I CAN’T HELP MYSELF NOOOOOOO!!!”
~Kellyn Roth
p.s. Remember that during the blog tour I’ll be available to answer questions/respond to thoughts (as if I’m not all the time …). You can comment here (and perhaps have yourself answered in a vlog post) or you can ask on Goodreads.

What do you think of my thoughts?

20 Responses

  1. Hi Kellyn! Sorry that I just now got my review up, but we’re on vacation and I had to steal my sister’s computer (hehe!). I was gonna do it this morning … but forgot that it was the first day of our new co-op. Anyways, I really enjoyed TLOTV!!! 🙂

  2. Yaaaay! It’s out! Congratulations!! 😀 *Does a happy dance*
    I … honestly don’t know anything about WWII pre-America either, and … I wrote a book set in the 1930’s. *ahem*Idon’tgivetwofigsaboutresearchbutIprobablyshould*ahem*
    Flowers sounds great, actually! I mean, some sequels completely ignore the characters the readers have come to know and love and go wandering in the wilderness 40 years, but … yay! You’re gonna revisit Adele + Judy + Troy! In England nonetheless!
    Congrats again!

    1. *celebrates with you* I know, I’m soooo happy about having it published and everything! Although I have no idea what to do for today’s vlog, so I’m just gonna ramble …. XD

    1. Sure, you can! You could post tomorrow (Sunday) or the day after that (Monday). There are different things you could do … like an author interview, a review (although it’s kind of late for you to get the file and read it unless you’re a quick reader), a character interview, or a book spotlight.

      1. Oh, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! Okay, I think moday would be good! Can I do more than one? If so, can I do the Author Interview, and a Character interview? And If I can do only one… maybe a character interview.

  3. Oh, and I think a sequel is a great idea! My family is studying WWII right now so if you have any questions you can let me know! (Do you have Netflix? If so, there’s a documentary on there called WWII in Color. “They” basically took the footage from WWII and made it color instead of b+w. The documentary has a ton of information that might be helpful to your sequel!)

What do you think of my thoughts?

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