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Five Fall Favorites, Day 5: Middle Grade and Picture Books

by Kellyn Roth |
September 30, 2016


Welcome to Day 5! It’s the final day before we close up and announce the winners, so hurry up and enter the giveaway! Remember what’s at stake:


And there will also be a second and third prize if we get enough entries, so invite your friends and family! πŸ™‚

Today the genres are (as you saw by the title) ‘middle grade’ and ‘picture books!’ I have a lot of favorite books in these genres, so let’s get going with my top five! πŸ™‚

Middle Grade


Henry and the Clubhouse by Beverly Cleary

I don’t know why, but this is my absolute favorite Beverly Cleary book! I suppose because Henry is a paperboy in this one (childhood dream job … XD ) and because of the Halloween chapter, and, of course, the clubhouse … though I have a clubhouse. I just didn’t make it with my friends… πŸ˜›


The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall

This is one of the best books ever! My mom read it to my little brothers and me over the summer a couple years back … and it’s amazing! The boys loved it, I loved it … I’ve reread it several times back! My favorite character is Skye. Or Jane. Or Rosalind. Or Batty. Or Mr. Penderwick. Or Hound. Or Jeffrey. Or Churchie …


Nancy and Plum by Betty MacDonald

If you haven’t read this book, then go get a copy. Now. It is sooo hilarious. It is anything but your average mistreated-orphan story! Trust me. It’s amazing!


The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale

This is a fantastic, alm0st-non-fantasy, fantasy book! πŸ˜€ As with Hale’s other stories, the magic seems so real you don’t even realize it’s there. πŸ™‚


Mandy by Julie Andrews Edwards

This is definitely one of my favorite children’s books. I still read it over and cry and laugh and smile. It’s such a touching story! Read my review here.

Picture Books


Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney

This one is so amazingly beautiful! I love the message … making the world more beautiful can be as simple as planting flowers. πŸ˜€


Island Boy by Barbara Cooney

Awesome illustrations … andΒ yes, I do want a family that big. πŸ™‚


Baby Dear by Esther Burns Wilkins

My all-time favorite book when I was three or four. πŸ™‚


Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey

Great story! I love little bear. πŸ™‚


The Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall

Great story! Also a good way to teach kids the seasons in my opinion … πŸ˜›

Today I’m the bonfire room! With that nip in the air, I can’t wait to start a fire … we haven’t yet this year, but we will soon! πŸ™‚
As a reward for reading the Five Fall Favorites posts, you’re invited to take this survey. If you do, you’ll be gifted a free short story ebook! πŸ™‚
Thanks for reading, everyone! It was such a pleasure to have you here, whether you’ve been following me forΒ a while, a little, or you’re just here for the party!
God bless,
~Kellyn Roth
p.s. If you have a moment, please run over to this page and vote for me!Β That’s right … I’m in the final round and on my way (if you vote, that is) to being president of the bloggers. πŸ™‚

What do you think of my thoughts?

24 Responses

    1. It’s really got beautiful illustrations and a great story and it’s so colorful and I always used to love the kind of thing where people gathered a bunch of stuff for a journey for some reason … I know. I have weird loves …

    1. Barbara Cooney is so talented! I think she did Roxaboxen … maybe. That’s another of my favorites! Quite honestly, there weren’t enough places for all my favorite picture books … I didn’t even touch on Dr. Seuss or Bill Pete ……

  1. I loved all of the Penderwick books! Like, a lot. The problem is that I kind of forgot what it was about. πŸ™ I just know I liked them. πŸ˜› We have “Miss Rumphius”. My mom really likes that book. πŸ˜€

    1. IT’S ABOUT AWESOMENESS! πŸ˜‰ Miss Rumphius is my sister’s favorite … I have found memories of her reading it to me and then taking me out to icecream and picking up my other sister from work when I was, like, five. πŸ™‚

  2. Blueberries for Sal….oh my goodness. When was the last time I read that?! You know that feeling where you completely forget you ever read that book, but then you see the cover and it all just comes flooding back? (Or is that just me? πŸ˜› )

  3. Blueberries for Sal… a lovely picture book classic! I think we got Miss Rumphius one time at the library, but I can’t remember what it is about. Sometimes I just generally remember a picture books pictures and not the story! πŸ˜‰

    1. The pictures are beautiful, but the story is, too. It’s about a woman who can’t figure out how to ‘make the world a better place’ or something like that. She plants a lot of flowers, they spread everywhere, and she world is much more beautiful and … that’s all there was to it! πŸ™‚

  4. Ha, I knew The Penderwicks would be on here! πŸ˜‰
    Wow … everyone loves Blueberries for Sal. I vaguely remember having it, but never reading it … my childhood must not have been complete. XD

  5. I’ve read Blueberries For Sal. And the just recently check out The Penderwicks from the Library. Loved it! There were a lot of moments that had me laughing. πŸ™‚

What do you think of my thoughts?

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