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A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

In Which I Fail at Vlogging. Again.

by Kellyn Roth |
December 8, 2016


Dear Reader,
Unfortunately for you, I attempted vlogging again.
That’s right.
I made a vlog post today.
I made three, actually. All on the same subject. The subject being ‘general author updates.’ The first time, I forgot what I was talking about. The second time, my brothers dived behind me and danced. The third … it’s just not a very good video.
So maybe don’t watch it.
Wait, do! I want you to watch it. Just … watch it open-mindedly, I suppose. πŸ˜‰

Here goes.

I know, I know. It’s boring, a little too long, I mumble, the video is poor-quality, and I never relate anything vaguely important.
But you know what?
At least I did do a vlog post.
That’sΒ a small accomplishment in itself.

A Couple Other Updates:

Megan (A Barefoot Gal) is working with me to re-design Reveries! We’re still kinda in the brainstorming stage, but she’s been so nice and great to work with, and she’s super talented, too. I’m really excited to see how it all turns out! πŸ™‚
IT’S SNOWING!!! It’s been snowing since nine this morning, actually. We have six to eight inches. It’s awesome! And the snow looks so pretty with the Christmas lights … I just love it. I’m going to be posting pictures of the snow and the lights and the trees and my cat. Who I let sleep with me one night. She sat on my book. Unbelievable. Doesn’t she know better than to get in the way of me and my reading?!
~Kellyn Roth

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19 Responses

  1. AHH SNOW. Our power went off a few times last night (some accident…), and it got down to like 30 degrees… but no snow. Frost, frozen troughs… but no snow. YET. πŸ˜€ I want snow so bad lol. But anyway, I won’t want it when it’s here, right? ;D
    YEssss. Like, Seek, I was thinking… Instead of it taking place in summer, nah, I’m doing like fall (maybe Octoberfest kinda) OR Christmas! Kinda fits and gives me for motivation/spirit to write… πŸ˜€
    I really enjoy your vlogs, haha. πŸ™‚ *high five*

  2. “It’s literally written in the corner!” xD Your vlogs are my favorite, Kell. πŸ˜€ I love the rambling; it’s great. I really enjoyed it and I’m glad that everything’s going so well for you writing-wise (at least generally)! Thanks for the update. πŸ™‚

    1. Thanks for watching! Yeah … it WAS written in the corner … I … forget things. I forgot that I liked cream cheese. I was talking with my friend and I was like, “I hate cream cheese!” and my mom was in the room and she said, “Kell, you love cream cheese!” And yep. I do …

        1. Ah, thanks! Yeah, you’re about the only blog besides … I suppose Morgan’s … that I actually comment on regularly. I usually have to force myself to comment. πŸ˜›

          1. Hey, thanks! πŸ˜€ I usually have to force myself to comment too, but I do have more of a desire to comment on your blog than most others because, well, you’re fun to talk to, hehe. πŸ˜€

  3. Hahaha! I loved this! XD Hey, at least it’s better than my vlogs. πŸ˜‰ I tried doing a video announcement on an airplane once for my blog and I ended up being super hyper on caffeine and sounding like a squeaky mouse… O.o You did a fantastic job! πŸ˜€ It was great to hear about your writings! Riley’s Gift sounds AWESOME, by the way!

    1. On an airplane!? Wow. I … would not want to do that. I would sound awful and it would be awkward with people around me … :O You are very brave! πŸ™‚
      Thanks … I’m really excited to start writing it! πŸ˜€

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