A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin

by Kellyn Roth |
December 21, 2016

Title: Anchor in the Storm
Author: Sarah Sundin
Series: Waves of Freedom, #2
Genre: Christian Historical Romance/Mystery
Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult)
Era: 1940s (WW2)
Setting: Boston, Massachusetts (USA)
Publisher: Revell Books
Source: library
Rating: 5/5 stars
Content: 2/5. No language. It’s set during a war. Some violence and such connected with that, though nothing graphic. There’s a drug ring. Mentions of drinking and taking drugs, and Arch goes to a bar. Kisses and such. It’s mentioned that a man tried to take advantage of Lilly once. No details at all.

Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin


One Plucky Female Pharmacist + One High-Society Naval Officer = Romance — and Danger

For plucky Lillian Avery, America’s entry into World War II means a chance to prove herself as a pharmacist in Boston. The challenges of her new job energize her. But society boy Ensign Archer Vandenberg’s attentions only annoy — even if he “is” her brother’s best friend.

During the darkest days of the war, Arch’s destroyer hunts German U-boats in vain as the submarines sink dozens of merchant ships along the East Coast. Still shaken by battles at sea, Arch notices his men also struggle with their nerves — and with drowsiness. Could there be a link to the large prescriptions for sedatives Lillian has filled? The two work together to answer that question, but can Arch ever earn Lillian’s trust and affection?

Sarah Sundin brings World War II to life, offering readers an intense experience they won’t soon forget.

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This is going to be a short review due to limited time and me being behind on reviewing and struggling to catch up. However, I don’t have a lot to say about Sarah Sundin’s books that I haven’t said before (not that they’re the same, but that they all have the same level of awesomeness, and I tend to forget the differences in ranting about the awesomeness …), so that’s actually quite fitting. 🙂
That was another great story by Sarah Sundin! I can’t wait until book three of the Waves of Freedom trilogy comes out!
Lillian and Arch were both great characters. All the characters are, but these two were my favorite.
I loved Arch in book one. He’s a swell guy, pretty serious most of the time, always a perfect gentleman (that scene in the bar was hilarious!), but he is prone to depression and very insecure about being loved for his money/social position/looks instead of for himself. Of course we love him for his faults. Yeah, I know, in my last review I was going on about this guy who was perfect despite his lack of faults … well, Arch was perfect because of his faults. It makes sense. Just trust me on this one.
Lillian is also pretty insecure (if you didn’t guess!). As a kid, she lost her leg and now wears a prosthesis. You can imagine how that makes her feel! Overall, however, she’s pretty confident about that, which surprised me. Her main problem is her ‘wooden heart.’ She shuts people out, pushes herself too hard, goes through life bluntly and without feeling. At least, his (evil!) twin sister thinks so …
Which reminds me, I hate Lillian’s twin sister’s guts. I don’t know why, but I just do. I suppose because I can’t stand people who whine. Drives me crazy. I’m a lot more like Lillian; I’d die before I’d cry or complain or let anyone know I need help. 😛
The plot was, of course, fantastic. Another mystery, which I didn’t mind one bit! Very exciting, intriguing, etc.
It was also great to see Jim and Mary again, however briefly. I’m a bit surprised they’re only dating, though, not engaged. Wait a minute … no. I’m not surprised one bit! Thinking back, they just got around to actually confessing their love (after months … and months … and months … not that it was irritating, but that their personalities are just like that!), and knowing their personalities … this is gonna take a while. But they have to get engaged in the next book, mmkay, Ms. Sundin? They just have to! Please?
Well, that’s about all I have to say. I hope you enjoyed this review, and I hope you’ll go pick up a copy of the book yourself so we can fangirl together. XD
~Kellyn Roth

What do you think of my thoughts?

5 Responses

  1. The guy is really called Arch?? Wow, it seems these books get better and better. (or maybe they’re just as awesome as the previous ones :P) I bet I can relate to Lillian, too. When will I have time to check them out of the library and read them???? (Can you tell I’m impatient?)

      1. Yeah, Arch is definitely better than Archie. 😀 And Archer is definitely better than Archibald.

  2. Thank you for another lovely review, Kellyn! I’m so glad you enjoyed Arch & Lillian’s story. By the way, I had far too much fun writing that bar scene 🙂 As for Jim & Mary and engagements & weddings…stay tuned…

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