I don’t cry a lot. And when I do, I’m usually not crying about one thing so much as a bunch of things.
But yes, some books do make me cry … or at least make my eyes water. And these are my top ten. Not in any particular order because, to be honest, who can choose? Not me. I probably should have done them in order of least to most tears, but eh. Too much work.
Onward and downward!
1: A Question of Honor
This amazing WW2 story by Jesseca Wheaton jerked some serious tears out of me both times I read it. I can’t wait to read the sequel! The author’s given me some sneak peaks, and they were almost enough to make me start crying again. All the emotions … *sobs quietly*
2: Gone with the Wind
This one is kind of obvious, but it really did make me cry! Especially the last chapter. I unashamedly love Scarlett O’Hara (see my defensive review here), and I couldn’t bear to see her heart smashed once and for all, even though she kinda-sorta deserved it. The movie made me cry, too.
3: Jane Eyre
There is one part in this book where the main character is driven into the dirt – as low as she can go – and it makes me cry every time. As does practically every event proceeding it. And several events after it. And the ending … *sobs* Honestly, so many emotions, both happy and sad! This is a masterpiece.
4: The Bird in the Tree
The ending … it just … just … *wails* Oh, wow! This book is so deep and beautiful and sad and happy and just … all the emotions get me every time. Especially when Nadine … okay, spoilers, but … wow!
5: A Memory Between Us
Most of the Sarah Sundin books made me cry as some point or another, but this one took the cake. For making me cry. I really haven’t been able to pick a favorite Sundin book yet …
6: A Girl of the Limberlost
Besides being my favorite book of all time, this is also a book that makes me cry regularly. Because I empathize with the villain. Go figure.
7: The Hunger Games
I’m just so sorry for everyone in this book. They need hugs. Or food. Or freedom. I don’t know which is the biggest priority, honestly …
8: The Scarlet Letter
This book is sooo emotional! The language is super hard to understand, but the elaborateness of it just makes it more emotional somehow.
9: Persuasion
Poor Anne. #enoughsaid
10: At Her Fingertips
What? I was tearing up the whole time I was writing it. It deserves at least an honorable mention.
And that’s it! Ten books that make me cry.
Thanks for reading!
~Kellyn Roth~
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What books make you cry? Do you enjoy them more than books that make you laugh? Or less? Have you read any of these books and did they make you cry?
14 Responses
I really need to read Jane Eyre! And GASP there’s a non-historical fiction novel on here??? What has the world come to??? (I also need to read The Hunger Games. XD )
The books I’ve cried over are: Fever 1973 by Laurie Halse Anderson (during my reread; historical fiction!!!), HP and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling, Allegiant by Veronica Roth, and The Midnight Star by Marie Lu.
You haven’t read The Hunger Games? I thought I was the only one left on the planet who hadn’t …
What books make me cry? Well. Almost every single book I read….
Even the comedies?
YESSS. A Question Of Honor made me cry like a baby. xD
I know, right?! It’s so awesome.
I LOVED A Question of Honor. <3 <3 <3 There was this book I cried in anger at once because my favorite character died…. so cruel.
Yes, aQoH is amaaazzeee! And yes, I’ve cried with frustration/anger at books, though not these ones, I don’t think.
Haha XD
Where can I find your At Her Fingertips book? I looked for it on Amazon Kindle but I can’t find it. :/
It isn’t published yet. It’s just a first draft.
But it DID make me cry … 