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TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 5

by Kellyn Roth |
June 24, 2017


It’s release day! *excited dancing*
You can now purchase IvIn in Kindle. (Not that I expect you to, but that it is a possibility.) Paperback may take a while to get out, perhaps upwards of a couple days, but it will eventually. (Sorry for the delay … once again, busyness abounds!)
For the release day, not a ton of stuff is happening, although there is a Facebook party (though it may be over by the time you see this). This is an even briefer post than normal, actually … it’s mostly to announce today’s bloggers and inform you of the publication!
However, I’m hopefully going to be sending out a newsletter (*gasp*) and posting on Reveries Reviews later today. So there’s that. #lamesauce

Today’s Posts Are …

Thank you, May and Zane for posting two gorgeous author interviews today!
I love how May formatted the post … and the questions she asked! I really let myself be a little more fun this time, and May made it that much better with a couple well-placed GIFs, etc. The Mango Queen never fails to amaze me.
Zane’s post looks so classic and neat … I really love it! It was great how she gives you all the information without rambling on and on (like I generally do). Really, Zane has such a professional, minimalistic blog … I love it!

The Full Schedule

Tuesday the 20th
-Lana @ The Music of Words (book and character spotlight)
Wednesday the 21st
-Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations (author interview)
Thursday the 22nd
-Leona @ Great Books for God’s Girls (review of IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 23rd
-Jordy @ Jordy Leigh (author interview)
-Tonya @ Literary Musings (reviews of TDS and IvIn)
Saturday the 24th
-May Everly @ Forever and Everly (author interview)
-Zane Jones @ Simple Impossibilities (author interview)
Sunday the 25th
-Dani Eide @ Perspective of a Writer (character interview and spotlight)
Monday the 26th
-Anika Joy @ This Journey Called Life (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Maddy @ Girls Living for God’s Glory (book spotlight)
Tuesday the 27th
-Heather @ Frozen Books Blog (guest post)
-J.C. Buchanan @ Beyond the Amethyst (review of TDS and IvIn)
Wednesday the 28th
-Jesseca Wheaton @ Whimsical Writings for His Glory (author interview, book spotlight)
-Jaylee Morgan @ Jaylee Morgan Writes (character interview and guest post)
Thursday the 29th
-Zielle @ My Homeschool Notebook (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Sarah Briel @ Penumbra Reviews (review of TDS and IvIn, author interview)
-Sel H. @ Hearth (author interview)
Friday the 30th
-Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger (author interview)
-Lainey @ Direct My Paths (reviews of TDS, character interview and spotlight)
-Dawn Dagger @ Dawn Dagger’s Official Blog (review of TDS, author interview)



By entering this giveaway, you might win a paperback copy of both The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective (US only) or an ebook copy of the same novels (International). You can sign up here!

Stuff to Do

The Books:

The Dressmaker’s Secret: AmazonGoodreadsBarnes&Nobles, and Createspace.
Ivy Introspective: Amazon and Goodreads.

Thanks for reading,

~Kellyn Roth~

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Do you like cheese? What are your thoughts on spray cheese (if you’ve ever had it)? Would you rather visit Scotland, England, or Ireland? Would you rather live in the mountains or by the beach? Do you like dogs or cats better? #deepquestions

What do you think of my thoughts?

14 Responses

    Do you like cheese? Yep, usually.
    What are your thoughts on spray cheese (if you’ve ever had it)? I had it a long time ago…I don’t really remember. Except I like spraying things. Like whipped cream. *grins*
    Would you rather visit Scotland, England, or Ireland? ALL THREE. Okay…um…I don’t know, I’d have to research cool places and stuff before I decided, because I have no idea.
    Would you rather live in the mountains or by the beach? Oooh, probably in the mountains. I’d normally rather hike than go swimming…though the ocean is awesome.
    Do you like dogs or cats better? Agh May asked me this one too! I gave her a nice pros/cons list and basically said I liked both. *snods*

    1. Bailey hates spray cheese. And I like it. So you could go either way. 😉 BUT YES SPRAYING THINGS IS THE BEST! My grandma always puts spray whipped cream in my mouth. 🙂
      I want to go to all three either, so I guess I couldn’t decide!
      I’d rather live by the mountains, but I’d rather vacation at the beach, haha.
      Oh, that’s right! *facepalm* I guess now I’ve resorted to stealing other peoples’ questions …

      1. Haha. Oooh, lucky! I don’t really like whipped cream plain personally, but that still sounds fun.
        Oooh, good point. Yeah, I’d like to visit both as well.
        Kell…how could you. 😛

  2. Congratulations, Kellyn!
    I like cheese, I’ve never had spray cheese, I’d rather visit uhm… all of them, I’d rather live in the mountains, and I like dogs better (one reason being I’m allergic to cats XD ) 😛

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