A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 7

by Kellyn Roth |
June 26, 2017


Good morning, ladies and gents! We’ve only got a little less than a week of blog tour to go … and though that is sad (I want people to keep on talking about me – I mean, my books – forever), it’s also good that soon I’ll be back to my normal posting schedule.

A couple things I forgot to say before:

I’m going to announcing both the giveaway winners and one other thing (that is important … and hush-hush just now, so shhh!) on Saturday morning (as early as possible, though it may drift into afternoon knowing me).
Also, if you have a burning desire for a signed paperback copy of one of my books, that is a possibility (if you’re in the US; I can’t ship out of country). It costs just a couple dollars more than a paperback would cost you on Amazon + shipping and handling.
So #expensive. I’m thinking about $15 for TDS or IvIn and $12 for TLOTV. But I need to work on it. I’d like to charge less, but I have to pay to have them shipped here then pay to ship them to you … which is expensive.

Today’s Posts Are By …

Anika wrote a wonderful series review while Maddy put together a great book spotlight. Thanks, ladies! You don’t know how thankful I am to have you on the tour! 😀


Tuesday the 20th
-Lana @ The Music of Words (book and character spotlight)
Wednesday the 21st
-Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations (author interview)
Thursday the 22nd
-Leona @ Great Books for God’s Girls (review of IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 23rd
-Jordy @ Jordy Leigh (author interview)
-Tonya @ Literary Musings (reviews of TDS and IvIn)
Saturday the 24th
-May Everly @ Forever and Everly (author interview)
-Zane Jones @ Simple Impossibilities (author interview)
Sunday the 25th
-Dani Eide @ Perspective of a Writer (character interview and spotlight)
Monday the 26th
-Anika Joy @ This Journey Called Life (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Maddy @ Girls Living for God’s Glory (book spotlight)
Tuesday the 27th
-Heather @ Frozen Books Blog (guest post)
Wednesday the 28th
-Jesseca Wheaton @ Whimsical Writings for His Glory (author interview, book spotlight)
-Jaylee Morgan @ Jaylee Morgan Writes (character interview and guest post)
-J.C. Buchanan @ Beyond the Amethyst (review of TDS and IvIn)
Thursday the 29th
-Zielle @ My Homeschool Notebook (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Sarah Briel @ Penumbra Reviews (review of TDS and IvIn, author interview)
-Sel H. @ Hearth (author interview)
Friday the 30th
-Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger (author interview)
-Lainey @ Direct My Paths (reviews of TDS, character interview and spotlight)
-Dawn Dagger @ Dawn Dagger’s Official Blog (review of TDS, author interview)



By entering this giveaway, you might win a paperback copy of both The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective (US only) or an ebook copy of the same novels (International). You can enter here!

Stuff to Do

The Books:

The Dressmaker’s Secret: AmazonGoodreadsBarnes&Nobles, and Createspace.
Ivy Introspective: Amazon and Goodreads.
More links coming soon!

Thanks for reading,

~Kellyn Roth~

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Did you enjoy Anika’s reviews? How about Maddy’s book spotlights? Sorry for a short post today! I’ll try to do better tomorrow. 🙂

What do you think of my thoughts?

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