A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 10

by Kellyn Roth |
June 29, 2017


Welcome to Day 10! We’ve got a couple great posts today, a couple summaries for future books,* and I’m fooling around with different formatting stuff.**
I’ve been playing with the fonts on my blog a lot lately, but it’s just not working for me. :/ And I thought I could do the whole font-changing-thing button,*** but I can’t figure it out.
I think I’d have to buy Business, which is not something I’m willing to do. I should ask Sari … she figured it out … or May. May was like the first person I knew on the Blogosphere to figure it out.

*BECAUSE YOU NEED TO KNOW! The Q&A vlogs will be coming out tomorrow.
**I really don’t know how to do this …
***Oh, shush.

|Today’s Posts|

These reviews … they are so amazing it’s not even funny. They’re just … they’re wonderful. I mean, of course Sari gave me some wonderful critiquing, too, but she was just so amazing with her bullet points and stuff … it was awesome. And 4.5 stars! Gosh, that’s so awesome!


Tuesday the 20th
-Lana @ The Music of Words (book and character spotlight)
Wednesday the 21st
-Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations (author interview)
Thursday the 22nd
-Leona @ Great Books for God’s Girls (review of IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 23rd
-Jordy @ Jordy Leigh (author interview)
-Tonya @ Literary Musings (reviews of TDS and IvIn)
Saturday the 24th
-May Everly @ Forever and Everly (author interview)
-Zane Jones @ Simple Impossibilities (author interview)
Sunday the 25th
-Dani Eide @ Perspective of a Writer (character interview and spotlight)
Monday the 26th
-Anika Joy @ This Journey Called Life (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Maddy @ Girls Living for God’s Glory (book spotlight)
Tuesday the 27th
-Heather @ Frozen Books Blog (guest post)
Wednesday the 28th
-Jesseca Wheaton @ Whimsical Writings for His Glory (author interview, book spotlight)
-Jaylee Morgan @ Jaylee Morgan Writes (character interview and guest post)
-Zielle @ My Homeschool Notebook (review of TDSreview of IvIn)
-J.C. Buchanan @ Beyond the Amethyst (review of TDS and IvIn)
Thursday the 29th
-Sari Briel @ Penumbra Reviews (review of TDS and IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 30th
-Sel H. @ Hearth (author interview)
-Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger (author interview)
-Lainey @ Direct My Paths (reviews of TDS, character interview and spotlight)

|Free Stuff|


That’s right … I’m still giving stuff away! You only have a little more time to enter the giveaway. So do so. Now. *nudges away*

|Things To Click|

  • Signup here to receive notifications whenever I have a blog tour signup open. The next one will probably be sometime next spring, just so you know.
  • Interested in reviewing my books? You can sign up here.
  • You can now order a signed paperback copy of any one of my novels. Do that here. Copies of either TDS or IvIn will cost $9.99 and a copy of TLOTV will cost $7.99. This does include shipping.

|Things to Buy|

Buy The Dressmaker’s Secret:

AmazonGoodreadsBarnes&NoblesCreatespaceKoboiBooks, and Inktera

Buy Ivy Introspective:

Amazon and Goodreads


Today I’m going to be giving you some (non-official) summaries of different books I have planned to write in the near future. (Because obviously this is just what you wanted to read …)


“Every day you will look in the mirror and see that you are not special. You are not talented. You are not beautiful. You are not your sister.”

Adae has always come second to her gorgeous twin sister, Blythe. Second in brains, second in individuality, and second in beauty. The one thing she’s not second in is birth, and even that Blythe threatens to take away from her.

The only thing she has is the magic mirror and the wisdom of the genie within. At first deemed a useless gift which has no power but to reflect, she soon finds that Carmelli, her friend in the reflection, can look within her and reflect her true self.

But will that be enough?

~100 Facts About an Angel~

Every day, Ned brings flowers to the graveyard.

Every day, he finds a mysterious letter containing one fact about his mother.

~Blessing in Disguise (WIP)~

Southern belle Lynn McCullough only married Yankee shipbuilder’s son Clarence Hilton because of her parents’ threat of disinheritance. Exactly why she remained married to him when a simple way out was offered to her is something even she can’t fathom.

There are many other things Lynn can’t understand… like how kind Clarence is to her after being humiliated, insulted, and having personal items defenestrated. However, when Clarence goes off to war, Lynn finds herself missing her husband, and it doesn’t help to be living with a surprisingly non-irritating mother-in-law who keeps pushing her towards a faith she never dreamed of taking as her own.

Note: the Q&A posts will be tomorrow instead of today! Sorry for the delay. I’m simply unable to upload videos at this time.

Until tomorrow (the last day!),

~Kellyn Roth~

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Did you like Sari’s reviews? Enjoy mine blurbs? Are you excited to hear the giveaway winners announced day after tomorrow? Are you excited for the blog tour to be ending and us to get to some normal – but fun – posts? I’m considering a hiatus at some point during this summer … so I don’t know what’s gonna happen.

What do you think of my thoughts?

10 Responses

  1. Oooh, Adae sounds really cool! Is that for the contest? Good luck with it! 😀
    And I did love Sari’s reviews! They were so fun to read and exciting and all of that. And AFOP next spring/summer?? *dances* I’m so excited!
    Ahhh the giveaway! *goes to write review of IvIn on Goodreads*

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