A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 11

by Kellyn Roth |
June 30, 2017


Welcome to the last day of the blog tour! Aren’t you excited? I sure am! We’ve got a couple great posts for you and three Q&A videos.*
Tomorrow morning I’ll be announcing the giveaway winners (and some other exciting stuff), so stay tuned! I’ll also be including an excerpt of The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3 … because obviously y’all need another one.**

*Though they may appear a little later; uploading takes forever!
**… even though I posted like fifty during NaNo …

|Today’s Posts|

Three amazing posts by three amazing girls!
Sel published an author interview, complete with great replies and comments. Besides, she’s just so sweet to me. <3
Angela also published an author interview. She asked me some thoughtful, amazing questions. My favorite was, “Which character from The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy do you feel most resembles you?”

 Lainey published a review of The Dressmaker’s Secret and a wonderful character interview with Alice Chattoway. Both were amazing! She was so complimentary in the review, and she asked Alice some great questions.


Tuesday the 20th
-Lana @ The Music of Words (book and character spotlight)
Wednesday the 21st
-Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations (author interview)
Thursday the 22nd
-Leona @ Great Books for God’s Girls (review of IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 23rd
-Jordy @ Jordy Leigh (author interview)
-Tonya @ Literary Musings (reviews of TDS and IvIn)
Saturday the 24th
-May Everly @ Forever and Everly (author interview)
-Zane Jones @ Simple Impossibilities (author interview)
Sunday the 25th
-Dani Eide @ Perspective of a Writer (character interview and spotlight)
Monday the 26th
-Anika Joy @ This Journey Called Life (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Maddy @ Girls Living for God’s Glory (book spotlight)
Tuesday the 27th
-Heather @ Frozen Books Blog (guest post)
Wednesday the 28th
-Jesseca Wheaton @ Whimsical Writings for His Glory (author interview, book spotlight)
-Jaylee Morgan @ Jaylee Morgan Writes (character interview and guest post)
-Zielle @ My Homeschool Notebook (review of TDSreview of IvIn)
-J.C. Buchanan @ Beyond the Amethyst (review of TDS and IvIn)
Thursday the 29th
-Sari Briel @ Penumbra Reviews (review of TDS and IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 30th
-Sel H. @ Hearth (author interview)
-Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger (author interview)
-Lainey @ Direct My Paths (review of TDS, character interview)

|Free Stuff|

You only have a little more time to enter the giveaway. Like, seriously. This is legit the last day. *nods*

|Things To Click|

  • Signup here to receive notifications whenever I have a blog tour signup open. The next one will probably be sometime next spring, just so you know.
  • Interested in reviewing my books? You can sign up here.
  • You can now order a signed paperback copy of any one of my novels. Do that here. Copies of either TDS or IvIn will cost $9.99 and a copy of TLOTV will cost $7.99. This does include shipping.

|Things to Buy|

Buy The Dressmaker’s Secret: books2read.com/thedressmakerssecret

Buy Ivy IntrospectiveAmazon


Today we have (not one, not two, but) three Q&A blogs!
There. I think that’s all the questions. Thanks for asking! <3

~Kellyn Roth~

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Did you enjoy Angela and Sel’s interviews? What about Lainey’s review and character interview? I thought they were all awesome!

What do you think of my thoughts?

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