A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Wrap-Up

by Kellyn Roth |
July 1, 2017


That’s right … we’ve finally reached the end of the blog tour! Two winners have been chosen (one for USA, one for International) and a name will be drawn from my list of newsletter subscribers for their choice of an ebook.*
Before you see who the winners are, I have a few (other) announcements.**

*This will be announced in my newsletter later today.
**Because obviously you need to know who won, but I like to be infuriating. Even though you’ll probably skip ahead like the bad person you are. #SinNature

First, you should know that you can still do the following …

|Clickety Click?|

  • Signup here to receive notifications whenever I have a blog tour signup open. The next one will probably be sometime next spring, just so you know.
  • Interested in reviewing my books? You can sign up here.
  • You can now order a signed paperback copy of any one of my novels. Do that here. Copies of either TDS or IvIn will cost $9.99 and a copy of TLOTV will cost $7.99. This does include shipping.

These forms will be open for at least another week if not more.

|The Complete Schedule|

Tuesday the 20th
-Lana @ The Music of Words (book and character spotlight)
Wednesday the 21st
-Faith Blum @ Bookish Orchestrations (author interview)
Thursday the 22nd
-Leona @ Great Books for God’s Girls (review of IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 23rd
-Jordy @ Jordy Leigh (author interview)
-Tonya @ Literary Musings (reviews of TDS and IvIn)
Saturday the 24th
-May Everly @ Forever and Everly (author interview)
-Zane Jones @ Simple Impossibilities (author interview)
Sunday the 25th
-Dani Eide @ Perspective of a Writer (character interview and spotlight)
Monday the 26th
-Anika Joy @ This Journey Called Life (review of TDS and IvIn)
-Maddy @ Girls Living for God’s Glory (book spotlight)
Tuesday the 27th
-Heather @ Frozen Books Blog (guest post)
Wednesday the 28th
-Jesseca Wheaton @ Whimsical Writings for His Glory (author interview, book spotlight)
-Jaylee Morgan @ Jaylee Morgan Writes (character interview and guest post)
-Zielle @ My Homeschool Notebook (review of TDSreview of IvIn)
-J.C. Buchanan @ Beyond the Amethyst (review of TDS and IvIn)
Thursday the 29th
-Sari Briel @ Penumbra Reviews (review of TDS and IvIn, author interview)
Friday the 30th
-Sel H. @ Hearth (author interview)
-Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger (author interview)
-Lainey @ Direct My Paths (review of TDS, character interview)

|And of course …|

Buy The Dressmaker’s Secretbooks2read.com/thedressmakerssecret

Buy Ivy IntrospectiveAmazon


In case you missed one (because the internet has been delaying uploads for hours upon hours), you can find all the vlogs on my YouTube channel. A couple of the Q&As have yet to be uploaded, but they will be coming out soon.

|Giveaway Winners|

So now it’s time to announce the winners!
Keep scrolling.
And the winners are …
Heather Johnson and Victoria Minks.
Congratulations, ladies! I’ll be sending you an email shortly so we can figure things out. 🙂

|Incredibly Exciting Announcements|

A drumroll please!
Ladies and gentleman, it’s time to announce something quite incredibly exciting (because … that’s what the title says!).

At Her Fingertips will be publishing …

April 22nd 2018

The blog tour will run from the 23rd to the 27th. I’ve already come up with some great prize ideas (other than the actual book, of course), and hopefully there will be a (slightly more successful) Facebook party and such. I’m really pumped for this!
Beyond Her Calling will be publishing sometime in Fall 2018 (although I’m hesitant to set an actual date).

~Kellyn Roth~

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Did you enjoy the blog tour? Did you have a favorite post? Are you excited for At Her Fingertips? Or Beyond Her Calling? What is one plot or character you’re really looking forward to in one or the other of these books (if you’ve read TDS or IvIn)?

What do you think of my thoughts?

26 Responses

        1. Oh wait. I get it. *facepalms* I totally read that as Beyond Her Calling…even though I reread it like five times trying to figure it out.

  1. Congrats to Kellyn for a wrap of such an amazing few days, which are still going!
    Also Congrats to the winners of the givaways 🙂
    I can’t wait to get IvIn!!!!!

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