A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Why Writers Should Be Bloggers

by Kellyn Roth |
September 9, 2017

why writers should be bloggers

I bet y’all are wondering, “Why the sand? What does that have to do with blogging? Or writing? Or anything related to blogging or writing?”
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. It is the first stock photo that came up. It wasn’t even the BEST stock photo that came up! I AM SO GENIUS I SHALL TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH TERRIBLE STOCK PHOTOS. I SHALL BE SUPREME LEADER! *evil laughter* I AM A TERRIBLE BLOGGER MUHAHAHA. *coughs*
Moving on.


|The Actual Post|

Everyone knows that when you come a famous author, you should probably have a blog so your loyal fans will have an online gathering-place to get more of your awesomeness.
Like me. Obviously. (I can see y’all out there rolling your eyes! Knock it off! Keep your eyes to yourself! No one needs your eyes!) (Except you, I guess … because without your eyes, you’d be blind … which would not be good …) (My dog is blind.) (She is fine.) (Okay, she’s dying, but whatever.)
However, blogging is not just for famous authors and those in blogging for blogging’s sake. Blogging is for writers of all shapes and sizes.

But why get a blog if I’m not published yet?

Well, here’s a question to ask yourself: Do you want to be an author? Furthermore, do you plan to work with all your strength to become an author? If so, then a blog is probably a good idea.
Now, I don’t think everyone who jots down a short story – or even a full-length novel – needs a blog. If you just write for fun and don’t intend to seriously pursue publishing, you probably don’t need a blog. (though you may want one …)
But if you intend to be a published novelist someday (particularly if “someday” means just a couple years for you or if you’re intending to self-publish), then a blog is a good idea.

But I don’t have a published book yet. What’s the point?

The point is building a readership – and making friends – before you even publish. This is more important than I could possibly express. Perhaps it sounds mercenary, but it’s really not. Authors – whether traditionally or self-published – need to build a readership, and what better way than to have them following your blog?

But I can’t just ramble about myself all the time, can I?

I completely agree with you. You can’t just talk about yourself all the time. That would make for a pretty boring blog – especially since you’re not a famous author who people hang on every word of (yet!).

So what should you blog about? Here are few ideas:

This could be writing tips, but you can also talk about your writing process in general. You could also ramble about how hard writing is (though be professional; nobody likes a long paragraph that says nothing) or something like that. Share your struggles – and what you’ve learned from them.
Well, you want to attract readers, don’t you? This is a good way to do that. Post reviews (particularly reviews of books in the genre you write, although you can do a wide variety if you like). Talk about different genres and how they compare. Give tips for a pleasurable reading experience. The possibilities are pretty endless.
Follow a couple big book blogs to get some ideas if you need to. However, keep in mind that you want to be original and not steal other peoples’ ideas!
I find ‘diary blogs’ pretty boring unless I actually care about the person – and let’s assume that the Blogosphere in general doesn’t care a ton about you. (I know it’s harsh, but they don’t know you; why would they care?) However, there’s nothing wrong with sharing a little bit of your life – as long as you don’t harp on it. One of the best ways to do this without boring people is a monthly wrapup, such as my Dares posts.
At least, I like monthly wrap-ups. I don’t know if this is a common thing or not? And I never know what to comment on other peoples’ wrap-up posts. I’m like, “Uh … good job, I guess? Looks like you’ll be busy next month … and … um … goodbye?”
If you write historical novels, write a post detailing the fashions of the time. If you write fantasy, do a post on archery (assuming archery shows up in your novel; random archery is probably not a good idea unless you happen to be an archery enthusiast).
Write posts about things you had to research for your novel. It makes sense that people interested in those kind of things would want to read your book. And, since you’ve already done the research, all you have to do is stick the post together (more or less). 😉
If you write books about Christianity or feminism, write blog posts about them. If someone wants to read a book that includes heavy doses of a topic, they might just be attracted to a blog post which talks – even briefly – about it.
If you blog about what you’re passionate about, it stands to reason that you will blog well. After all, your passion is something you care about, something you have plenty to talk about, and something you can be professional about … right? If not, you might need to find a new passion.


As you can see, there are a lot of things you can talk about which will still lead readers to your blog while not being boring. Then of course you can sneak in “author updates” and “what I’m writing” posts as a matter of course. (Especially if you’re sincerely interested in making friends, in which case writing about your life – ergo, your writing – is more acceptable.)

But I don’t feel good about building a readership!

Okay, so, building a readership with a blog is an important step for any aspiring author. However, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy the blogging experience while snaring poor, innocent book-lovers. Blogging is both fun and rewarding, and I highly recommend it to anyone serious about writing.
Also … blogging can definitely be something that increases your writing skills and teaches you a lot. I think I’ve become a better writer since I’ve started blogging. I kind of use my blog as a lab where I experiment on the minds of readers.
I mean, any improvements in my writing could be because it’s been almost two years (!!!), but … you know. It could also be because blogging forces me to write regularly and to use a style that is so my very own.
(Or it could be the ‘time has passed’ thing, too. Whatever floats your boat.)

That said, don’t assume that you need to be a blogger just because you’re a writer. If you’re not the blogging type, that’s totally okay. It’s not for everyone. But I do think it’s worth it – even if you only blog once a week or once a month.
So … think on it. (Yes, I know many of you are already blogging, but a few non-bloggers will read this and … maybe some of you already-blogging-peoples will read this and go, “Hey! I have a purpose for being here!”)

~Kellyn Roth~

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Are you a writer and a blogger? Or just a blogger? Or just a writer? If you’re none of those things, then what you are doing here? (Just kidding; love ya!) Do you agree with this post or disagree? What are your thoughts on blogging writers?

What do you think of my thoughts?

40 Responses

  1. I do think I will need a blog and/or website eventually; it’s just that I’m not sure God wants me to yet. I don’t want it to take away from actually important stuff… like writing and school. 😉 It’s like, every time I make a blog post, that would time away from writing. So… counterintuitive?

    1. Well, I do think you should eventually get a blog or website, but not until you have time and God is saying, “Hanna, IT IS TIME.” (not necessarily like that, but you know what I mean!)
      I personally don’t spend a ton of time on blogging … but it depends on the post. I can take FOREVER to write a post and get it formatted and everything (like, up to two or three hours) so I definitely see what you mean about taking time away! And then I did spend a couple afternoons working on my website recently. Still, it shouldn’t need any more work until I publish another book …

    Okay, so this post was super motivating for me??? Like, I’m already a writer and a blogger (and my blog has just passed it’s one-year-anniversary), but this really motivated me to KEEP writing and blogging…
    Also, I LOVED these ideas on topics to write about! Even as a-sort-of-official blogger, I still struggle with coming up with ideas occasionally, but these really got the gears rolling!!! So eek! Thank you for this post!!!

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the post & that it inspired you! This comment made my day. <3
      I know what you mean about not knowing what to blog about! In recent months, I've had more ideas (hiatuses are awesome! They fill you will all kinds of amazing blogging ideas – that you can't use at the moment, but when you get back to blogging, you're like, "OMW I HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT IDEAS IDEAS IDEAS." 😉

  3. Oooh, I can come up with something. So…sand…it’s made up of little tiny grains but if you get enough of them, then you get a desert…of awesomeness…so if you get a lot of readers on your blog, then you get a desert…of readers. *nods* There you go, Kell. Your picture makes perfect sense.
    Also, I am a writer and a blogger. (SHOCKING.) But I’m struggling at the moment because a) I don’t really know what to write about (which this post helped with some, I think, yay) and b) blogging takes time away from writing. Not that I don’t procrastinate from writing, but part of me feels like if I don’t write, then I have nothing to blog about. (Which isn’t entirely true, since I still have my opinions and all, but it still kind of feels like that…)
    Anyway…I think blogging writers are awesome! Although I always tend to be more interested in the writing-related posts than the reading-related posts (I guess why I don’t always post a lot of those?). But I like listening to writers talk, especially young writers who are trying to get published and do awesome things.

    1. OH MY WORD LANA AAAAAH! I love that. I’m going to have to remember that … XD I love my desert of readers … they’re awesome.
      I know, I’m the same about not wanting to blog if I haven’t written even though I’ve been trying to steer away from constantly talking about my writing. I’m like, “Eh … I didn’t write … do I want them to know that, too? Isn’t my own self-hatred enough?” 😉 But seriously, writing is important, and I don’t ever want writing to play second fiddle to blogging (even though blogging is a much easier thing for me to do than writing at the moment) and yeah.
      I am currently inundated with lots of blog post ideas for once in a blue moon, so … I can’t sympathize. 😉 Seriously, though, this has been a problem for me since forever. At the moment, I have lots of ideas, but for how long? *stares off into the two sunsets moodily* *uh …*
      Yes, blogging writers are awesome! I think I’m more interested in writing-related posts than reading-related posts …. which is in part why I haven’t really put a ton of effort into Reveries Reviews.

  4. Interesting! I think writes having a blog can really help them market their book and if they blog for a long time BEFORE they publish their books they can build up a readership and then have the book be quite hyped in the YA book blogosphere or whatever genre their book is.
    I also think blogging and blogging help you become more aware of the online world so once you publish your book you are not completely oblivious to what is going on. I think giving writing tips also helps YOU as a writer so that can be really beneficial! It’s also nice to look back on your blog about writing and see what your thoughts were like whilst you were writing your book.
    Great post!

    1. Excellent points! Exactly! I mean, I didn’t blog long before I published and I didn’t blog seriously (or really get into the community of people who read my genres … okay, I have still yet to do that, haha … I just love all my friends here too much! 😛 ), and I’ll always regret that.

  5. This was very good, Kellyn! A lot of people in our church are writers and I think they all have a blog. Yup, they do.
    I do want to publish someday soooooo……….
    Maybe I can convince my mom to let me start a blog now………………

    I agree! I’m a writer (not an author, sadly) and I blog! TBH, I hardly blog about my writing??? BECAUSE I REALLY HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. Do I talk about the sound of my keyboard??? My plot bunnies?? I WANT TO KEEP IT ALL SECRET??!
    Anyways, all of my favorite authors need to blog about their life more. I actually really enjoy reading bookish recaps of events, like NYCC or BookCon because it sounds SO FUN AND COOL and I cry because I want to be there. happy times.

    1. I’M NOT LETTING HER DIE SHE JUST IS. xD Really, though, there’s not much we can do for her.
      I know what you mean about wanting to keep it all secret. 😉 I blog a lot about writing because that’s ALL I really have to say, but other blogs are so cool! And I think any kind of blogging improves your writing no matter the subject! 😀
      YES! I definitely agree with you there. It seems like all my favorite authors are just like, “Eh … I think I’ll post once a year … maybe ….” 😛 But then a lot of my favorite authors are also dead, soooo … there’s that. 😉

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