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Two Years and a Day

by Kellyn Roth |
September 13, 2017

Two Years and a day

As of yesterday, I’ve been blogging for two years.
And, in the general scheme of things, two years isn’t a long time. However, in the general scheme of blogging … well, as a non-professional blogger, that’s semi-long, right? Right? (Oh, who cares what you think. It feels like a long time to me. Who are you to hold my self-worth in the balance?)
Since my first post, I’ve come a long way. More specifically, I’ve come a long way since my first posts, which were all pretty awful.
When I started Reveries, I didn’t really expect to use it as anything more than … well, an advertising venue, if you will. However, I’ve really come to care about blogging, and so … here I am. Not dead yet. Just give it some time.


Last year, I did a quick recap at the end of one of my posts on September 12th, and here’s what was going on then:


  • I’ve posted 190 (now 191) posts.
  • Best day for views was January 25th, 2016. 184 views.
  • 2,865 visitors.
  • 2,217 comments in 2016 alone!
  • In 2015, I had 191 comments.
  • Most of the views naturally come from the US, but there have also been views from Australia, Russia, Canada, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Italy, Taiwan, the Philippines, India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Japan, Ireland, South Africa, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, Netherlands, Spain, Argentina, Vietnam, France, Singapore, Mexico, Nigeria, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Egypt, Indonesia, Uganda, Bulgaria, Brazil, Luxembourg, Bangladesh, Sweden, Belgium, Lithuania, Israel, Norway, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Zimbabwe, Macedonia, Croatia, South Korea … and several others.
  • And, of course, 160 followers!


What progress have we (well, I) made since?


  • I’ve published 319 posts (counting this one)
  • 7,335 visitors
  • Second to my “About” page, my cover reveal post for TDS and IvIn got the most views with 190. (Which is oddly a really small number, but whatever!)
  • In 2017 I got 10,456 views in The United States. (I’m not looking at 2016 or 2015 because that would be too hard.)
  • Australia (917), Canada (358), and the United Kingdom (236) come second, third, and fourth, unsurprisingly.
  • I have 292 WordPress followers, 22 email followers, and 88 social followers.
  • 400 total. I LOVE YOU ALL!
  • My best day is Saturday with 24% of the view. Go figure.

Now on to something more fun!

A giveaway!

That’s right! I’m giving two identical prizes to two different people (yes, that does make sense … oh, be quiet!).
Both prizes are …

Ebook Copies of The Lady of the Vineyard and its short story sequel, Flowers!

On that note … I’ve decided on a publishing date for Flowers. *squeals*

December 13th, 2017

That’s right! I’ll probably be doing a one-day blog party. More info about that coming soon. It will be super simple. I might ask a few bloggers to participate, but nothing flashy.
I just realized …
Amidst the Christmas stories and winter wonderlands, I’m rebelling. MUHAHAHA IT’S A SPRING STORY THERE ARE FLOWERS I AM SO EVIL!
Wow, my bad side has been coming out in recent posts. Actually, my bad side is actually bad, but whatever. You just think I’m that awesome.
On that note (well, an earlier note, but whatever), I need beta-readers. If you’re at all interested in beta-reading, sign up! I’ll be closing it on the 20th and sending the book out. It’s only 9,000 words long.

Sign up to beta-read!

I just need two or three people. Maybe less. I’d be content with one; I already have two friends (potentially) reading through it. 🙂
Also … I would prefer beta readers who have read The Lady of the Vineyard. Not completely necessary, but I would prefer it.

“What else is there, Kell?! That was boring!”

Jeez, needy. My blog post, my boringness.
I have one more thing to discuss before ending this blog post.


I’m super excited for NaNo 2017! Are you participating? I sure am! I’m going to be writing Beyond Her Calling, as you probably know. I’m super excited to do so!

On that note, I’m trying to decide what, if anything, I want to do on Reveries for leading up to NaNo & then during the month. Last time I did that Plotting Crash Course thing. Fun, though not very organized. (It was a “crash course,” after all!)
Does anyone have any ideas? Further, would anyone be interested in some sort of collab? I think it could be fun!


And … I didn’t know what else to say. So.

au revoir,

~Kellyn Roth~

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Are you a blogger and if so, for how long have you been blogging? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? (If so, are you a blogger and are you interested in doing some sort of … I don’t know, NaNo blog post series thing?) Excited for Flowers or not so much? Do you have no idea how to celebrate anniversaries either or what?

What do you think of my thoughts?

29 Responses

  1. Congrats! 😀
    And ooh, a collab thing sounds fun! Do you have any ideas on what you might be doing for that? (Although wow, NaNo feels like so far away. I have no idea what I’m doing for it, haha…but yay, Beyond Her Calling! I’m so excited!)

    1. I’m not sure yet … some sort of NaNo prep thing. Like, I don’t know, maybe a series of questions about their novel that everyone has to answer or … well, that’s kinda cliche. Something like that. 🙂

  2. Hey!
    I just entered the giveway!! Yuus! I was only able to do the comments thing cause I have 0 social media. arent I cool? I am always looking for books to read, I am excited!

  3. Wow.. it’s only been two years? It feels like you’ve been blogging forever! You seem like a professional when it comes to blogging! Looking forward to your future posts <3

  4. I’ve only been blogging for 7 1/2 months, so I am a dwarf compared to you. XD
    I’m planning on doing Nano, but I haven’t decided which project to do for it yet. Ugh I need to stop procrastinating and get prepared! 😛
    And oh my goodness a Nano blog post series thing would be awesome! 😀

    1. Haha, not really … in the grand scheme of things, that’s not that much! I mean, you would think a 7 1/2 month-year-old was much younger than a 2-year-old. Well, some 2-year-olds can be mature and so it looks like there’s a big different, but 7 1/2 month-year-olds can be mature, too. 😉
      Well, I’ve pre-determined my projects into 2020, soooo … XP Yeah.

  5. Wow, congrats on 2 years, Kellyn! I’m also participating in NaNo again this year…what did you have in mind for that colab thingy? Because I was thinking of doing some posts leading up to November as well.

    1. Thanks! 🙂 I honestly haven’t come up with anything yet, and I’m still thinking about it. I’m trying to think of some way to prep for NaNo at the same time informing people about it through my blog and talking about my book and such in October … I just haven’t thought of anything that doesn’t sound mediocre. :/

What do you think of my thoughts?

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