A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Five Fall Favorites: Wrap Up & Animals + Brief Hiatus

by Kellyn Roth |
October 7, 2017

Hello ladies and gents!
Welcome to my blog … and to my final post in Five Fall Favorites 2017!
In this post, I’ll be announcing the winners … and some other fun things. We still have lots of free books and such wandering around, so be sure to look for them!
On that note … The Lady of the Vineyard is free today on Amazon while The Dressmaker’s Secret is on sale for just $0.99! Be sure to check them both out! 🙂

To find out what all is going on, check out today’s post by Rebekah A. Morris. All kinds of fun things are happening. There will even be a lot of free/discount books.
And now, the last FFF category …

Animal Books!

This one was fun for me! If you don’t know already, I love animals (especially read about them), so this was both hard and easy for me. 🙂

Old Yeller by Fred Gibson


This is such an awesome book! The ending, though … *sobs* I started with the movie (*hugs*) and then moved to the book after watching is six zillion times when I was a kid. And wow … I just love the characters and the dog and … *has no words*

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Black Beauty by Anna Sewell


My siblings regularly make fun of this book (“Book About a Whiny Horse,” I believe they call it), but I just adore it. Again, I started with the movie (lots different from the book; they’re both awesome in their own ways) and eventually read the book. Is it sad that this book should affect me so much? It’s just a horse, but … but …. *sobs*

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Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry


Besides being based on a true story (which made the adventure that much better), this is just a great story. I love horses (uh … yeah), so this was just awesome. Two kids capture and tame a wild pony? WHY IS IT SO AMAZING!?!

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Owls in the Family by Farley Mowat


This is a fun story about a little boy who gets a bunch of crazy pets … including two owls. I never really liked owls (in fact, I really hate them), but they were just so fun and full of personality in this book that it was impossible not to admire them. And all those crazy adventures … so funny! 😀

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All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot


Nothing has ever been as charming, amusing, and almost magical as this series. The setting, the era, the writing style, the stories … just lovely. I’d recommend it to any lover of animals, England, or the country.

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If you won first prize, here’s what you’ll be getting.
(If you lost, READ IT AND WEEP.) (I am such a mean person …)

  • Signed copy of Dylan’s Story by Rebekah A. Morris
  • Signed copy of Dandelion Dust by Faith Potts
  • Signed copy of Kate’s Innocence by Sarah Holman
  • Signed copy of The Twin Arrows by Kate Willis
  • Signed copy of Journey to Love by Amanda Tero
  • Coffee Nut M & M’s
  • Packets of Apple Cider
  • Cute Fall Mug


The Second Prize

  • The winners choice of three Kindle books (chosen from the books in the basket).
  • Maybe an Amazon gift card. If we have a US winner for the Grand Prize, there will be an Amazon gift card. If it’s an International winner, there won’t be.

The Third Prize

  • Two Kindle books (chosen from the book basket)


And … finally … the WINNERS!

Third place goes to …
Liberty H.
Second place goes to …
Jeanna S.
And, finally, first place goes to …
Chloe W.
Rebekah will be contacting y’all soon so you can receive your prizes!


And Some Personal Updates

What? I need my blog back to myself, people. 😉
So … I’m not going to post for about a week after the giveaway. I have a lot of projects going on, so I’m busy. (So much so that I tied my mother to a chair and made her edit Flowers for me.) (Haha, what? Me, a kidnapped??? Noooo … )
So posting will probably begin again 21st. And then in November I won’t be posting much (#NaNoWriMo). But we’ll see how it all plays out; I may be back the Wednesday before the 21st.
I do have a few quick updates, though.

  • I probably won’t be doing dares this month or the month. I’ll just … update you on all that happened this Autumn in December. *shrugs*
  • I’m outlining! Outlining is fun. But tough. I need to figure out a lot of details. I might post about that later in the month.
  • I bought a custom URL. I am not the proud owner of kellynrothauthor.com! (BTW, what do you think of my website?)
  • I still have a lot of writing to do … but I think I can do it! Adae and Flowers both need to be finished this month, and I have some additional projects, but I’m going to try.
  • I updated my NaNoWriMo account! Which means I can’t go back now.

And … I think that’s it? See you when I see you! 😀

Thanks for partying with me!

~Kellyn Roth~

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Do you enjoy books about animals? Or did you used to, at least? What’s your favorite animal? Congratulate the winners, all y’all! And try not to be too green with jealousy. Although I know I am.

What do you think of my thoughts?

22 Responses

  1. Thanks for being a part of this year’s FFF party, Kellyn! Your posts were fun to read, and now I think I have too many books to read. If there is such a thing. 😉 I haven’t read the last two books you mentioned, but the others I have. I love “Misty” and the rest of the series. 🙂

  2. I see a couple of doubles here. 😛 I have read “Owls in the Family”, although I barely remember it. It was for school.

    1. Thanks! Not too hard. Just knowing where everything is in WordPress made it pretty easy. The main problem for me was the cost, but I guess it wasn’t that spendy in hindsight. I just dislike spending money. 😉

  3. All these wonderful books! I’ve only not heard of one these(I think 😉 )
    Yes, your website looks amazing!
    This was all so much fun!

  4. Thanks so much for being a host of this party, I had such a great time this week and lugging home a million books! Haha! 😀
    I used to be into animal books, I still sorta am, but not really. :\ But, I used to enjoy the “Animal Ark” series, they are fun and exciting! 😀

    1. Ooh, Black Beauty is a great book! (Wait … I think you already knew that I thought that … oh well; I’ve repeated myself now, I guess …) So congratulations! 😀

  5. I love your new custom url website! It’s so pretty…. Aw, I’m sad you’re going a hiatus for a bit, but I understand. I’ll miss getting Kell updates though. 😉

    1. I didn’t know that you have signed copies available…. If I can get more money for books, I’ll consider it at some point. I’m considering starting a fund for books, that way I’ll have as much as I need. (Okay, so maybe it isn’t practical for my life… but boookkks. 😛 )

      1. I do. I don’t get a lot of orders, though. 😉 That sounds like a good idea! I kind of want to do that, only I have other expenses, like car insurance and stuff now … so it might have to wait. :/

        1. That’s true. I should keep stuff like that in mind since I’m a Junior…. sigh. I just wish we could get the books we want! What a cruel world….. 😛

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