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As In Olden Days by Jesseca Wheaton

by Kellyn Roth |
October 23, 2017

Title: As in Olden Days
Author: Jesseca Wheaton
Series: Questions of War, 0.5
Genre: Christian Historical Short Story (@Christmas)
Era: late 1940s
Setting: Kansas
Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton
Source: from author (in exchange for honest review)
Overall Rating: 4.5/5 stars

As in Olden Days by Jesseca Wheaton


The short story prequel to the Questions of War series, As in Olden Days is an adorable Christmas story about all our favorite characters – Gil, David, Lily, Elaine, Rafe with an awesome peek into their pre-war life.

It is awesome in its awesomeness, and the cover is pretty. I love red on gray and white. It’s so striking. Kind of reminds me of blood on snow. Which I’ve seen a lot of because my brother gets bloody noses all the time. It looks cool.

(~summary by moi … which is why it’s … like it is)

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Before I begin … *hugs Jesseca* *because that will make the delay for the review all better* *right?* *although in real life I hate hugs* *I mean, except for the select few I don’t mind hugging* *so basically my dog …*
My #1 problem with this book: TOO SHORT.
Really, I need more of these characters! I wish there was a whole ‘nother series about them before the war. I wish I could read about them forever and never stop. I wish I knew everything about them. (I’m sounding like a creepy stalker, but I CAN’T HELP IT!)
I love this family. I love their interactions. I love how they care for and about each other.
Okay, so, having read the first two books in this series and then reading this book … it was heartbreaking.
For those who read it and haven’t read the other books, it would be a wee confusing (and even I was just a tad confused by what exactly was going on with the characters at first since I haven’t read Book #1 in a bit). To the unknowing reader, it would just be a light little Christmas story with a couple serious but overall loving, sweet moments.
To me … it was breath-stoppingly, heart-screamingly, mind-blowingly SAD in the best possible way.
I won’t give any spoilers for the amazing-but-heartbreaking Question of Honor or the similarly awesome Question of Courage, but … knowing how all these characters’ lives turn out, every single word in the short story held a different significance. I was almost weeping at the happiest parts of the story! JESSECA WHEATON IS EVIL. PURE EVIL.
At the same time … Jesseca, I can’t thank you enough for this story. You did the impossible; you made A Question of Honor that much better. And you made me love Gil more. And you gave me just enough to make me beg for more.
Not fair. *pouts like a three-year-old*
My favorite part of the story … (SPOILERS! MAJOR SPOILERS!)

That awkward moment when your best friend’s little brother tries to steal your girl before you’re dead.
I couldn’t help myself.

Overall, this is an amazing short story. I loved it. I’d definitely recommend it, especially to fans of this series. I would start with A Question of Honor, though. It makes it better. 🙂


Jesseca Wheaton

Jesseca is a daughter, sister, and a child of God. Her days are spent reading, cooking, spending time with siblings, or playing piano. And writing, of course! At an early age words fascinated her, and her love for the printed page has only grown. She lives with her parents and seven siblings in the sunny state of Kansas, and she’s convinced there’s no place like home.

~Kellyn Roth~

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Have you ever heard of Jesseca Wheaton? Ever read any of her books? (If so, commiserate with me …) (GIIIIILLLLLL!) (If not, you definitely should.) Do you enjoy this era? Do you like Christmas stories? Prequels?

What do you think of my thoughts?

4 Responses

  1. I love red on gray and white. It’s so striking. Kind of reminds me of blood on snow. Which I’ve seen a lot of because my brother gets bloody noses all the time. It looks cool……….
    It looks cool……….This is either really creepy or funny when you look at the ‘cool’ part of it. Snow. Cool. Get it?
    Looks like a very interesting book! I shall have to read it someday!

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