A Question of Courage by Jesseca Wheaton (Blog Tour)
Title: A Question of Courage Author: Jesseca Wheaton Series: Questions of War, #2 Genre: Christian Historical Adventure (with light romance) Era: World War Two Setting: Kansas and the South Pacific Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 5/5 stars
NaNo Update #5: Finishing Her Up!
First of all, before I begin this last NaNo update … can we give a round of applause to my insta-graphic format? *a couple people clap* *everyone gives me a weird look* *I go hide in a cave and live out the rest of my days as a hermit* Really, though. It was so easy […]
NaNo Update #4: Almost There!
Guess what? I hit 40,000 yesterday! *cue cheering* Only 10K to go! Well … until I hit my goal. After that, I’ll probably have another 10K of writing until the book is finished … maybe more! I feel like I’m not very far into the book yet. I’m officially on point 19 out of 38. […]
Music of Her Heart by Sophie Dawson
Guess what … I’m reviewing a book today! Okay, I guess it’s not all that surprising considering that’s just about all I do here, but … but …? YAY I ANNOUNCED IT! IT’S OFFICIAL! Now, y’all know I obsess over like historical romances, particularly the Christian or Inspirational type … but it’s very rarely that […]
Update #3 + We Need You Questions! (again)
Happy Wednesday, people reading this post (even if you’re not reading it on Wednesday)! Yes, this is another post that’s getting out a wee bit late. Well, if you’re not in Pacific time (which most people I know online aren’t for whatever reason). Here, it’s not that late. (Or at least I don’t think so; […]
Vintage Jane Austen: Series Spotlight, Giveaway, and More!
Hello ladies and gents! Today I have the opportunity to introduce you to Vintage Jane Austen, a multi-author series of Jane Austen retellings. I’ve only read two so far (Emmeline and Perception), but I hope to read them all sometime in the future. Honestly, this whole idea is just super neat. Retelling all the Jane […]
Update #2: In Which I Am Good at Something for Once
Okay, you’re right, that was a silly title. I’ve done awesome things before. In fact, I’m pretty much the master of awesome things. But really, I’m super pleased with one thing I did these last couple days, and so I have to share it with you … and yep. That’s about it. (I don’t really […]
NaNo2017: My Last-Minute Prep and the First Few Days
Wow, can you believe it’s already day four?! NaNoWriMo is flying by! I mean, four out of thirty isn’t much (only about 13%), but it’s still several days which I’ve spent writing like a maniac. But, before I start talking about my (amazing) NaNo progress, let’s talk about my last minute prep. Really all my […]
Introducing the Characters of Beyond Her Calling
Hello ladies and gents! Now that we’ve actually begun NaNoWriMo,* I decided it was time to actually introduce you to my NaNo novel & my NaNo-prep process. Even though we’ve already begun so technically that’s all over. Just … ignore me tardiness. Pretend it’s two weeks ago. *(I WAS SICK OKAY!?!?) I thought I’d just […]