Guess what? I hit 40,000 yesterday! *cue cheering* Only 10K to go! Well … until I hit my goal. After that, I’ll probably have another 10K of writing until the book is finished … maybe more!
I feel like I’m not very far into the book yet. I’m officially on point 19 out of 38. So … almost twenty points to go. So technically I could get up to 80,000.
However, I don’t think I will. I think I’ll end up skimming over a good half of the points or reassembling scenes as the story progresses. And, of course, revisions will take out a big chunk in the end.
Only a week and a day left to write my heart out! I’m hoping to actually finish this book in a month, so it’s gonna be craaaazzzzzyyyy. But … I’m going to try. And you never know. I just might succeed.
On non-writing-related news, it’s Thanksgiving tomorrow! As always, we’re going over to my grandparent’s house with my two uncles and their families and my sister and her family (so it’s like 20+ people in my grandma’s house … it’s okay … we compact).
Since they just live across the field from us (or down the driveway and up another driveway, if you prefer), that’s not really a long trip. I’ll probably walk over sometime in the late morning or early afternoon, and I won’t even break a sweat …
So I’m excited about that! I mean, I’m not really a big eater, but there still are lots of tasty food, and I like to see my relatives and all. Not that I don’t see them all the rest of the year, but whatevs.
However you’re celebrating your Thanksgiving (or if you’re not American and … aren’t), be sure to have a great day!
I get tomorrow and the next day off, but I had to do school the rest of the week, including today. *pouts* I get a longer Christmas break, though … so that’s nice.
A couple of you have asked, so … yes, Aubrey is doing very well! She’s an absolute little sweetheart, and I love spending time with her.
Like any border collie, she has a couple weird quirks, but overall, she’s a lovely little thing. Super spunky and active, yet sweet. I really like her personality.
Just FYI, I’ve posted a few pictures of her on social media (and will be posting more soon, hopefully), so that’s a good place to go if you need more adorable.
Other than that … I don’t have much to say. I’m still looking for questions in a big way, so it would be lovely if you could submit a few. (I’ll leave the submission forms open until we actually get around to shooting the vlog, because it might be a while looking at our schedules.)
Hopefully, Bay and I will get a chance to do this soon. We’re going to call it the “How Well Do You Know Me?” vlog. And … we’ve come up with a punishment for the loser.
The loser will have to take an icebath in a plastic kiddy pool in our front yard.
We’re so cruel. Cruelly awesome.
Until next week,
~Kellyn Roth~
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How are you celebrating Thanksgiving? (or … spending Thursday … for the non-Americans …) How’s NaNo going for you? (or … November!) What states/countries
18 Responses
Awesome job! Congrats!
Thank you, Sveta!
Great job Kellyn! As I’m English, I sadly won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving. However, I’m spending Thursday morning watching a French play at school.
Well, that sounds fun! Or do you like plays? I guess it depends …
Thanksgiving is good, but not the best holiday. Most it’s just food + awkward relatives, soooo? xD
*catches breath* Yay! So excited for you and your story!
NaNo is awesome! Encouraging friends………….Music…….And all that stuff.
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
YES IT’S JUST TOMORROW! I swear, did the year fly or ….?
Yes, NaNo is pretty epic!
You, too!
Yes! It passed so quickly!

Just shows you how precious time is!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Great job! You’ve almost reached your goal!
Yes, I know! I’m so excited!
Wow! Great job, Kellyn! You’re almost at 50k! :O
Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving <3
Thanks! And you, too!
Kell, you are doing AH-MAZIN’ girl! You can totally finish your baby this month! *throws confetti at you and cheers you on with chocolate treats, haha* *high five*
And I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! My grandparents came up and we’re having fun cooking so far… can’t wait till we EAT. ;P
I reached 50,000 today and to celebrate I’m gonna get some Oreo mud pie… xD And Jump still isn’t over yet… SO HERE GOES I GUESS.
Also… the loser’s dare… what if y’all get sick or something. o-0 Yikes.
Thanks, Angela! I’m hoping to … *runs off to write* *comes back to finish this comment*
Good luck with the rest of Jump!
I know, it’s exciting to smell all the food cooking (or help cook it … though we haven’t started yet since the part we make is usually made in the morning/late evening and we’re running late and stuff)!
I know! I just saw on Goodreads! That sounds delicious. <3
Then we'll be sick. We can take it. *flexes muscles* *except I have next to none* *shrugs*
Good on you for reaching 40K!! :O
Thanks, Sarah!
I bet you’re even further along than 40K now right?? (I stalk you on the NaNo site oops.) THAT’S AMAZING AND YOU CAN TOTALLY WRITE MORE THAN 50K!! I’m in awe of how fast you write hahahhaa.
Aubrey seems like such a cutie!! I’m glad she’s doing well.
Now I have 48K, so yep! (Haha, no problem … I actually find that kind of flattering? That you care to do that, I mean. xD *sounds weird no matter how I put words together*)
I know someone who’s written about 150K so far … *jaw drops* LIKE WHAT? HOW EVEN? She’s going for 200K for the month – says she can easily get 40K or whatever more in 4 days, and I’m just like, “STOP WRITING YOU’RE GOING TO EXPLODE YOU MUST BE IN SEVERE PAIN.”
Aw, thanks! She is. <3