A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Introducing “That Plot Bunny”

by Kellyn Roth |
January 10, 2018

Apologies for this post being so late! I’ve been having a busy last couple days, what with school and work and writing and editing, and I haven’t found a lot of time to blog! Plus I spent most of my blogging time working on AAWC instead of my regular book posts. πŸ˜›
Now, a couple posts back, I mentioned a story that I’m going to be working on throughout the year – “That Plot Bunny.” I also hinted in another post that it’s set during WW2, and bits and pieces about it have leaked in the comments section.
And … today it is time to delve into the world of said plot bunny! (Are you excited? I’m excited. Talking about my books is another excuse to talk about myself.)

I thought it might be best to just jump into this with a summary (and my precious WIP title/cover) because otherwise I might get nerves and never begin. πŸ˜‰

A few things to keep in mind –

  • The summary is very much a work-in-progress. Details will probably change, and there’s a bit more info in this one than would be included in an actual synopsis.
  • The title is remaining for now. However, it’s by no means the final draft – mostly because I think most people are going to see it as “water with ice” instead of its true meaning*.
  • Can I say again that the summary is rough and clichΓ© and just plain awful? Because it really is … *winces*

*which I will talk about more later
Now, without further ado …

Water on the Rocks

Oregon, July 1942

Zion Oglivy has always rebelled against every trace of authority, from his parents to God, and now he’s sure he’s suffering his punishment. Three years ago, his world was turned upside down when a collision with a logging truck left him in a full body cast for six months … and without a wife. A pilot of the Army Air Corps, he will soon be shipped off to the Pacific, but not before he finds a secure place for his five-year-old half-Native American daughter, Patty, to stay until he returns … or if he doesn’t.

Linda Anderson lives a neat, orderly life and does what is right and proper no matter the cost. She volunteers in every area she can to help the war effort, her church, or whatever other cause needs aid and considers herself the model Christian for her efforts. When she finds out that one of her Sunday school student is half-Indian, she doesn’t know what to think. She’s been taught that Indians are untrustworthy savages; she can’t equate that image with this innocent little girl.

Zion and Linda take an instant dislike to each other – both represent exactly what the other is striving against. But when Linda’s parents agree to take care of Patty for the duration of the war – longer, if necessary – Linda ends up writing letters back and forth with the pilot – for Patty, of course.

Origin of the Title

See? Promised I’d explain!
Okay, so, until The Dalles Dam was built in 1957, there used to be a biiiig waterfall on the river above our town. It was called “Celilo Falls” and was an ancient Indian fishing ground.

I believe it was the Chinook* Indians who lived around it, but it was also a trading center. They built platforms to fish from. Some are still around.

*I need to research, haha.
ANYWHO, the Indian word for this particular waterfall means “echo of falling water” or “sound of water upon the rocks.” And I was looking at that last name and going, “Hmmm … that’s so pretty.” And then I went, “I wonder if I could use that for the title?”
So, eventually I shortened it down to “Water on the Rocks.” It will have a meaning in the story – water pounding and destroying but still making a beautiful sound, etc., makes for a lovely analogy – but that’s where I got the idea from. And it’s cultural. So that’s fun. πŸ™‚

The Cast

Zion Oglivy

A twenty-four-year-old pilot in the USAAC. The middle child of the Oglivy family was never really appreciated by his parents – essentially since he tended towards rebellion. He grew up on a cattle ranch outside of Bend, Oregon. He ran away from home when he was seventeen. Later, with his parents now retired to California, he went to visit his sister – and met a young woman of Native American heritage at a diner where she worked – having also escaped her family.

Patricia “Patty” Oglivy

Zion’s five-year-old daughter. Has been living with his sister Barbara since her mother died three years before. Very few people know that she’s part Indian. I haven’t exactly decided on her personality – I’m open for suggestions. πŸ™‚

Barbara Oglivy-Carder

Zion’s bossy older sister, probably about twenty-seven. Has five children, not including a baby on the way.

Frank Carder

Barbara’s husband. Former firefighter now joining the Navy.

Anthony “Tony” and Arthur “Art” Carder

Barbara’s six-year-old twin boys.

June Carder

Barbara’s four and a half year old daughter.

Lloyd Carder

Barbara’s three year old son.

Donna Carder

Barbara’s two year old daughter.

Angela “Angie” Oglivy

Zion and Barbara’s younger sister, seventeen. Living with her sister.

Linda Anderson

Our heroine, probably early twenties. Linda is an only child – but her parents always expected much of her, so she’s never really felt totally beloved. In fact, she’s a little insecure of her parents’ love – especially her father’s. Still, she’s never brought this up to them, feeling that this is the natural state of things and that she needs to strive harder in response, so her parents aren’t necessarily aware that she feels like this.
And … I don’t feel like going more into Linda at the moment. πŸ˜‰

Mr. and Mrs. Anderson

Linda’s parents. Not gonna go into them …
There will be other characters, probably, but those are the major ones.

And … that’s about it! I’m not gonna go into it more.
I hope you enjoyed my post. It’s late. I need to go. πŸ˜›

~Kellyn Roth~


Does my book sound as awesome to you as it does to me? (Okay, I’m kidding, I’m kidding.) But seriously, are you excited for it at all? Do you enjoy books set during WW2? WW2 romances? AWESOME BOOKS BECAUSE I WROTE IT AND IT’S GOING TO BE AWESOME???!!! (Whoa, my ego is over the roof tonight.) Any questions about this WIP that I didn’t answer?

What do you think of my thoughts?

34 Responses

  1. This does sound great! I love books set in WWII, but a twist is great. I love the American Indian idea, because that’s not always mentioned. πŸ˜‰ And I love the historical aspect of the title! πŸ˜€

    1. Whoa, lots of loves! *is very flattered* I wanted to dig into a couple different things about our history that don’t get a lot of talking about – most especially from a Christian perspective, if you will. πŸ˜€

      1. Oh, heh heh… I guess I was a little repetitive. πŸ˜› I also would like to take some little-known issues in American history to educate readers, especially from a Christian perspective. I guess I have to learn about those little-known issues first, though. πŸ˜›

    1. Well, I don’t know when that will be, but I’m looking forward to it, too! πŸ˜€ Hopefully someday in the near distant faraway kinda-close future. πŸ˜‰

  2. YAY THIS MAKES ME SO EXCITED! πŸ˜€ It sounds awesome! I don’t read many WWII romances (want to recommend some for me?), but I’m excited for this one! And Zion sounds like a cool character…and I like the irony of his name, given how rebellious he is.
    And letters! Letters are so fun. πŸ˜€ So yes, I am definitely excited!

    1. Thank you! πŸ˜€ (Sarah Sundin. Jesseca Wheaton. πŸ˜‰ ) OMW! I didn’t even think of that! You’re right, it is terrible ironic!
      Yes, letters are going to be amazing! I’m really looking forward to that aspect of the story. πŸ˜€

      1. I have heard about Sarah Sundin and Jesseca Wheaton from you…I need to get around to actually reading the books!
        *is already so excited* I mean, you’re not even currently working on it. But I can still be excited, right? πŸ˜‰

        1. Cool! I mean, I sound like I’m pressuring you to read them, though, but I’m not? Like, they might not be your thing …
          Yes, of course! Hopefully I’ll be working on it soon, though. πŸ™‚

  3. You could just call the title “Celilo” if that’s what water on the rocks means. Or you could call it Water UPON the Rocks instead of ON the Rocks since it’s still short and closer to the actual saying and it won’t sound like you’re ordering a drink if you want. πŸ˜›
    Oh I just started reading A Dressmaker’s Secret, and I’m really liking it so far! πŸ™‚

    1. I’ll think about it! I probably won’t go with “Celilo” just because the book isn’t specifically about the falls, but maybe Water Upon the Walks. πŸ™‚
      I’m so glad! I hope you enjoy the rest of it, too! πŸ˜€

  4. wow wow wow. Is that great or what? I love WIPs!
    So it sort of reminds me of “The Resurrection of Gaven Stone” in regards to the characters, but that’s pretty general.
    Of course the letters are “from Patty” (I know a 61 year old lady who’s name is Patsy, so *cough cough* a little bit of a struggle.
    I think it’s super cool and super awesome and I want to be a beta reader at least when it’s done. *waves hand* Please?
    Awesome job Kellyn.

    1. Thank you! I’ve never heard of that book … I’ll go check it out. πŸ™‚
      Haha, that’s funny! Well, at least I know the name’s historically accurate … πŸ˜‰
      Maybe! If I actually finish it. πŸ˜‰ I’m still brainstorming at the minute. πŸ™‚

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