A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

St. Patrick’s Day Paperback Sale!

by Kellyn Roth |
March 17, 2018

St. Patrick's Day Sale 1 (2)

Guess what? There’s a big paperback sale going on! That’s right; a group of Indie Christian authors (including myself) are flocking together to offer discounted paperbacks.
There are sooo many incredible books on sale for such amazing prices … how can you resist? *dangles books in front of your face*
Signed paperback copies of my novel, The Dressmaker’s Secret, are available for just $8.99 with free shipping! That’s a $4 discount! You can order your copy here.

St Patrick's Day Sale 2 (1)

The Discounted Paperbacks are …

Dandelion Dust
Title: Dandelion Dust
Author: Faith Potts
Price: $5.99 (40% off)
Link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/faith-potts/dandelion- dust/paperback/product-23240121.html

Title: Journey to Love
Author: Amanda Tero
Price: $7.99 (11% off)
Befriending the Beast (Tales of Faith Book 1) by [Tero, Amanda]
Title: Befriending the Beast
Author: Amanda Tero
Price: $6.99 (11% off)
The Secret Slipper (Tales of Faith Book 2) by [Tero, Amanda]
Title: The Secret Slipper
Author: Amanda Tero
Price: $7.99 (11% off)
Link: https://goo.gl/forms/POwuNkryCfcAHDjE3

Title: Promise’s Prayer
Author: Erika Matthews
Sale Price: 35% off! $8.42+shipping (regular $12.95)
Link: www.restinglife.com/books

Title: A Very Present Help
Author: Sharon K. Connell
Sale Price: $12.25 (normal $14.99)
Link: http://amzn.to/2yuF4eE

Title: His Perfect Love
Author: Sharon K. Connell
Sale Price: $12.25 (normal $14.99)
Link: http://amzn.to/2iCMALI
The Dressmaker's Secret 1
Title: The Dressmaker’s Secret (signed!)
Author: Kellyn Roth
Sale Price: $8.99 w/free shipping (regular $12.99)
Link: https://goo.gl/forms/2wMtDHMRm5K6SYyQ2
Title: A Mighty Fortress
Price: $10 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: Be Thou My Vision
Price: $10 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: Amazing Grace
Price: $12 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: The Solid Rock
Price: $14 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: Hymns of the West Series (5 books)
Price: $55 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: Savior, Like a Shepherd
Price: $10 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: All the Way My Savior Leads
Price: $10 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: He Hideth My Soul
Price: $10 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html
Title: Orphans of the West Series (3 books)
Price: $25 and free shipping
Link: www.faithblum.com/paperback-sale.html

(I know; shameless self-promo!)
I’ll leave you now with this thought: IF YOU THINK YOU DON’T NEED MORE BOOKS YOU ARE INSANE! Think how pretty they will look on your shelf! (Oh, and you can read them, too … they’re good for more than shelf-decorating.)

~Kellyn Roth~

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Are you going to pick up a couple shelf-decorations books today? Have you read any of these amazing books? What did you think of them? (I’ve read eight, not counting TDS – all really great! – and I want to read the rest so badly!) HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!! What are you doing to celebrate? Are you wearing green?

What do you think of my thoughts?

16 Responses

  1. I want some of these! But can’t afford them right now! 😭 The books! *bangs head on table* They would look great on my shelf. I would give them such a nice home. *hides in corner*

    1. Awww, too bad! I understand that, though … I don’t have a lot of spare cash for books at the moment either. *dies* I may take up lawn-mowering or something … 😉

        1. THAT’S AWESOME! I’m so glad you were able to do it! Happy early birthday! Just so you know, I’ve ordered a bunch of copies, and they should be arriving sometime this week … so I’ll be sending you the bill once they arrive and then shipping them out!

  2. Hey, Kellyn! Oooh, I didn’t realize that you offered signed copies– I may have to buy one in the near future. 😉 I nominated you for the Awesome Blogger Award, by the way, because you’re awesome. 🙂

    1. Yeah, I have an order form up in select places, but I’ve found it’s not widely known. 😉 Awwww, thank you so much! I will try to remember. *hides the blogging tags I haven’t done under a rug* 😛

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