A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 3

by Kellyn Roth |
April 24, 2018


AND WE GOT THROUGH THE FIRST DAY AND HERE WE ARE! *big grin* And today’s theme day, so we get to talk about meanings and lessons and all that fun stuff.

Honestly, writing theme is hard for me. I’m always afraid I’ll come off as preachy! I believe I’ve avoided that for this book, however. The key is to just tell the story.

However, before that, we have today’s posts! Let’s see what my amazing blog tour buddies came up with!


Today’s Posts

Review/Character Interview by Heather @ Frozen Book Blog

Another review! *more nail biting* Honestly, why does this always make me nervous even if I know the people will be kind with their negatives and such?
There’s also a character interview with Peter Strauss. Heather asked some great questions!

Favorite quote from the review:

“My favorite part was the ending. I was surprised at how happy I was with who Alice ended up with and it was so cute and perfect it almost made me want to cry with joy!”
#MissionAccomplished This sounds super conceited, but gotta love that ending, right? Back me up, beta-readers! 😛

Character Interview by Sel Young @ Hearth

Always good to have Sel on the team! She’s one of my old buddies. She hasn’t been around a ton for these last couple months, but I’m super glad she’s back!

Author Interview by Gabriellyn @ PageTurners

This was a great author interview to write! I got to go into my original inspiration for the series as well as favorite characters, characters that resemble me, and so much more! Thanks for the great questions, Gabriellyn – it was so much fun!

Author Interview/Review by Caitlyn @ Salt and Light

Another review. *more and more nail biting*

Really, though, Caitlyn was so sweet! <3 Honestly, this review made me so happy!

“This book was a fun tale and one that will encourage you in keeping your heart pure and waiting for the right one God has for you.”

YES. So glad that came across to you, Caitlyn! *wipes brow* I sometimes worry no one will know what I mean. 😉

There’s also a fun interview that you should totally check out.

Book & Author Spotlight by Brian W.

Brian comes from YWW, a writing program I’m a part of. I ended up asking there for a couple people to join, and I’m so thankful he (and a few others) did! Definitely made the blog tour more worth it. 🙂

The Schedule

April 23rd

Author Interview by Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner
Review by Abigail @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Author & Book Spotlight by Rebekah Devall @ Hunting for Truth
Guest Post from a Character by Kiki @ K.E. Stanton
Book Spotlight by Gentle @ Gentle Words

April 24th

Review/Character Interview by Heather @ Frozen Book Blog
Character Interview by Sel Young @ Hearth
Author Interview by Gabriellyn @ PageTurners
Author Interview/Review by Caitlyn @ Salt and Light
Book & Author Spotlight by Brian W.

April 25th

Character Interview/Series Review by Libby May @ GeoTurtle
Author Interview by Medomfo @ Writings from a God Girl
Series Review and Author Interview by Charis Rae
Author Interview by Sarah Addison Fox

April 26th

Book and Author Spotlight by Grace Matlyn Buckner @ Literatura
Book Spotlight by Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind Of Writes
Character and Author Interview by Amie @ Crazy A
Author Interview by Jessica Grayson
Author Interview by Rachel @ Rachel Rossano’s Words
Character/Book Spotlight by Erika Mathews @ Resting Life
Series Review & Character Interview by Victoria Lynn @ Ruffles and Grace

April 27th

Author Interview by Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing
Series Review/Author Interview by Lisa @ Inkwell
Guest Post from Character by Kelsey Bryant @ Kelsey’s Notebook
Book Spotlight by Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger


The Giveaway

3rd Prize Graphic
3rd Prize: the complete (published) series in ebook and a $10 Amazon gift card.
2nd Prize Graphic
2nd Prize: a copy of At Her Fingertips, a set of watercolors and brushes.1st Prize Graphic
Grand Prize: the complete (published) series in paperback, a journal and pen set, and special features!

How do you enter this giveaway? Well, follow the link, of course!

Click Here!


Facebook Parties

Every day I’ll be spending a little time on our Facebook event page. You can expect a live author chat or two, characters available to answer questions, giveaways, games, and other fun activities!

This Week’s Facebook Schedule

Tuesday: Games and giveaways at 2 PM Pacific (3 PM Mountain, 4 PM Central, 5 PM Eastern)! There will be Amazon gift cards as well as ebook copies of my novels running around looking for a new home.

Wednesday: The characters are taking over my event page, too! Join us to talk with Alice Knight, Peter Strauss, Gibson Ashfield, and Kirk Manning. (Click on their names to follow their brand-new pages!)

Thursday: Talking about my writing process! From 7:00 to approximately 7:15 I’ll be having a live writing session to give you an idea of how fast I write … as well as a sneak peak at one of my latest novels, Once a Stratton.

Friday: Live chat at 2 PM including SPOILERS and plans for the future. (Don’t worry; I’ll warn you when we’re in a spoilery part of the chat!)

Saturday: 12 PM wrap up & announcement of winners.

Theme Days

  • Day 1 (22nd): Introductions

    • What the blog tour will entail.
  • Day 2 (23rd): Historical Day

    • Talking about the history behind the novel.
  • Day 3 (24th): Theme Day (you are here!)

    • Talking about the meaning behind the novel.
  • Day 4 (25th): Character Takeover Day

    • Oh, no! The characters have taken over the blog!
  • Day 5 (26th): Process Day

    • What my writing process looks like.
  • Day 6 (27th): Future Day

    • Talking about what novels I’ll be working on in the future.
  • Day 7 (28th): Wrapup

    • Giveaway winners announced, etc.


Theme Day!

Huh … theme days, theme day.

I should have come up with a different name …

As I was told by my editor, At Her Fingertips has lots of little lessons in it – slipped into the plot, not preacherized. I tried to avoid preacherizing, of course.

One of my favorite themes from At Her Fingertips is “the obvious path is not always the right path.”

Throughout the course of the book, Alice is given several obvious options. However … more often than not, the “obvious choice” wasn’t the right one.

You see, God doesn’t always wants us to take the “obvious choice.” I think, more often than not, He asks us to wait – despite what logic might dictate.

Logically, what God wanted of Alice made no sense. Neither did it make sense to her sensibilities – or her sense of the romantic, you might say. However, it was the right choice.

God’s ways are higher than our own. He’d prepared Alice’s life for her before the foundations of the earth. And Alice’s “plans” are nothing compared to that. Nothing compared to God.

I think Alice hasn’t quite gotten over her tendency to try to micromanage every little thing, but I know she’s learned some valuable lessons about her plans vs. God’s – and how His are infinitely more important.
Tada! Day 2’s post is out! *wild cheering* I hope you enjoyed today’s blog posts, and I’m looking for to hearing from you in the comments. Make sure to check out today’s Facebook event!


~Kellyn Roth~

Goodreads · Facebook · Twitter


What do you think? Do you agree that God often calls us to do illogical things? You’ve seen my main graphic for the blog tour – what does God calls us to follow: our head or our hearts? I think y’all know the answer to that one – neither!

Did you check out the Facebook pages for my characters? Even if you don’t have Facebook, follow the link to take a peak. Too much fun, right?


What do you think of my thoughts?

25 Responses

  1. I definitely think that theme came through! And not preacherizing at all. (I like that word, haha.) I need to go check out people’s posts…I haven’t read any from yesterday either but I love reading all the blog tour posts so I’m excited to read them! (Especially since one is an interview with my favorite Peter! I’m so excited to check it out.)

    1. Thank you – I’m glad it wasn’t preacherizing. 😛 😉 YES, it was so much fun to write an interview from Peter’s perspective! <3 He's such a dear!!

      1. I LOVE PETER. 😀 I mean, we both know that, but I always feel a need to say it again and again. He’s just my favorite. *grins*

  2. Oh my word, I’m loving this. Theme has always been a super difficult thing for me to nail down in my stories, so this post really got me thinking about my own story, and what kind of theme I really want to convey inside of it. BUT. I am absolutely in LOVE with your themes!!! That is so ingenious and beautiful and UGH I NEED THIS BOOK IN MY LIFE LIKE YESTERDAY. (Also. These graphics. I AM SQUEALING OVER HOW ADORABLE THESE ARE!!)

    1. Thank you, Smudge! 😉 (What? I like that nickname! It’s so cute! <3 ) BUT YES, themes are so hard! I'm still not sure if it came off quite right. 😉

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