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At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour: Day 6

by Kellyn Roth |
April 27, 2018


IT’S THE LAST DAY OF THE TOUR EXCEPT FOR OUR WRAPUP!!! Wow. That went sooooo incredible fast! Did y’all enjoy it? Thoughts, comments?!

Today is future day. That means we’ll be talking about novels I have yet to write, etc. It’s going to be beyond exciting! (Also, I’ll be sharing some spoilers on Facebook, so be sure to check those out if you like spoilers!)

First, let’s look at today’s posts! Honestly, some of my favorites are today! *so excited*


Today’s Posts

Author Interview by Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing

This was a fun (if somewhat long) interview to write! I talked a lot about my ideas, my writing time, and my first stories.

Reading over it today, I was embarrassed by the number of typos, though. I swear those slipped in out of nowhere … 😉

Series Review/Author Interview by Lisa @ Inkwell

Lisa wrote the most amazing, adorable, AWESOME review of the series as well as At Her Fingertips individually that I have read in a long time. Honestly, I was fangirling over her review. 😛

I can’t pick a favorite quote because my favorite quote would be THE WHOLE REVIEW, but … yes, you should definitely read it.

Guest Post from Character by Kelsey Bryant @ Kelsey’s Notebook

This guest post was so much fun to write! Peter officially wrote it, and of course he’s always a joy. <3 It’s on the subject of his trip to England and reveals some never-before-seen facts about his time there – and the reasons behind the trip!

Favorite quote:

[W]hen Teeb—my nickname for him—learned that it was me who leaked his secret, he called me to his office and told me he was sending me to England to write a series of articles. Which is something of an old joke between us—he’s always threatening to send me somewhere. So I laughed. And he pulled out a boat ticket.

Author Interview by Germaine @ The Writing Mafia

Germaine and I did a fun interview that I hope you enjoy!

Book Spotlight by Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger

It’s so great to have Ang be a part of this tour! <3 She’s one of my dearest friends in the bookish community, and I’m so glad she was able to fit in a little post. 🙂

The Schedule

April 23rd

Author Interview by Julia @ Julia’s Creative Corner
Review by Abigail @ Novels, Dragons, and Wardrobe Doors
Author & Book Spotlight by Rebekah Devall @ Hunting for Truth
Guest Post from a Character by Kiki @ K.E. Stanton
Book Spotlight by Gentle @ Gentle Words

April 24th

Review/Character Interview by Heather @ Frozen Book Blog
Character Interview by Sel Young @ Hearth
Author Interview by Gabriellyn @ PageTurners
Author Interview/Review by Caitlyn @ Salt and Light
Book & Author Spotlight by Brian W.

April 25th

Character Interview/Series Review by Libby May @ GeoTurtle
Author Interview by Medomfo @ Writings from a God Girl
Series Review and Author Interview by Charis Rae
Author Interview by Sarah Addison Fox

April 26th

Book and Author Spotlight by Grace Matlyn Buckner @ Literatura
Book Spotlight by Kaylee @ Kaylee’s Kind Of Writes
Character and Author Interview by Amie @ Crazy A
Author Interview by Jessica Grayson
Author Interview by Rachel @ Rachel Rossano’s Words
Character/Book Spotlight by Erika Mathews @ Resting Life
Series Review & Character Interview by Victoria Lynn @ Ruffles and Grace

April 27th

Author Interview by Loretta Marchize @ Just Writing
Series Review/Author Interview by Lisa @ Inkwell
Guest Post from Character by Kelsey Bryant @ Kelsey’s Notebook
Book Spotlight by Angela @ The Peculiar Messenger

The Giveaway

3rd Prize Graphic
3rd Prize: the complete (published) series in ebook and a $10 Amazon gift card.
2nd Prize Graphic
2nd Prize: a copy of At Her Fingertips, a set of watercolors and brushes.1st Prize Graphic
Grand Prize: the complete (published) series in paperback, a journal and pen set, and special features!

How do you enter this giveaway? Well, follow the link, of course!

Click Here!


Facebook Parties

Every day I’ll be spending a little time on our Facebook event page. You can expect a live author chat or two, characters available to answer questions, giveaways, games, and other fun activities!

Today I was live at 2 PM PST (3 PM MST, 4 PM CST, 5 PM EST) on Facebook. I talked about my writing plans a lot, and it was tons of fun. Some spoilers may be included, though I was careful to give ample warning! You can rewatch it now. 🙂

Theme Days

  • Theme Days Wrapup

    • Day 1 (22nd): Introductions

      • What the blog tour will entail.
    • Day 2 (23rd): Historical Day

      • Talking about the history behind the novel.
    • Day 3 (24th): Theme Day

      • Talking about the meaning behind the novel.
    • Day 4 (25th): Character Takeover Day

      • Oh, no! The characters have taken over the blog!
    • Day 5 (26th): Process Day

      • What my writing process looks like.
    • Day 6 (27th): Future Day (you are here!)

      • Talking about what novels I’ll be working on in the future.
    • Day 7 (28th): Wrapup

      • Giveaway winners announced, etc.


Future Day

As it is the last official day of the blog tour, I’m here to tell you about my future plans for this series as well as for writing in general!

The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy is going to be a six-book series. The last three unpublished books will be …

  1. Beyond Her Calling

    • Ivy’s romance! <3
  2. Alice Unanswered

    • Yet another story about Alice! Set about two years after the end of At Her Fingertips.
  3. Only a Mother (working title)

    • Another Ivy story, this one set in 1890.

My expected publication date for Beyond Her Calling is October of this year. The other books are undetermined, but I’m hoping sometime in the 2019-2020 area.

Possible spinoffs for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy will be All Made New (Kirk), Sail Away (Cassie), and Before a Fall (Gibson) as well as The Casual Observer’s Guide to Matchmaking (Caleb Knight) and 100 Facts About an Angel (Ned Knight).

On the non-related to Alice and Ivy side of writing, the following stories …

  1. Water on the Rocks

    • A WW2 romance set in Oregon.
  2. Once a Stratton

    • Historical fiction set in 1850s America

I have several other projects, but I don’t think now’s the time to share about them if we don’t want this post to be ridiculously long!

Winners will be announced tomorrow!


~Kellyn Roth~

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What books are you looking forward to in the next couple years (apart from my own, of course *self important cough*)? What are your writing plans for the future?


What do you think of my thoughts?

25 Responses

  1. I am super excited to see who wins tomorrow! 😃 A part of me really hopes I do (what? I love the journal 😂) but then the rest of me feels like I shouldn’t because that’s selfish. (I’m not actually sure if it is or not)

    1. I KNOW, ME TOO! 😀 I can’t wait! It’s so exciting. 🙂 Haha, a part of me wishes I was a participant and could win. And that’s not selfish! I mean, you are a participant, and you could win!

  2. YAY SO MANY PROJECTS! 😀 (Also, by the way, I love the title “Only A Mother”! It is so great. 🙂 Do you have any idea on what order you’ll write them in, or is it more of whatever mood you’re in? 😉 That’s how I write, haha. 😛
    Also, Peter’s guest post was fabulous! I love him and it was so fun to see why he was actually in England!
    My writing plans? Ummmm, I’m not sure. I have Battle Song, of course, and then I have two other ideas that I haven’t said anything about (because they’re very vague and I really don’t know how they will turn out). Currently, I’m writing a novella set in the world of Iris (if you remember that novella) which I’m enjoying, but I should get back to Battle Song, heh. And then I have a ton of other novels I’ve started that I want to write at some point, like Enhanced…
    So basically I have a lot of ideas and not necessarily concrete plans…but yep. I feel like I won’t be able to write too much in college, but I certainly want to keep trying! 🙂

    1. YEP I KNOW! 😛 Always a ton of projects over here, lol. (Aww, thanks! It might stay, though I don’t know. Depends on if it fits the book by the end … 😉 Order? Nope. I randomly started writing Gibson’s book last night but I need to make myself finish Alice Unanswered first at the very least. 😉 Not sure about all the others … as the mood strikes, I guess?
      It was definitely a fun guest post to write! I was so thrilled when the blogger said she wanted Peter. 😀 Just like, “Yessssssss!!!”
      Nice! I like Enhanced and Battle Song both … especially Battle Song. Just songs like such a cool idea … and always cool to have more stories from the world of Iris!
      Yes, of course you gotta slow down for college, methinks. Maybe you’ll have to take a break and pick it up again during summers or after college is over or whatever ends up happening …? Hmm.

      1. Haha, we all have lots of project plans. (I hope it stays! I really like it.) YES I’M EXCITED FOR GIBSON’S BOOK SO I’M GLAD YOU STARTED WRITING IT.
        We all want Peter! 😀
        Thanks! 🙂 And yes, very fun. I think I might like Iris better than this novella (it’s just so emotional and awesome) but there are definitely some parts that I really love.
        Hopefully! I don’t know. I think I just need to get into the habit of blogging again somehow. I did have a couple of ideas for blogging posts recently… *should probably write those down*

        1. YES, Gibson’s book is turning out to be amazing! I actually started randomly tackling some tough issues (abortion? Like, how did that sneak in to my Victorian novel? WHAT AM I DOING SOMEONE HELP ME?!?!), but otherwise, it’s going great. XD
          YES! Peter is epic. (There are actually still some Kalice fans *gasp* but oh well … we’ll win them over with AA!)
          I just kinda randomly scribble all my blog post ideas down and then say which day I’ll post them on and deadlines help me. Which is weird and doesn’t apply to most folks … 😛

  3. HOLY COW YOU HAVE SO MANY BOOK IDEAS!!! This is so cool!!! I…am slightly jealous. XD I cannot wait to see what stories you come up with, and I seriously need to get a-reading this series before I’m super duper behind. XD (Plus I really like being caught in a series before the rest of the books come out, because I’ve always found the anticipation and waiting and excitement SUPER fun. XD [I am weird…])

    1. They’re mostly all in the same series, lol. I don’t get tons of original ideas, haha … 😉 I hope you get to read this series soon! If you’re able, review copies are always an option. 😛

What do you think of my thoughts?

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