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Quest for Leviathan by Amanda Tero

by Kellyn Roth |
June 10, 2018

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Title: Quest for Leviathan

Author: Amanda Tero

Genre: Historical Fiction

Era: Biblical – Time of Job

Publisher: Amanda Tero

Source: from author (in exchange for honest review)

Overall Rating: 5/5 stars

Quest for Leviathan by Amanda Tero


Leviathan took the life of Anath’s father. Anath has spent three years preparing for the voyage that will end the threat of Leviathan. Yet as the Valor launches into the depths of the Mediterranean, an inward quest also begins, taking Anath to depths he is not willing to face.

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I’ve said “WOW!” a lot in reference to this novel. “Wow” when I heard that Amanda was writing it, as in, “Wow, I can’t wait to read that!” “Wow” when I saw the cover. And, finally, “Wow” when I finished the book.

However, I have to write an entire review using other words, so here goes!

(Also, let me take a moment to say … the illustrations are top notch! Wow! I don’t suppose Natalie Nelson is looking for more clients …? I will eventually have a project that needs illustrations, so I’m starting to do my research, haha.)

PLOT: 5/5

Let’s take a brief moment to appreciate this …


I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I wrote a lot of “science fiction” stories as a child about “Dr. Kelly and Her Assistant James” (me and my brother) going to find things like the Loch Ness Monster/plesiosaur/Elasmosaurus, Big Foot (which I actually don’t believe exists, haha) (unless we’re talking about some lunatic who hasn’t shaved in ten years), and the Behemoth/Mokele Mbembi/Apatosaurus. (Also, forgive me if I’ve forgotten spellings by now!)

I also wrote a page of the next book in the series … in which Dr. Kelly, her assistant James, and their daredevil baby brother Thad were going to track down the Leviathan (a.k.a. Kronosaurus) (can you tell I’ve thought this out?) (though now I think I messed up and got the wrong plesiosaur. I may need to do some more research).

ANYWAY … suffice to say this is really my subject. So I was absolutely thrilled when I heard about this book!

The plot was amazing. Job 41 has gotta be one of my favorite books in the Bible, and it was amazing to see a fictional Leviathan spring to life on the pages! It was an exciting adventure story with a beautiful beginning, middle, and end.

The only thing I can think of is the ending may have been a little rushed – but that could partially be because I wanted more, so it didn’t detract from my rating. 😉


There weren’t tons of characters – it’s a short story, after all! – but these few were developed quite well.

Anath was definitely a cool guy! His character arc was beautifully done. I really enjoyed seeing him grow.

I liked the mentor character a lot. It was fun to see the Bible “quoted,” kinda (as in paraphrased) in a time before the Bible was actually written down. He seemed like a very wise and likable man.

Anath’s best friend was great. I wish we’d had more of him! He was the kind of best friend who is just … amazing. I don’t know any other way to describe it. But best friend relationships are always fun to see portrayed in fiction.


Well done, Miss Tero! I know a bit about this time and the galleys and whatnot (I know, I have so many obsessions in random historical eras). It all seemed super accurate.

I’m 100% with you on not doing period-accurate dialogue to the extent where you say word for word what they would have said. I love Shakespeare, but I don’t need that level of lack of understandability in every story I read. 😉


Quite well-done. No typos, grammatical errors, or anything distracting like that. Miss Tero’s style is readable and informative without giving too many details.

She has a beautiful way of speaking truths without coming off too preachy or too vague. She’s not afraid to say, “Hey, this is how it works!” but at the same time she’s not like, “DO AS I (I MEAN GOD DIDN’T I SAY GOD?) SAY OR ELSE …!” Which wouldn’t work, of course, because it’s about your heart.


Language: n/a

Violence: a battle at sea, no gore/details of any kind of thing. A character is wounded resulting in him losing control of his arm, no details given. Characters are mentioned to have lost their lives in a sea battle, no details.

Sexual: n/a

Other: n/a

Anyone 10+ would probably enjoy this story thoroughly with no reservations. Younger children would also enjoy it – and it has a great lesson! – but parental guidance might be a good idea because the Leviathan is a little scary.


This short story was exciting yet meaningful, had great description and all the history my heart desired without being too detailed, and, of course, it’s about the Leviathan.

Should you read it? Yes.

This book has something for everyone – history, science (if you think about it the way I do!), great characters, thrilling adventure, and a powerful theme. I’d definitely recommend it!

Review by Kellyn Roth of Reveries Reviews

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