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The Thief, The Damsel, and The Dragon: Cover Reveal!

by Kellyn Roth |
June 16, 2018

Hello ladies and gents!

I know, I’m supposed to be moving blogs soon. And we will be! Shortly. 😉

First, I want to introduce you to a dear writer friend of mine … who is soon to be a published author of a book whose cover we’re revealing today! (If you skip the next part to look at the cover, I’m going to attack you. Really.)

Angela R. Watts is … well, she’s one of my dearest friends and sister in Christ. I can’t put into rational words what her friendship means to me. I’m just so, so grateful to have her in my life. <3
But because I’m not so great with describing people, here’s her official bio & links:

Angela R. Watts is a sinner saved by Yahweh’s Grace and she strives to glorify the King in all she does. She’s a homeschooled highschooler who lives at Step By Step Sanctuary, Tennessee, with her loving family and ranch animals. She’s been writing stories since she was tiny and hasn’t stopped since, though she also enjoys ranch and housework, painting, babysitting, and watching sunsets.

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But what is this book about, you may be asking? Let’s see …

“… the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.” ~ Psalms 91:1

Edward Prosner is going to steal from the small town mayor of Fall Springs, North Carolina. He’s got a flawless plan of action and is determined to return honor and justice to his father’s good name. The problem he faces? He needs a date for the mayor’s dinner party.

Lucy Levitt is a huge romantic at heart, but with her family’s ranch and her part-time job, she has no time for dating. She believes God will place her soulmate in her life when the time is right. When the new man in town asks her out, how can she say no?

The first date seems ordinary enough, but then they begin to realize that they can’t fight their dragons alone. 

Okay, let’s get to the point of the post.

A drumroll, please!




Here is the cover of Angela R. Watt’s The Thief, The Damsel, and the Dragon:


And smaller, because we all know it’s hard to scroll over a cover and get the idea of what it looks like:


Isn’t it gorgeous?

Now, you can add this book on Goodreads here. I’d highly suggest doing this! I haven’t quite finished the novel yet, but so far it’s been great! Fun characters, show-stopping theme, adorable setting, and of course it’s just cool that MY FRIEND WROTE A BOOK!

Well, a novella. Book, novella, same difference. 😉


~Kellyn Roth~

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