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I Don’t Dance by Jesseca Wheaton (Blog Tour)

by Kellyn Roth |
June 23, 2018

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Title: I Don’t Dance

Author: Jesseca Wheaton

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Setting: Southern United States

Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton

Source: from author (in exchange for honest review)

Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars

I Don’t Dance by Jesseca Wheaton


Ty and Jen have been friends for nearly as long as anyone can remember. But when Ty goes off to college and leaves her behind, he has to face the reality that he cares for her as more then just a friend. 

As graduations approaches and with only one summer left before he begins basic training, Ty must make a decision. Military life is never easy; is it fair to force it on the one he loves? 

In the midst of wrestling with the question and coming to the realization that summer is quickly drawing to a close, Ty struggles to face questions he cannot answer, and is forced to examine his own heart. 

Is it possible that God has a future for him with Jen? Or will the summer close with only memories of days gone by? 

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I don’t know quite what to say about this novella. On one hand, it was a great story with good plot, characters, writing, and setting. I’ve no complaints there.

However, I just didn’t enjoy it. The characters live in a completely different world than my own – and I just couldn’t get into that world. Everything about their lives – and especially about the traditions surrounding the romance – was difficult for me to understand. It’s one of those things I respect but don’t comprehend.

You see, personally, it makes me mad to think that a guy would ask my parents for permission to date (something I don’t believe to be necessary) before even speaking of romance to me – or that my parents would keep this from me for three months. It seems to show a lack of respect for my personal opinions and ability to have original thoughts! I’d be so furious – that guy would definitely be immediately rejected! 😉

The chaperone thing drove me up the wall, too. 😛

However, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s an amazing story. If you believe dating should be courting and would like to see your own traditions represented – something which I believe doesn’t happen very often that I’ve seen – then you’ll love this novella!

PLOT: 4/5

The plot was well-designed and came together in a neat, orderly way. I felt like there was a bit of a drag in the middle – and I admit it was probably a little too slow-paced and low on “drama” (things happening, haha) for my personal taste, but it was still a great plot.


Miss Wheaton always writes amazing characters – and this book was no exception!

Mike was probably my favorite. He was a great best friend – and he was funny, too! I wouldn’t mind seeing a book about Mike, though I’m too eager to see other works by Jesseca Wheaton come out to push too hard for that. 😉

I did like Ty and Jen as well. Jen seemed quite spunky and fun; I’d like to be her friend! I think we’d get along fairly well, too. (I need to meet this fictional character!)

Ty was also a good guy. And he appreciates country music, which is always a good thing. 😛

Some of the characters in this book annoyed me – such as most of the parents and younger siblings – but that’s personal preference and me being a lot more, well, liberal in this area, haha! What’s controlling and overly protective to me is commonplace to others.


I loved the lazy feel of the Southern summer! I’ve always wanted to visit the South – though I don’t know if I want to live there – so it was definitely interesting and enjoyable to read about it!

I also LOVE LOVE LOVEDDD the country music references! I think I got most of them. Really a lot of fun. 😀


The slow-paced summer romance bled perfectly into the writing style. I’m used to seeing Miss Wheaton write historical, so this was new, but she definitely pulled it off – and well!


Language: n/a

Violence: n/a

Sexual: n/a

Other: talk about wars, going off to wars, being a soldier, etc., no details. Mentions of losing a limb and a prosthetic leg.
Perfectly clean and fine for all ages.

OVERALL: 3.5/5

Though I personally didn’t like this book, I would recommend it to any conservative Christians (more conservative than me, meaning) who enjoy summer romances and would like to see their personal style of courtship/Christian dating portrayed.

Review by Kellyn Roth of Reveries Reviews

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About the Author

Jesseca is a daughter, sister, and a child of God. Her days are spent reading, cooking, spending time with siblings, or playing piano. And writing, of course! At an early age words fascinated her, and her love for the printed page has only grown. She lives with her parents and seven siblings in the sunny state of Kansas, and she’s convinced there’s no place like home.


First Place: Paperback copy of I Don’t Dance + Scotty McCreery’s Clear as Day album (U.S. winners only)

Second place: E-book copy of I Don’t Dance + $5 Krispy Kreme Giftcard

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