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The Reluctant Godfather: Blog Tour Wrapup!

by Kellyn Roth |
July 28, 2018

The Reluctant Godfather (1)

Wow … that blog tour sure flew by!The Reluctant Godfather is officially relaunched, new cover and all! And I have still not bought a copy. *sobs* Oh well … soon!

Before you head off, let me tell you what this post is about. There’s going to be some giveaway winner announcements. There’s going to be some links to blog posts. There’s going to be a teaser for the next post at the bottom.

So no, you are not allowed to just leave. You must at least skim. I refuse to let y’all skip a post out of ignorance. ALL THE POSTS ON THIS BLOG ARE AWESOME. INCLUDING MY WRAPUP POSTS.

You can take my word for that … 


Once again, let’s talk about the book we’re featuring.

TRG, quote 2

The Reluctant Godfather by Allison Tebo

A humorous and magical re-telling of Cinderella from a unique perspective.

Burndee is a young and cantankerous fairy godfather who would rather bake cakes than help humans. A disgrace to the fairy order, Burndee has only two wards entrusted to his care…a cinder girl and a charming prince.

A royal ball presents Burndee with the brilliant solution of how to make his wards happy with the least amount of effort. He’ll arrange a meeting and hope the two fall in love.

The debut novella from Allison Tebo, ‘The Reluctant Godfather’ is a new addition to the charming fairy tale tradition of Cameron Dokey and K.M. Shea.

Buy on Amazon ~ Buy from the Author

Ebooks are not currently available from the author’s website – but you can purchase signed paperbacks from her website for a limited time price of only $9.00!

About Allison Tebo

Allison Tebo

Allison Tebo is a Christian author in her mid-twenties who loves to write fiction in every genre. It is her goal to write fiction that appeals to many different kinds of people by writing clean, classic fun. Her desire is to provide quality stories for every age to enjoy.

When she is not writing, Allison works as a sales associate for a major transportation company or might be found singing, painting, baking, or defending her championship title as Gif Master.






Alli barely needs to defend her title, though – she’s pretty much the best in the GIF business! 😉

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The (Completed) Schedule

And now I get to link to all these amazing posts by all these amazing bloggers! Please click through and give them some ❤💗💕

Sunday, July 15th:

Introduction // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries

Review // Olivia R. @ Meanwhile, in Rivendell …

Monday, July 16th:

Book Spotlight // Gabriellyn @ PageTurners

Review & Author Interview // Megan @ Counting Your Blessings One by One

Tuesday, July 17th:

Review & Author Interview // Chloe @ Purely by Faith

Wednesday, July 18th:

Author Interview // Kimia Wood Blog

Thursday, July 19th:

Book Spotlight // Serethiel @ The Book Sprite

Friday, July 20th:

Book Spotlight // Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger

Saturday, July 21st:

Author Interview & Book Spotlight // Victoria Lynn @ Ruffles and Grace

Sunday, July 22nd:

Review // Kimia Wood Blog

Monday, July 23rd:

Book Spotlight // Hannah @ H.S.J. Williams

Tuesday, July 24th:

Review // Rayleigh @ Literature Approved

Wednesday, July 25th:

Author Interview // Medomfo @ Writings From a God Girl

Thursday, July 26th:

Character Interview // Angela R. Watts @ The Peculiar Messenger

Friday, July 27th:

Review // Jessica Greyson

Review // Gracelyn Buckner @ Literatura

Saturday, July 28th:

Book Spotlight // Erika Mathews @ Resting Life

Wrapup // Kellyn Roth @ Reveries (You Are Here!)


And now, one of the coolest parts of the tour …

Giveaway Announcements!

Copy of The Reluctant Godfather (1)

First Prize:

  1.  Paperback copy of The Reluctant Godfather
  2.  Slipper of Glass – Fairy Tale Candle
  3.  Cinderella Necklace

Second Prize:

  1.  Ebook copy of The Relucant Godfather

Who won second prize?

Why, it was the wonderful …

Abigail Harder!

Who won first prize?

It was the stupendous …

Alexis Rogers!

I’ll be contacting you both momentarily with info about your prizes!


And that’s it! Thanks for hanging with me throughout the tour! Remember to grab your copy on Amazon and check out the author’s blog!

Our next post will be just for you writers – and any readers who want to know more about writing, of course. It’s going to be about whether or not you should write a sequel. Sounds interesting, right?

And no, it’s not just going to be excuses for you to write more about your beloveds. Standalones are still a thing! Really!


~Kellyn Roth~

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What are you currently reading? Did you enjoy the posts in this blog tour? Are you looking forward to the next post on this blog?

What do you think of my thoughts?

17 Responses

  1. Congratulations to the winners!!!

    Thank you so much to everyone who participated and to everyone who continues to want more Tales of Ambia! You are amazing! <3

  2. What are you currently reading? I suppose nothing at this moment, but I just finished this book called “The Walled City” by Ryan Graudin the other day…and it was very dark but awesome. 🙂

    Did you enjoy the posts in this blog tour? I only read a couple of them, but yep!

    Are you looking forward to the next post on this blog? Oooh, yes, I am! I want to see what your take on it is. And yes, standalones are a thing! Battle Song is a standalone. It’s possible that I’d write a second novel in the same world, but it would be about different characters, so I’m not even sure if that counts as a sequel. 😛 And I don’t have too many ideas for that novel right now, so it probably won’t happen.

    How is your writing going, Kell? Are you on track for Before a Fall?

    1. Ooh, cool! What was it about? *needs to read more genres*

      Same, though … I gotta catch up! It’s my job to comment on ’em!I

      That’s probably defined as a loose sequel, but I’ll give you that because if I went to all the work to develop a world I would want to stick with it. 😉 Have you found time to work on Battle Song recently?

      Pretty good! I’ve got 21k as of yesterday (not sure when I’ll write today, but we’ll see!) and so I could conceivably get to 30k by the end of the month … BUT it would seem the story might want to be more like 40k. If so … not really on track. 😛

      1. So it was based off of this actual walled city in Hong Kong…just this really tiny city that didn’t have any laws at all…but it’s not really historical. It was dark, but good! Except there was a lot of swearing. 🙁

        Haha, good luck reading & commenting on them all! You can do it! 🙂

        Yep, it’s not really a sequel. I just want to explore some of the other countries that are mentioned but aren’t actually seen. I kind of have a character, and it would be fun to incorporate another fairy tale. But I have other novel ideas that I think I’d want to work on first.

        Yep, I have time here and there to write in it! Actually, I wrote about 1.5K today in it, which was good…I’m getting closer to finishing!

        Awesome! *high fives* Haha, all of my novellas have turned out longer than I expected (I say that like I have more than two of them…), but that can be a good thing! 😉

        1. Interesting! Sounds super creative … *wonders if I should branch out or finish the books I have to review right now* xD

          Yeah, I have a bunch of “maybe try later someday???” story ideas. I need to work on other things, though, not chase those plot bunnies! *slaps hand as it slowly reaches for a random idea*

          CONGRATULATIONS! That’s great! I might have written … about 1k yesterday? Gonna try to write a ton more today to catch up. 😛

          It’s weird for me because the other novella I wrote (TLOTV) ended up being shorter than I wanted. 😝 Go figure!

          1. Haha, you should probably read the books you have to review first. 😛

            Me too! How come there are so many interesting plot bunnies? Maybe I just need to start writing faster and then I can write more of them… 😛

            Thanks! Oooh, good luck! I hope you get tons of writing done!

            Heh, stories can be weird like that…they’re not done until they decide they’re done!

            1. Yes, I probably should. *gazes longingly at the books I don’t have to read but would like to read anyway*

              RIGHT!? Sooo mannnyyyy plottttt bunnniiiieesss! *collapses under a pile of plot ideas*

              1. Hehe, this is why your TBR is so long, isn’t it? 😛

                TRUE! I just had another one on Monday…that really wants me to write it…but no. I must…keep writing…Battle Song! *dramatic music plays*

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