A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

by Kellyn Roth |
August 29, 2018

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts.

That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s a career that really fits introverts well.

However, there are some cases in which introverted writers must, well, try to be extroverted. And I know that sounds impossible, but hear me out …

It’s Hard Being an Introverted Writer

I’m an introvert who likes experience everything I do before I do it. Since this is impossible, I’m not really one for trying new things. Even when I do try something new, I want to have done my research before hand—and prepare myself mentally, especially if this “trying new things” involves dialogue.

Talking to people is hard.

This year I was given an opportunity to attend a writer’s conference. As an Indie author who is prepping to pursue traditional publication, this was a fantastic opportunity for me.

However, it was also somewhat scary. Thankfully, I had a lot of opportunities at my fingertips for learning more about this.

I was attending with a veteran friend, which was nice, and I am a proud “YDubber” (member of the Young Writer’s Workshop) who had access to several lessons on the subject and experienced mentors ready to advice.

So I did all the preparation for the event that I possibly could. I even steeled myself to possibly meet with editors or agents to give a pitch. I thought I was ready for anything!

Things Changed

At the conference, I decided to push myself one step further and make an appointment with a “mentor.”

Now, I had absolutely no idea what this was going into it. All I knew was that I had a appointment at 2:30 on Tuesday to meet with a more experienced author and … talk? About what, though? I was quite confused.

Of course, I was intensely awkward going into this conversation. Thankfully, the mentor-person (Karen Barnett) was quite understanding and sweet.

We didn’t spend the whole thirty minutes being super professional. We talked about favorite authors and genres and other things relatable to writing, which was nice.

However, I did learn glean some valuable tips from this meeting, especially as relates to attending conferences, making connections, and pursuing traditional publication. I was also given some much-needed encouragement.

It Helps To Be Extroverted Sometimes.

I won’t go into all the details of this meeting as it isn’t relevant here, but I do want to say this … almost every time I have pushed myself out of my comfort zone as an author, it has been rewarding.

I’ve learned new things.

 Become more confident.

Gained insight.

Writing is a introverted business. We outline by ourselves, draft by ourselves, edit by ourselves, blog by ourselves, and, as Indie authors, publish by ourselves!

Yes, we’ll interact with other folks on the internet, but that’s not quite the same as face-to-face … and even on the internet there are things that are difficult for us introverts!

It can be hard to introduce yourself to a new Facebook group. Maybe not after a couple times, but the first one or two? Daunting.

What if you sound painfully awkward? What if you say something wrong? What if you’re breaking the rules? What if you don’t fit in here? The questions pile up, your anxiety won’t let you answer, and you don’t do it at all.

And you miss out on that first connection.

So Push Yourself!

Look, introverted writers. I get it. I’m an introvert! But sometimes you have to make a decision as to which one is more important … your introversion or your writing?

What? you grouch. I can’t just switch my introversion off! It’s a part of me!

Well, you can’t … and you can.

I know it may seem impossible, but sometimes you need to type up something quickly and push “publish” without thinking.

Stumble into a meeting room and talk to an agent and not look back.

Bring up your writing around the family dinner table.

Maybe the first couple times you’ll have to do some prep to get to this point.

Pace up and down the room a couple times because you post on that Facebook group.

Think out carefully what you’ll need to say before talking to that agent.

Hem and haw a few times before getting to the point of things at the dinner table.

But Keep Trying!

I’m willing to bet it’ll get easier with time! After all, “practice makes perfect.” You will never stop being an introvert—and there’s nothing wrong with that!—but you will get better at doing what you need to do as an introvert.

Until then, hang in there! Being an introvert is hard when much of writing—from marketing to getting feedback to making all those important connections—is extrovert work.

However, it can be done—and you’re just the writer for the job!

Things I Need Help With

Before I go, let me bring up a couple of things I need readers, bloggers, etc. for!

Reveries Blog Tours will be hosting the last two of Faith Blum‘s Orphans of the West novels! But we need bloggers to make this happen!

Sign up here!

I already discussed this a ton in this post, so check that out if you want more details, but I need reviewers for Goldfish Secrets!

Sign up here!

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By joining the “Bloggers of Reveries” team, you are NOT committing in any way, shape, or form to participate in future blog tours. You’re just signing up for notifications!

I want in!

Subscribers to my email list now get a freebie ebook, Plot Bunny to Novel! It’s a fun little how-to guide for writers and authors of all shapes and sizes.

Join my list to get the book!

And yeah, that’s all the self promo for now. 😉


~Kellyn Roth~

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Are you introverted or extroverted? How does this affect your writing endeavors? What’s one time you’ve had to push yourself to be extroverted (if you’re introverted)?

Did you sign up for any of my links? Because there were like … ten … (I feel so awful.) (I shouldn’t have done them all at once.) (Sorry!)

What do you think of my thoughts?

22 Responses

  1. Great Post! I think i may be and ambivert, when I was little I was super brave and talked to everyone and now I feel shy and awkward all the time. I am going to sign up for one of the links!

    1. I thought I was an ambivert for a long time … turns out I’m an introvert. I was also fairly friendly and brave when I was little … don’t know what changed! Guess I just got my self-conscious! 😛

  2. Awesome post. <3
    I'm definitely an introvert, probably to a fault. But then I'm somehow also a leader. *dramatic groans* So any kind of people-activity usually ends up with me in the lead. We just take it one day at a time.

  3. I actually think I’m more extroverted than introverted, but at the same time, I get very awkward when it comes to talking to random people sometimes. So thanks for the tips! 😃

  4. Hi Kell!
    I loved you post! (I am a total introvert, but I’ve noticed that when I push myself to do something social it usually pays off)
    I tried to sign up for your Bloggers of Reveries group but every time I enter my blog url (lorettamz.com) and then hit ”subscribe to list” it brings me back to the website bar and says ‘please enter url’ Any idea what that’s all about?

    1. Thank you, Loretta! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 😀

      Yep, what Angela said! It probably wanted you to do http:// or https:// in front of lorettamz.com … it can be picky like that!

  5. I’m extremely extroverted…Well, not really. I like to think I am, but according to personality testing I’m either 51% extroverted, or 52% introverted, depending on my mood. XD But! let’s just pretend I’m an extroverted author, okay? XD

  6. I’m a serious introvert and this was such a great post Kell!
    Question: do you have to have read Faith Blums other books in the series to be apart of the tour?

    1. Hi Grace! Thank you so much! 🙂

      No, you don’t. As far as I can tell, Faith’s books are standalones within the series … or at least the ones I’ve read have been.

What do you think of my thoughts?

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