A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

2019: Year of the Relaunch

by Kellyn Roth |
September 3, 2018

It has been forever since I’ve had a post where I got to ramble about my future plans. Since I always have future plans (even though they’re not quite organized enough to be un-rambly).

So … let’s talk about 2019! I know that seems like a long ways away, but I’ve got some shocking announcements.

Okay, they’re not super shocking, but you know what? I don’t know how else to define them. So. “Shocking” works.

Redoing The Lady of the Vineyard

I’ve always meant to redo my Lady of the Vineyard series. Tighten it up, hire an editor, get nice shiny covers that portray the genre and era, be proud of it for exactly three months before I learn more writing skillz.

But now I’m making that a reality.

I’ve hired a designer to redo the whole series of covers … including making covers for a couple unpublished stories. There will be a total of five books when I’m done.

What are those books?

These books are …

The Lady of the Vineyard

Y’all know this one. I’ll be doing some basic edits be relaunchingΒ (just to smooth up the writing style), but nothing super major. The story will stay the same.

I hope to add a few thousand words to it. If I could get it to a 20K novella, that’d be super nice.

Flowers in Her Heart

This will be Flowers only with a bit of polishing! I want to add some extra details as with The Lady of the Vineyard. Hopefully it’ll come out to almost 20K (which means double what it is now), though we’ll see.

From Now ‘Til Forever

This is a book I haven’t talked about yet, but I’m hoping for it to be about 20K once again. It’s about Troy during WW2. And I’m not sure what all else. (I’m outlining.)

Goldfish Secrets

Nothin’ changin’ except the cover.Β πŸ˜‰

And … a prequel collection!

Three stories. One about Troy’s childhood, one about Adele’s childhood, and one about Adele’s young adulthood/meeting Troy/early on in their relationship.

Fun, right?

(2023 Kell Edit: this ^ became Souls Astray which became book 1!)

So … are you relaunching the series? When?

Yes, ma’am! We’re relaunching next year – exact time to be determined – and it’s gonna be AWESOME.

(And yes, I’ll hopefully be launching the new titles at the same time, so there’ll be some brand new plots along with the rehashed series. 😝)

Which brings me to another thing about this relaunch TLOTV …

New Series Name!

The series will now be “Kees & Colliers.” Yay!

So how does this affect the current launch?

It … doesn’t.

Goldfish Secrets will have NO changes whatsoever, and I’m thinking most of the padding for Flowers (or rather Flowers in Her Heart) will be backstory – plot won’t change, only it’ll hopefully be a bit richer.

So … for now, I’m going to continue with our regularly scheduled programming. Super excited for the launch & the ARC team!

The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy Stuff

I’m doing some minor edits on The Dressmaker’s Secret (typos, consistency, etc.) and updating blurbs, basically. However, it’s not a big deal and won’t require a relaunch.

But mostly, in 2019:

I’ll be focusing on …

  1. Marketing the books I have out.
  2. Writing new books.

My plan is to write at least five complete novels during the year of 2019. Not to mention short stories, novellas, etc.

Do you remember eons ago when I said I wanted to get out of the 1800s by 2020? (That post is ancient and ugly.) Well, that plan sort of still stands.

Also, a fun quote from that old post:

I totally expect to be married and on my second kid by that time [at age 21].”

Only four years to go now. I’d better meet a guy and get married in a hurry.Β πŸ˜‚

[Edit from 2023 Kell: married … and dealing with unexplained infertility. 50/50?]

These last few months of 2018, I’ll be …

  1. Publishing Beyond Her Calling.

    1. In October!
    2. Yay!
    3. This also means editing and whatnot.
  2. Lottttssss of outlining/planning!

    1. Must … prepare … for 2019 …
  3. NaNo? But I don’t know what yet?

    1. I really need to plan better.
  4. Other stuff unrelated to writing.

    1. #AWANAs
    2. #5DayWorkWeek
    3. #PossibleShakespeareClub
    4. #ReadingReadingReading
    5. #ReviewingReviewingReviewing
    6. #SomeOnlineSchoolMaybe?
    7. #PreparingtoSubmittoAgents
    8. #OtherStuff

And … that’s about it!


~Kellyn Roth~


Well … what do you think? Does this sound exciting or boring? What all will you being doing for the rest of 2018? How’s your school-year looking?

What do you think of my thoughts?

17 Responses

  1. I’m looking forward to seeing the covers! πŸ˜ƒ Can you share who’s doing them? (I love seeing cover designers 😜)

  2. Well since I’m not going to my creative writing class since it was cancelled, I guess for the rest of the year I will just catch up on reading and writing and maybe do some art projects and blogging. I signed up to do bookish Blogoween with some other bloggers and maybe Blogmas too so I’m excited about that at least. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m so excited for Beyond Her Calling to come out! I am about half way done beta reading it, and I love it!
    Sorry it’s taken me so long to start reading. The week I got the book was also the week I moved and started my freshman year of college. πŸ˜€ In better news, I’ve read that half in only one day, which means the book is incredible!

    1. That’s amazing! πŸ˜€ I’m super honored that you got through half in a day! *blinks* That’s awesome! πŸ™‚ No worries … the deadline isn’t until next Wednesday, so I hope you’ll be able to finish up by then! Even if not, don’t worry about it. πŸ™‚

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