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Goldfish Secrets Is Launched! (+announcements)

by Kellyn Roth |
September 10, 2018

Guess what? Goldfish Secrets is officially launched! You can now purchase it on the following online stores.

So what? say you. Well, there’s a giveaway that everyone can enter, and of course y’all should just be glad that I published a new novel. *gives you a weird look* *because you obviously don’t care about me*

Now, I’ve also got three important announcements. So hang tight for those, y’all. It’s going to be a packed but brief post!

Let’s just start with the thing I know you’re waiting for.


Exciting, right? I can’t wait to see who wins!

*squealing because even though it’s a short story, Goldfish Secrets is so cute, and I’m excited for people to read it!*

And here are some announcements …


I’m actually writing three novellas and a short story for NaNoWriMo … and not at all in the traditional sense. Whoops?

This is the first time I have not written a complete novel during November in the traditional sense since 2015! Crazy, right?

I wrote The Dressmaker’s Secret in November 2014.

Ivy Introspective in November 2015.

At Her Fingertips in November 2016.

Beyond Her Calling in November 2017.

The most logical step would be to write Alice Unanswered (Book 5 of The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy) in November 2018! But I’m not going to do that.

In November 2018, I’m going to go for more in a month than I have ever written … 100,000 words!

Here’s how it plays out:

SOULS ASTRAY (prequel): 30,000 words

THE LADY OF THE VINEYARD (rewrite): 30,000 words

FLOWERS IN HER HEART (rewrite): 30,000 words

FROM NOW ‘TIL FOREVER: 10,000 words

The Lady of the Vineyard and Flowers in Her Heart will be rewrites, as I noted, but with a great deal added to them (getting those word counts from 15K/10K to 30K will be interesting!).

So no … this year I am not doing traditional NaNo! But I’m doing something better – making progress in my goals.

Second, I’ve almost decided what to write next year!

I announced that I’m writing 5 books next year, but which shall they be? I’m almost 100% sure now!

  1. Sail Away

    1. The romance of Cassie O’Connell, Alice’s best friend.
  2. Water Against the Rocks

    1. Set in my hometown, this is the story of Zion Oglivy and Linda Anderson.
    2. Zion needs somewhere to leave his daughter with until the war’s over. Linda seems the best candidate, but she hates him. What could possibly go wrong?
  3. Word of Honor

    1. Post-WW2 romance set in Ohio.
    2. He made a promise to her husband in the middle of a battlefield to take care of her. She’s determined to keep her independence.
  4. Alone in Berlin

    1. Two Nazis commit suicide in imitation of their beloved Führer. Their daughter escapes this fate … but now she’s alone in Berlin.
    2. Now that the war is over, Em and Clay just want to get married, but they’re stuck in Germany until further notice. #patienceisavirtue
  5. All Made New

    1. Kirk Manning’s romance! Yay!
    2. He doesn’t believe he can love again. She knows she can’t leave her family. Can anything come of their friendship?

Sail Away, front cover, work-in-progressWater Against the Rocks, front cover, work-in-progressAlone in Berlin, front cover, work-in-progress

Made all of those myself, though now I’m tempted to redo them. 😛

Third and finally, I’m putting together a new team of creative to help Indie authors … Reveries Co.!

If you’re a graphic designer, editor, blog expert, proofreader, etc., consider commenting below and asking for more info! I’m assembling our team now, and we’re open for applications.

This is a big undertaking, and we’re already working with many amazing freelancers! Super excited to share more details!



~Kellyn Roth~

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Did you enter the Goldfish Secrets giveaway? Which of these announcements are you most excited for? Are you glad there’s going to be more Troy, Adele, and Judy? Which of the 2019 novels do you think looks most interesting? What did you think of the covers? Do you want to hear more about Reveries Co.?

What do you think of my thoughts?

64 Responses

  1. YAY! Congrats on Goldfish Secret’s launch! I’m definitely entering.
    (I think Reverie Co. sounds really neat, though I don’t really specialize in graphic design or editing or anything so I don’t know if I’d be able to join it 😉 )

  2. Wow! Congratulations! And your camp Nano goals sound great! I LOVE THAT FIRST COVER! Your covers are amazing!!! I’m not a expert at graphic design, but I am interested in graphic designs… I’d love to hear more about what your team is starting up, although I’m probably not ready to do anything professional. 🙂
    Great post!

    1. I know! Great but overwhelming. 😉 Aww, I’m so glad you liked them! I worked hard on them … well, some of them … *glares at the ones that aren’t as pretty*

      If you’d like, I could send you an email with our little “employee packet” which details what all we’re up to. 🙂

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Another release is awesome!!!!! YAY!!!! 😄😄🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  4. It sounds like you have a lot of exciting projects in the making! And congrats on your most recent release!
    I do copy editing, and your Reveries Co. has piqued my interest! I’d love to have more information.

  5. I’m getting to my review. *cries* Would not this coming Saturday, but the Saturday after be too late? Also, I’m an editor, graphic designer, and proofreader, and wouldn’t mind being on your team, if I fit into your company. XD It would be fun, and hard work, and I need both, right?

          1. Yeah so far its way better than algebra. Its really easy right now too but that could also just be because I only started school a little over a week ago…

              1. Yeah so far all it’s been is about lines, planes, and points, and only like two three minute videos and maybe a couple paragraphs each lesson.

  6. Amazing post!! 😀 Congratulations on publishing! I love those covers! I can’t wait to learn more about those books!
    Okay. Hmm. I want more info on Reveries Co. Does a professional (haha, not really) beta-reader count as a editor or proofreader?? 😉

    1. CASSIE IS FANTASTIC! I’m so glad you like it! 😀

      LOL, no, we don’t know her. I can see why you’d think that … but no. Kirk needs a gal who can stand up for herself. Though his love interest introduced during Sail Away, haha. 😉

  7. Alone in Berlin and All Made New sound the most exciting! I’d like to know more about Reveries Co.. I probably won’t be able to make any commitments, but maybe …? There’s no chance if I don’t get more information, anyway. 😉

    P.S. I will get to Goldfish Secrets … soon. Unfortunately, I have to read it before I can review it. But I promise I haven’t forgotten about it!

    1. Yes, those ones are some of my favorites! 😀 I’m particularly excited for Alone in Berlin. And I went ahead and sent you an email with the info.

      And no worries if you don’t get to Goldfish Secrets too soon … it’s all right!

  8. Congratulations on your new book! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful giveaway.
    These books look so good too!


    Also the giveaway looks fabulous, but, sadly, I missed it. Oh well, I’ll survive. 😛

    Which of these announcements are you most excited for? As excited as I am about Goldfish Secrets, I think I’m most excited to see your NaNo plans and the books for 2019! They all sound great!

    Are you glad there’s going to be more Troy, Adele, and Judy? Yes! I definitely want to see an extension of these novellas; that will be awesome. Although 100K is quite the goal! (Also, I’m assuming Flowers in Her Heart is the same as Flowers?) ALSO. What is Souls Astray and From Now Til’ Forever? I’m very curious!

    Which of the 2019 novels do you think looks most interesting? Word of Honor! 😀 The others sound great, too, but that one just makes me super excited to read it!

    What did you think of the covers? They’re fun! I like the photo manipulation on Word of Honor. 🙂

    Do you want to hear more about Reveries Co.? I do! Not that I’m that great of a graphic designer, nor do I have the time to even participate (college is crazy), but I do want to hear more about it, haha.

    Also, are you going to be working on The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy at all next year–revising Beyond Her Calling or writing Alice Unanswered, or is that all being saved until the year afterward?

    1. DANG THAT GIVEAWAY. *growls* It wasn’t supposed to end until the 15th! Well, I extended it until then now.

      I’m also probably a bit more excited for NaNo and whatnot, haha.

      Yes, “Flowers in Her Heart” will be the new “Flowers”! 😀 Souls Astray is a prequel which shows Adele and Troy’s childhoods and young-adulthoods, and From Now ‘Til Forever is going to be after Flowers/Flowers in Her Heart!

      I’m excited for Word of Honor, too! That was the one I was working on most recently, so it’s fresh on my mind. 🙂 AND YES! That cover had all the right photos! 😛

      I’ll send you the packet just for kicks, lol. Though if you ever do want to be a part of it, you’re welcome! 🙂

      Oh, how’s college going!?!

      I’m publishing Beyond Her Calling in October, and then … I don’t know! I might save all the Chronicles of Alice and Ivy for 2020 … hmm.

  10. I have to say ALL the books look amazing, and I am always a huge fan of historical fiction. I have not yet read any of them, so I can’t say I know who the characters are, but I am sure once I read them I will be ready for more 🙂 The covers are wonderful! I love how the Goldfish Secret cover is stark and black other than the writing – it conveys the sense of something being hidden behind. I can’t wait to read all of them!!! Thanks for letting me enter 🙂 Erika Messer, hopefuldelights1 (at) yahoo (dot) com.

    1. Aww, thanks, Erika! 😀 I’m a huge fan of historical fiction myself (obviously). And I’m glad you like the Goldfish Secrets cover! I was one of the designer (Aesthetically Design)’s first customers, and she is quite awesome! 😀

  11. Woohoo! Congratulations on your launch, Kellyn! (And you’re almost to 1k followers — that’s awesome!)

    Well, some of my friends have been talking about Reveries Co., said I’d be good for it, and insisted I ask you for information about it. XD Would you mind sending me an email?

    Congratulations again on your launch — and man, five books next year? I thought my goal of one book a year was fast! You’re doing so amazing!

    1. Thanks, Madi! I know – super exciting! 😀

      Okay, sure! I sent the info your way. Let me know if I sent it to the wrong email or something. 😉

      Thanks! And yeah, I think it’ll work out. I can usually write a book in a month with NaNo so this is just like … continual NaNo?

What do you think of my thoughts?

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